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    Advisory services

    The EIB offers a large range of advisory services that embrace all stages of the project cycle and beyond, to make investment projects happen inside the European Union and worldwide.

    Our services are available for public and private project promoters. We support project development and public authorities, we improve access to finance and the business environment in general.

    We conduct market and sector studies to understand the needs of various industries and regions, and we help clients conceive their strategy and hone their skills, sharing our know-how and experience so that they can ultimately manage projects on their own. Our support also guides projects through the steps needed to secure financing, mobilising where necessary complex or ad-hoc financial solutions.

    We deliver independent advice, using the lessons we learned from working in a wide range of geographies and sectors. Our services can complement the EIB’s financial products, but they can also be offered independently of any financing.

    The InvestEU Advisory Hub acts as the single entry point for project promoters and intermediaries seeking advisory support, capacity building, and technical assistance related to centrally managed EU investment funds.

    We offer sector studies that allow clients to determine specific market gaps that need to be addressed, while various funding mechanisms like financial instruments (or investment/advisory platforms) can help raise money. A detailed assessment of client needs increases potential impact, whether it be for infrastructure or efforts to mitigate climate change. The process of putting together an assessment also educates project private or public promoters on potential funding strategies to use in the future.

    Overall, our assistance makes the best use of EU and public funds by fostering the creation of sound financial instruments that will allow, within specific sectors or geographies, to do more investment projects with less public money (via a multiplier and a revolving effect).

    We support projects that focus on innovation, environmental and social sustainability, climate impact and circularity.

    Who is eligible

    • European Commission
    • EU Member States and national/regional ministries
    • Managing authorities of EU Member States
    • National promotional banks
    • Private-sector companies (including small and medium-sized businesses)
    • Professional and industry networks
    • Partner organisations outside the European Union

    Our advisory services for market development

    Financial instruments
    • fi-compass is a platform on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). fi-compass is provided by the European Commission in partnership with the EIB.
    • Bilateral financial instruments support is a set of tailored services provided on the basis of specific needs that can be addressed via financial instruments, an investment or an advisory platform.
    EU-funded projects
    Public-private partnerships
    • EPEC, the European PPP Expertise Centre supports the public sector across Europe in delivering better public-private partnerships (PPPs).
    Assistance outside the European Union

    We provide advisory services and technical assistance outside the European Union (all along the project cycle, i.e. from project preparation to project implementation) in relation to a wide range of different sectors and geographies drawing on various funding sources such as:

    We also manage technical assistance programmes outside the EU aimed at building capacity of financial intermediaries, microfinance institutions and final beneficiaries with the objective to improve financial inclusion and SME banking, targeting in particular segments that traditionally have been excluded from financial services (e.g. refugees).

    Southern neighbourhood and Western Balkans

    Our activities range from preparation and implementation support, to financial structuring, impact assessment or advice on procurement and regulation. Our support increases a project’s overall impact, whether it to be to improve quality of life or to prepare for future challenges like climate change. Our expertise improves the promoter’s knowhow and allows government agencies and private companies to implement future projects effectively without outside help.

    We support projects that focus on innovation, environmental and social sustainability, climate impact.

    Who is eligible

    • EU Member States and national/regional ministries
    • Managing authorities of EU Member States
    • Ministries for countries outside the European Union
    • National promotional banks
    • Private-sector companies (including small and medium-sized businesses)
    • Partner organisations outside the European Union
    • Financial intermediaries and final beneficiaries

    Our advisory services for project development

    EU-funded projects
    • JASPERS focuses on large projects in cohesion regions. A project’s total cost should exceed €50 million for environmental projects and €75 million for transport or other sectors.
    • Project Advisory Support Service Agreements (PASSA) boost the implementation of EU-funded projects by combining the knowledge of EIB staff and third-party consultants.
    • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.
    Public-private partnerships
    • EPEC, the European PPP Expertise Centre supports the public sector across Europe in delivering better public-private partnerships (PPPs).
    Energy efficiency
    • ELENA is a facility supporting local authorities in the delivery of their energy efficiency projects via a team of experts (engineers and economists) with extensive experience in the transport and energy sector.
    • NER 300 financial advisory provides financial advice to innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects within the European Union, with an objective of helping these projects become bankable.
    • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.
    Assistance outside the European Union

    We provide advisory services and technical assistance around the world (all along the project cycle, i.e. from project preparation to project implementation) in relation to a wide range of different sectors and geographies drawing on various funding sources such as:

    We also manage technical assistance programmes aimed at building capacity of financial intermediaries, microfinance institutions and final beneficiaries with the objective to improve financial inclusion and SME banking, targeting in particular segments that traditionally have been excluded from financial services (e.g. refugees).

    Southern neighbourhood and Western Balkans
    Eastern neighbourhood
    • EPIC offers Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine free advisory support and technical assistance to improve transport connections.

    Our support takes many forms, such as campaigns to raise awareness about different funding options (financial instruments and investment platforms, in particular), strategies for designing a specific investment programme and help building up local teams’ skills. We enhance the competencies of promoters and beneficiaries, enabling them to embark on projects independently in the future.

    We support projects that focus on innovation, environmental and social sustainability, climate impact and circularity.

    Who is eligible

    • European Commission
    • EU Member States and national/regional ministries
    • Managing authorities of EU Member States
    • Ministries for countries outside the European Union
    • National promotional banks (particularly small ones)
    • Private-sector companies (including small and medium-sized businesses)
    • Partner organisations outside the European Union
    • Financial intermediaries and final beneficiaries

    Our advisory services for strategic development

    Financial instruments
    • fi-compass is a platform on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). fi-compass is provided by the European Commission in partnership with the EIB.
    EU-funded projects
    • JASPERS focuses on large projects in cohesion regions. A project’s total cost should exceed €50 million for environmental projects and €75 million for transport or other sectors.
    • Project Advisory Support Service Agreements (PASSA) boost the implementation of EU-funded projects by combining the knowledge of EIB staff and third-party consultants.
    • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.
    Public-private partnerships
    • EPEC, the European PPP Expertise Centre supports the public sector across Europe in delivering better public-private partnerships (PPPs).
    Energy efficiency
    • ELENA is a facility supporting local authorities in the delivery of their energy efficiency projects via a team of experts (engineers and economists) with extensive experience in the transport and energy sector.
    • NER 300 financial advisory provides financial advice to innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects within the European Union, with an objective of helping these projects become bankable.
    • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.
    Assistance outside the European Union

    We provide advisory services and technical assistance around the world (all along the project cycle, i.e. from project preparation to project implementation) in relation to a wide range of different sectors and geographies drawing on various funding sources such as:

    We also manage technical assistance programmes aimed at building capacity of financial intermediaries, microfinance institutions and final beneficiaries with the objective to improve financial inclusion and SME banking, targeting in particular segments that traditionally have been excluded from financial services (e.g. refugees).

    Southern neighbourhood and Western Balkans
    Eastern neighbourhood
    • EPIC offers Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine free advisory support and technical assistance to improve transport connections.

    Looking for a single access to our advisory services?

    The InvestEU Advisory Hub is the first point of contact for information on our advisory services within the EU.

    Contact us

    Contact the Information Desk for enquiries regarding the financing and advisory facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB.

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    Our products and services

    We improve the lives of citizens in the EU and beyond. We support small businesses, while enhancing climate action and innovation. We also focus on energy transition and urban sustainability. We create prosperity for all EU regions, so that they reach their full potential.
