AdWords Remarketing Gets Tag Makeover, New Features

Google has made some changes to the way advertisers do remarketing on AdWords, and is expanding an ongoing test. The various moves are aimed at making remarketing on AdWords simpler and more effective. The process of putting tags on websites for creating remarketing lists is undergoing a substantial change. Rather than putting a separate remarketing […]

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Google has made some changes to the way advertisers do remarketing on AdWords, and is expanding an ongoing test. The various moves are aimed at making remarketing on AdWords simpler and more effective.

The process of putting tags on websites for creating remarketing lists is undergoing a substantial change. Rather than putting a separate remarketing tag on every page that you want to create a list for, you can just place a single piece of code on every page, but create lists for based upon the URL


For example, you could create a remarketing list that includes every person who visited the sporting goods section of your site, by including all pages that include “sportinggoods” in the URL, such as, and This change, of course, will make it harder to do remarketing on sites that don’t have URLs structured in this way.

Other examples from Google:


Marketers who use Google Analytics will also be able to create lists within GA, when their accounts are linked. This beta will roll out in waves through the end of the summer.

Additionally, the company is adding the ability to target “like” audiences — people who are similar to the folks on your remarketing list but who haven’t visited your site yet. This capability will be rolling out in the next few weeks.

Google is also expanding an AdWords beta test that lets marketers customize ads based on remarketing lists. For example, if someone who has visited your web site searches for a keyword you’re bidding on, the ad that will display can be customized. (FAQ item for consumers is here.) If you’re interested in participating and have an AdWords rep, reach out to ask to be added.

About the author

Pamela Parker
Pamela Parker is Research Director at Third Door Media's Content Studio, where she produces MarTech Intelligence Reports and other in-depth content for digital marketers in conjunction with Search Engine Land and MarTech. Prior to taking on this role at TDM, she served as Content Manager, Senior Editor and Executive Features Editor. Parker is a well-respected authority on digital marketing, having reported and written on the subject since its beginning. She's a former managing editor of ClickZ and has also worked on the business side helping independent publishers monetize their sites at Federated Media Publishing. Parker earned a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University.

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