Make sense of your marketing with the 101 Guide to Marketing Attribution

This comprehensive guide deep dives into the state of marketing attribution, why it's important, the types of attribution models, and more.

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Every marketer measures the impact of their activity but do they truly know the effectiveness of their activity and advertising spend? For the majority of marketers, the overwhelming answer is no. On average, marketers estimate they waste over one quarter of their budget (26%) on ineffective channels and strategies, according to a study by Rakuten.

Though marketing attribution may seem like a difficult task, in a world where ROI is king, accurate marketing attribution needs to be at the forefront of every marketer’s mind to maximize the efficiency of their activity in 2023.

This guide deep dives into how marketers are successfully moving the needle and implementing true multi-touch algorithmic attribution to measure and optimize their activity.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make sense of your marketing attribution and get to value quickly with our easy-to-follow guide. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download the 101 Guide to Marketing Attribution from Snowplow.

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Digital Marketing Depot
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