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    These priorities aim to accelerate the green transition, boost technological innovation, bolster security and defence, support regional cohesion and social infrastructure development. Our commitment to international development and capital markets integration safeguards Europe’s strong global presence. Our priorities boost growth, prosperity, technological and social progress in individual member states, across the whole EU and around the world.

    Citizens and businesses expect Europe to support investments for the future, that improve their lives, reinforce their security and offer new opportunities. The EIB Group's Strategic Roadmap will help to do just that.
    EIB President Nadia Calviño

    Consolidate our role as the EU climate bank

    Climate action is our top priority. We are investing in the breakthrough technologies that will lead to a net-zero economy. And we are scaling up solar and wind power to make the green transition affordable. Over 50% of our investment is in the green transition. We mobilise private finance to ensure a green transition that benefits citizens, businesses and investors.

    Accelerate digitalisation and technological innovation

    Cutting-edge technologies are essential to Europe's future. We invest in the European Union's global technological leadership in cleantech and health. Our investments bolster Europe's strategic autonomy in net-zero technologies, chips, artificial intelligence, life sciences, new materials, and critical raw materials.

    Increase investment in Europe's security and defence

    Europe needs a strong security and defence industry. The EIB Group invests in Europe’s peace and security, and supports the Strategic European Security Initiative.

    A modern cohesion policy

    Social and territorial cohesion is one of the key principles of the European Union. Talent is equally distributed throughout Europe, but opportunity is not. We support investment in less-advanced EU regions to close gaps in prosperity. We ensure that cohesion goes along with climate and competitiveness in a successful green transition.

    Support innovative financing for agriculture and bioeconomy

    Farmers face the challenges of climate change and, with many growing old, a generational shift. Our innovative financing for agriculture and bioeconomy includes de-risking schemes for this key area of the European economy. We back innovative projects that respect traditions and boost profitability.

    Reinforce Europe's social infrastructure

    Affordable and sustainable housing, excellent education, and state-of-the-art healthcare are at the heart of our societies and our welfare. We invest in places to live, to learn new skills, to care for the sick and the elderly. This infrastructure sets the foundation for inclusive and sustainable growth across Europe.

    Promote high-impact investment beyond the European Union

    Our investments today shape the new global order. We are committed to rebuilding Ukraine and restoring its economy. We back projects in the EU neighbourhood and support a successful EU enlargement process. Around the world, our work promotes the EU’s Global Gateway initiative, delivering on climate action and the UN sustainable development goals.

    Pioneer financial instruments for the Capital Markets Union

    The European Investment Bank is a bridge between capital markets and the real economy. We pioneer EU-wide financial instruments that will be the building blocks of a true capital markets union to finance European tech champions, innovators, unicorns and smaller banks.
