Pitch to speak at SMX Create!

We’re looking for a few skilled search marketers who specialize in content and creative.

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SMX Create logo with magnifying glass and tagline "obsessed with Search Marketing"

In two weeks, we’ll be hosting our first SMX Report event. The response has been amazing to this single day virtual event. SMX Report features both SEO and PPC learning journeys through the different aspects of reporting and measurement. We plan to keep the momentum going with the next event in this series, SMX Create, featuring a SEO and PPC learning journey on all things copy and creative.

That’s where you, our loyal readers, come in. We’re looking for search marketers who have a depth of understanding, experience and examples on the following topics:


  • Content planning and strategy
  • Writing for SEO
  • Writing for different mediums
  • Structuring content
  • Optimizing your content
  • Analyzing success


  • Account structure
  • Writing ad copy
  • Implementing ads on different platforms
  • Ad design – color, images, layout
  • Landing page design
  • Goals for your advertising programs and analyzing results

If you specialize in these areas and want to speak, please submit a pitch on one of these topics right away. The deadline for SMX Create pitches is February 26th!

Here are a few tips for submitting a compelling session proposal:

  • Present an original idea and/or unique session format.
  • Include details about what an attendees will be able to do better or differently as a result of attending your session.
  • Include a case study or specific examples and explain how they can be applied in different types of organizations.
  • Be realistic about what you can present in the time allotted. You can’t cover everything about your topic. Going more in-depth on a narrow topic is often more valuable to the attendee.
  • Provide tangible takeaways and a plan of action.

Jump over to this page for more details on how to submit a session idea, or directly to this page to create your profile and submit a session pitch.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected]. I’m looking forward to reading your proposals!

About the author

Kathy Bushman
Kathy is the director of event content at Third Door Media. She has more than 25 years of experience in marketing communications, event management and marketing training. Formerly, Kathy was the director of content and training for the Digital Summit series of events where she oversaw the content development and quality of more than 20 events a year. Prior to that she was the director of training for MarketingProfs where she worked on live events, virtual events and developed marketing training programs using instructional design techniques and adult learning theory. She has also worked on industry events for other companies including the Direct Marketing Association and Penton Media.

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