How to help those affected by the wildfires, RIGHT NOW.
I recently joined as a Board Member for the Red Cross Chapter of the SGPV Chapter of the Red Cross. Los Angeles is in the midst of a genuine crisis and the Eaton Fire is within our boundaries.
What is needed RIGHT NOW are the following three things:
1) Monetary donations: The fastest and easiest way to donate is online:
Approximately 90% of every dollar makes its way to people affected by disasters. That is huge. This money supports local shelters, which are safe places to rest, eat, receive counseling and start the process of recovery.
2) Blood and 3) Plasma donations: Blood is always needed and becomes critical at times like these. Visit and sign up to donate today. You need to be 16 years or older to donate blood, but you can be any age to ask someone to donate. Blood Plasma helps aid in the recovery of burn patients. Never donated? NOW is the time to start.
What else can I do?
• Volunteer at a Shelter: If you are interested in becoming a fully-trained Red Cross Disaster Deployment volunteer, you can register with the Red Cross. There are requirements to complete and training to take, but you will be able to help with this crisis and future ones.
• Host Someone in Need: AirBNB has a program that connects folks in need during a temporary crisis with folks that have available space.
• Donate SPECIFIC Items to SPECIFIC Organizations: No Res Gourmet is preparing and distributing meals. They publish a list of what they currently need and drop off locations:
• Donate A Uniform to Scouts in Need - Last summer, my kids spent time with Troop 223 from Pacific Palisades. They have over 400 scouts and, while it is too soon to know, it is likely to be a significant number have lost homes. In Altadena, St. Marks Episcopal church, home of Troop 1 is gone. Most of the neighborhoods north of Westminster Presbyterian Church, home of Troop 4 is gone. A full uniform costs approximately $170.
• Thank Every 1st Responder and Support Volunteer: The ones you know and the ones you don’t.
What not to do:
• Do not randomly show up to a shelter with supplies. Relief agencies have people and supply networks in place and processing donations takes away from directly helping folks in need. Find the right place before you fill up the car and head over.
• Fall for scams. There are many people that need support, but there are also people who will take advantage of challenging situations like this one. Make your donation count by directing it to the right organization.
• Nothing. Los Angeles needs you right now. Thoughts and prayers are only a beginning.
If you can help with hours, money, connections, supplies, plasma or blood, NOW IS THE TIME.
Thank you for your generous support of our mission and for bringing awareness to the work that we are doing to help the families devastated by the wildfires in California. ♥️