What top SEOs are telling their clients now [Video]

SEO is a long-term game, so it's important to balance short-term strategy shifts with maintaining the momentum you've already built, experts say in this clip from Live with Search Engine Land.

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The COVID-19 crisis has been crippling for many businesses while driving up traffic in select sectors, and agency SEOs are stepping up to advise their clients when so much is still uncertain.

“The range is enormous: from spikes of 433% growth in year-over-year traffic to drops of over 56%,” Merkle’s Alexis Sanders said about the changes some of her agency’s clients are experiencing.

“Some clients have a harder time figuring out how they can adapt to this online version of their business,” said Pedro Dias of APIs3, “For example, I have a car manufacturer client that found that people don’t buy cars online … So, we are trying to find ways for them, because they are like, ‘Okay, customers might not buy a car, but they can buy parts of a car,’ so the parts store still works and the car part doesn’t work as well.”

Watch the clip above from our first Live with Search Engine Land session to hear about how Dias, Sanders and Path Interactive’s Lily Ray are adapting to their clients’ new needs while maintaining the momentum they’ve worked so hard to build before the pandemic.

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About the author

Henry Powderly
Henry Powderly was vice president of content for Third Door Media, publishers of Search Engine Land and MarTech. With more than a decade in editorial leadership positions, he was responsible for content strategy and event programming for the organization.

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