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    The EIB supports projects that make life in urban areas more sustainable.

    The Bank has also announced a new programme for 2022 and 2023, to help cities and regions in EU Member States address urgent investment needs and meet the challenges of welcoming and integrating war refugees from Ukraine.

    Transport is essential in our everyday lives. Good transport brings people closer together and plays an important role in society. The EIB has been financing mobility since 1958. Today, we are doing all we can to make urban transport safe, affordable, green and efficient.

    EU governments and businesses are working hard to find and deliver innovative solutions to make mobility more sustainable and greener.

    Our impact in 2023

    In 2023, the EIB provided €21.33 billion in support of sustainable cities and regions.

    made on EIB-financed transport

    benefiting from improved urban infrastructure


    The EIB is engaged in sustainable transport solutions by accelerating business investment across Europe and around the world, while simultaneously ensuring a balanced regional development. In addition to our financing, we provide technical assistance and advisory support.

    Our Transport Lending Policy applies to all EIB financing in the transport sector, and it is designed to ensure that the Bank’s activities in the transport sector are consistent with and support EU policies.


    ©DavidZisky/ Shutterstock

    The future of our planet depends on how we manage urban development. The EIB offers a range of financial instruments to promote sustainable development in European cities.

    Over the past 20 years, the EIB has had an important role in urban investment. As the EU climate bank, we welcome the European Green Deal’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and will contribute significantly to its implementation.

      Urban development  

    ©Timelynx/ Shutterstock

    The Bank offers a wide range of financial tools to bolster urban mobility. The Bank supports sound investments from public sector promoters and private operators through direct lending, such as framework loans, and intermediated lending.

    The Bank also provides funding for higher risk projects through risk-sharing and blending instruments such as InvestEU and the Future Mobility Initiative, launched in 2019 by the EIB and the European Commission as part of the Connecting Europe Facility Debt Instrument (CEF-DI).

    The EIB provides advisory support through JASPERS, ELENA and the EIAH, which help tackle investment barriers.

      Sustainable urban mobility  


    The Bank offers a wide range of financial tools to bolster urban mobility. The Bank supports sound investments from public sector promoters and private operators through direct lending, such as framework loans, and intermediated lending.

    The Bank also provides funding for higher risk projects through risk-sharing and blending instruments such as InvestEU and the Future Mobility Initiative, launched in 2019 by the EIB and the European Commission as part of the Connecting Europe Facility Debt Instrument (CEF-DI).

    The EIB provides advisory support through JASPERS, ELENA and the EIAH, which help tackle investment barriers.

      Sustainable urban mobility  

    In the spotlight
