You can now link Google Analytics 4 to Google Search Console

The ability to associate GA4 and GSC properties gives SEOs more time to assess GA4’s capabilities ahead of the eventual deprecation of Universal Analytics.

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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Search Console (GSC) properties can now be linked, Google announced Wednesday via the Google Search Central Twitter account.

Note: This announcement pertains to GA4. In Universal Analytics, this capability has been available for years.

Why we care

Associating your GA4 and GSC properties expands your ability to analyze search traffic and enables you to directly compare search data with site analytics, which can help you get a better view of the user’s journey and identify correlations.

Universal Analytics and GA4 have existed alongside one another since the latter was launched in October 2020. Google has not announced when it will stop supporting Universal Analytics, but when it does, marketers will be forced on to GA4. Rolling out this association now — well ahead of the eventual deprecation of Universal Analytics (which SEOs overwhelmingly prefer at this point) — will also give us more time to explore GA4’s capabilities, which may help facilitate the transition.

More Google Analytics 4 resources

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About the author

George Nguyen
George Nguyen is the Director of SEO Editorial at Wix, where he manages the Wix SEO Learning Hub. His career is focused on disseminating best practices and reducing misinformation in search. George formerly served as an editor for Search Engine Land, covering organic and paid search.

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