TikTok introduces Attribution Manager with flexible windows

Advertisers will have the ability to choose longer windows that are more in line with their conversion goals.

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To provide more flexibility in advertisers’ goals, strategies, and conversion journeys, TikTok is introducing a flexible Attribution Manager. The new feature enables users to set custom attribution windows on the TikTok Ads Manager. 

Why the change. TikTok realizes that every advertiser is different in regard to the actions their target market takes after clicking an ad. If the goal is brand awareness, a click or like is a sufficient objective. However, if the advertiser is selling a service or high-ticket item, the conversion journey looks different and can often take longer. 

New options. The original and default attribution windows are set to 7-day click and 1-day view. This means that potential customers have 1 day to convert after an ad is viewed, or 7 days after the ad is clicked. 

The new options available for advertisers are: 

  • Click-through (CTA): 1, 7, 14, 28 day
  • View-through (VTA): off, 1 and 7 day

Best practices. To get the most out of the new attribution windows, you’ll need to consider who your customer is, what your conversion goal is, and how long they take to perform the primary action. 

For retail brands running a seasonal campaign or flash sale, a 7-day click or 1-day view is sufficient. However, for a high-ticket item, or a product that takes more consideration such as purchasing insurance or comparing laptop models, a longer attribution model is suggested. 


Who gets it. The TikTok Attribution Manager is available to advertisers who run campaigns using the TikTok Pixel or Events API. 

What TikTok has to say. You can read the announcement on the TikTok blog here.

Why we care. This is a necessary update from TikTok, as most ad platforms have flexible attribution windows already. Advertisers are likely familiar with how they work, but if you use TikTok ads, be sure you have the pixel installed so you can track your conversions and take advantage of this new update. 

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About the author

Nicole Farley
Nicole Farley is the founder of Web Sprout, an inbound marketing agency. She formerly was PPC Editor for Search Engine Land (from 2022-2023), covering paid search, paid social, Google Analytics and more. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.

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