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    The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. We are one of the biggest multilateral financial institutions in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance.

    EIB at a glance

    Discover the role of the EIB, its priorities and key dates and figures

    Governance & structure

    Find out more about our decision-making structure, processes, and associated controls

    Corporate responsibility

    Read about our commitment to sustainable development, the foundation of our business model

    Transparency & access to information

    Find out how we listen to citizens when they need information or have concerns about EIB projects, policy or activities

    In focus

    Our priorities

    Through our activities, we aim to accelerate the green transition, boost technological innovation, bolster security and defence, support regional cohesion and social infrastructure development. Our commitment to international development and capital markets integration safeguards Europe’s strong global presence. Our priorities boost growth, prosperity, technological and social progress in individual member states, across the whole EU and around the world.
