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    The EIB puts sustainability at the heart of its activities. Having financed thousands of investment projects in Europe and beyond since 1958, the EIB’s ultimate objectives are to improve people’s lives by promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union and around the world.

    Our commitment to sustainability applies to all our priority areas. Our sense of corporate responsibility is reflected by our support for the creation of a sustainable and inclusive economy without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    The EIB is fully convinced that the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals are essential for a safe and secure future that brings prosperity, inclusiveness and human rights for all. We are committed to undertaking the efforts required both in our organisation and in our activities to help finance the Agenda 2030 to improve the lives of people around the world.

    United Nations

    Blending and advising for larger impact

    Sustainability is also at the core of our blending and advising activities. Indeed, sustainable finance goes hand in hand with the technical assistance and advice that is often necessary to make financing a success for all stakeholders. This is why we provide finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that contribute to EU policy objectives.

    Our impact is magnified by:

    • the possibility for our clients to blend our financing through a variety of sophisticated tools, whereby investment by the EIB helps to unlock additional sources of funding
    • the advice that we provide to intermediary banks and institutions when it comes to implementing our investments

    Our priorities and targets include support for projects with direct environmental and social benefits: all projects selected by the EIB have to be acceptable in environmental and social terms.
