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    We have been measuring and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions since 2007. We sort waste, recycle and reduce plastic usage, among other activities. 

    The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) helps us to manage the environmental impacts resulting from our daily work.

    What is EMAS?

    EMAS is a management instrument developed by the European Commission for companies and other organisations to manage their environmental performance.

    Since 2019, we successfully implemented an Environmental Management System in accordance with the EMAS Regulation.

    EMAS and its four key principles: Plan, Do, Check and Act, help us to get an overview of what each part of our organisation is doing to become more sustainable.


    EMAS Environmental Policy

    The EMAS Environmental Policy is a framework for environmental action, objectives and goals for our internal activities. The policy includes the following objectives:

    • Legal compliance
    • Reduction of CO2 emissions
    • Prevention of pollution
    • Sustainable procurement
    • Reducing environmental, health and safety hazards
    • Transparency and communication with staff
    • Continual improvement

    Environmental Statement

    We have been measuring, managing and reporting our environmental impact (energy, waste, water use etc.) and actions to reduce them.

      Download our latest Environmental Statement.

    The annual EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report contains data on GHG emissions from our internal operations since 2007. 

    EMAS highlights


    To request further information about EMAS@EIB or to provide feedback and suggestions:  
