Twitter Rolling Out New Features To Highlight Activities & Interactions

When you typically think Twitter, you probably think about text based 140 character updates.  New improvements being rolled out geared towards spotlighting user activities and interactions may change this perception.  These very visual changes are very “Facebook-esque” in their appearance and could be very appealing to new, less-savvy users. The most dramatic change is a new “Activity” tab […]

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When you typically think Twitter, you probably think about text based 140 character updates.  New improvements being rolled out geared towards spotlighting user activities and interactions may change this perception.  These very visual changes are very “Facebook-esque” in their appearance and could be very appealing to new, less-savvy users.

The most dramatic change is a new “Activity” tab that shows who your network started following, what they favorited and their retweets.  This tab also has some interactivity as the example shared has the ability to follow users right from the activity panel:

Twitter Activity

In addition to seeing the activities of those that you follow Twitter will be highlighting interactions that users are having with their account.  This functionality will appear as a new tab with the title @username.  Information that will be included on this tab include Tweets of yours that were favorited, retweeted, Tweets directed to you and recent followers:

Twitter Name Page

The most common gripe from people who just don’t get Twitter is that it is simply too confusing.  While I probably won’t be using these tabs much, I do believe that these enhancements will do well in simplifying the service for new users.

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About the author

Greg Finn
Greg Finn is the Director of Marketing for Cypress North, a company that provides digital marketing and web development. He is a co-host of Marketing O'Clock and has been in the digital marketing industry for nearly 20 years. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

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