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    Openness and Transparency are key EU concepts, enshrined in the EU Treaty and Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The EIB considers that as a bank and a public institution, openness on how it makes decisions, works and implements EU policies, strengthens its credibility and its accountability to citizens. Transparency also contributes to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the Bank’s operations, and enhances its relations with external stakeholders.

    In fulfilment of the EU applicable framework, the EIB has set-up this Public Register on 2nd January 2014. The EIB Public register contains environmental information in accordance with Regulation 1367/2006. For further details on the content of the register see the Register Frequently Asked Questions.

    The EIB is progressively developing this Public register. In addition to the documents enlisted in the Register, the EIB publishes further information about its policies and activities on its website and provides access to information upon request, in line with the EIB Group Transparency Policy.

    Additional information on access to environmental and social information held by the EIB is available from this publication.
