How Fitness Trainers Can Discover Client Interests With Behavioral Marketing

How Fitness Trainers Can Discover Client Interests With Behavioral Marketing

There were 62,776,640 searches for “Get Healthy” from January 2016 through October, according to data pulled from Google by iQuanti.

That is a 13.77% (55,177,290 times) increase from the previous year.

Which means a lot of potential interest in your fitness business.

Not just an interest though, but an increased interest.

Attract and discover the right clients using interest indicators

Though, in the fitness industry ‘get healthy’ could mean many different things person-to-person.

So, let’s say you are a fitness professional who teaches group fitness but focuses on clients who want to gain muscle, lose weight, or become more flexible.

You would want to attract or discover clients who were also interested in group fitness, right?

How might you go about doing this? By watching their actions.

But, HOW? Behavioral marketing.

What is behavioral marketing?

Behavioral marketing is a method to understand and learn what your fitness clients want based on their specific actions.

These actions are also known as interest indicators; because your clients’ actions represent interest in something you are offering.

If you are using ActiveCampaign these are actions or interest indicators that you can track automatically:

  1. Form submissions
  2. Campaign (email) opens
  3. Visits to your website or page visits
  4. Links clicked in a campaign

By tracking the above actions you will acquire and close your ideal clientele.

Form submissions

Form submission is one of the easiest ways to identify and close an interested prospective client.

It’s an interest indicator because a prospective client, John, is taking an action (filling out a form) and saying: I want more information because I’m interested in your group fitness program.

But, your group fitness programs have different focuses.

So, within the form, you provide John the ability to select one or multiple focuses using check boxes.

John just selects flexibility.

Campaign (email) opens

Let’s say after filling out the form, John is added to a campaign follow-up sequence for flexibility.

However, you notice he hasn’t been opening your emails.

That could indicate either your subject line may need work or John’s actions show he isn’t actually interested in becoming more flexible.

However, once John submitted the form with his email address you began to track his behaviors on your website.

Tracking website or page visits with site tracking

This is done with a feature within ActiveCampaign called Site Tracking.

Site Tracking allows you to better understand the behaviors taken by John and apply tags to his contact record based on his interests.

Currently, flexibility is the only tag applied to John’s record because he indicated in the form that’s what he was interested in.

However, John hasn’t been opening the email sequence you have sent him on flexibility.

But, you have noticed he has been visiting your strength web page. So, you automatically apply another tag “interested in strength” to his contact record, via an automation.

This tag adds him to the ‘strength’ campaign sequence.

John is opening that campaign.

Links clicked in a campaign

But, you also notice him taking another action. John is clicking links within the campaigns to learn more about your group fitness class to gain muscle.

This link clicking tells you John is interested. He is taking action.

John’s behaviors, since filling out the form, shows his interest. Now it’s your turn to take action.

Reach out to John and close the deal.

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