We're honored to be one of the founding members of the newly launched Association of Firetech Innovation, in partnership with Megafire Action! We can't solve the wildfire crisis without working together, and we're excited to be partnering with key policy makers and technology leaders to build more wildfire-resilient communities and ecosystems at the pace our people and planet demands.
Today marks the official launch of the Association of Firetech Innovation (AFI)! Backed by top venture firms and cutting-edge startups, AFI is uniting the leaders building the next generation of wildfire technology to fight the $100 billion a year wildfire crisis our country faces. This week, our founding members are on Capitol Hill, meeting with policymakers to accelerate the adoption of firetech solutions through advocacy, policy engagement, and cross-sector collaboration. Huge thanks to our AFI Chair, Bill Clerico, CEO of Convective Capital, Megafire Action's Matt Weiner, and to our founding members for joining us in D.C. to kick off this important work: BurnBot, Fire Aside, Gridware, Muon Space, Pano AI, Rain, Fly Seneca, Technosylva, Vibrant Planet. #Firetech #WildfireInnovation #PolicyAdvocacy #AFI #WildfirePrevention #TechnologySolutions #CapitolHill #FireTechIndustry #EnvironmentalTech #Resilience