Twitter Hits 100 Million ‘Active’ Users

Started just 5 years ago, Twitter announced today at the “State of the Union” that they have officially reached their 100 millionth ‘active’ user.  Of the active users, 55% use Twitter on their mobile devices.  Each month over 400 million unique visitors use alone.  Today Twitter is posting a billion tweets every five days, about […]

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Started just 5 years ago, Twitter announced today at the “State of the Union” that they have officially reached their 100 millionth ‘active’ user.  Of the active users, 55% use Twitter on their mobile devices.  Each month over 400 million unique visitors use alone.  Today Twitter is posting a billion tweets every five days, about 8,900 per second.
Twitter Logo
Out of these 100 Million users, more than half log in to Twitter daily to use the service. Also, while  many people use the service, not all actually tweet.  40% of all of the active users simply use Twitter to follow others.

Want a trip back down memory lane?  Here is Jack Dorsey’s first tweet when he was reaching just 7 followers over 5 years ago.

1st Tweet

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides digital marketing and web development. He is a co-host of Marketing O'Clock and has been in the digital marketing industry for nearly 20 years. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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