✨ #GGGI Director-General Sang-Hyup Kim welcomed Robyn McGuckin, Executive Director of Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G Partnerships), for a discussion on our shared vision and collaboration opportunities ahead of the upcoming P4G Hanoi Summit.
Under the theme "Global Partnership for Green Sustainability: Inclusion, Innovation, Responsible Actions," the summit will bring together global leaders, experts, businesses, and civil society to share insights, showcase innovations, and drive actionable strategies to accelerate climate finance and climate startups.
GGGI is excited to join the P4G Pitch Day on April 15, where four energy efficiency cohort companies from GGGI’s Greenpreneurs Program – recommended by GGGI- will come and present their climate solutions. Director-General Sang-Hyup Kim will also serve as a panelist for a Pitch Day morning panel session, providing insights on effective strategies for public-private collaboration that support climate startups and entrepreneur ecosystems.
This will be an exciting space to foster collaboration, share best practices, and explore strategies to scale up climate businesses and mobilize private sector investment for a just and sustainable transition.
GGGI looks forward to working closely with P4G and contributing to impactful #partnerships for a greener, more sustainable, and inclusive future. See you soon in Hanoi, Vietnam! 💚
#P4GHanoiSummit #ClimateFinance #GreenGrowth #ClimateAction