Pamela Parker

Pamela Parker


About Pamela Parker

Pamela Parker is Research Director at Third Door Media's Content Studio, where she produces MarTech Intelligence Reports and other in-depth content for digital marketers in conjunction with Search Engine Land and MarTech. Prior to taking on this role at TDM, she served as Content Manager, Senior Editor and Executive Features Editor. Parker is a well-respected authority on digital marketing, having reported and written on the subject since its beginning. She's a former managing editor of ClickZ and has also worked on the business side helping independent publishers monetize their sites at Federated Media Publishing. Parker earned a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University.

Pamela Parker's latest articles


Changes Afoot At Search Engine Land & Marketing Land Columns

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve made some changes in our columns line-up to better showcase the great work contributed by our talented columnist-practitioners. The biggest change is that we’re moving some of our columns from Search Engine Land to Marketing Land, so we want to let you know where you’ll be able to find […]


Wisconsin State Court OKs Bidding On Trademarks In Paid Search

A Wisconsin appeals court this week affirmed a circuit court’s ruling that it’s OK to use trademarks as keywords to trigger the display of paid search ads. The court’s conclusions are in line with search engines’ policies with regard to trademark bidding and with a Federal case decided last year in California. The Wisconsin case, […]

Google Ads

Google Switches To Paid Shopping Results In 11 New Countries

Marketers outside the U.S. have continued to enjoy free shopping traffic from Google, despite the search giant’s big change to convert all results to paid listing ads in its home country. But that’s beginning to change for folks in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, Australia, Switzerland and the Czech […]

Google Ads

IAC: We Comply With Google’s Toolbar Standards

Amid industry discussion about what Google’s enforcement of new policies will mean for its AdWords distribution partners, IAC says its Mindspark toolbar company, and all of its companies, are fully in compliance with the policies currently in place. Google put new standards for its partners into place in October, issuing rules meant to bar software […]

Google Ads

Will A Google Crackdown On Shady Search Toolbars Hurt AVG & IAC?

Search toolbars are big business for security software company AVG and media company IAC. But could revenue from these toolbars be in danger, as Google says it is stepping up enforcement of its policies against shady behavior related to toolbar downloads? IAC’s Mindspark makes substantial revenues through search toolbars, and AVG, in September 2011, said […]


Google Earnings Show Halt Of CPC Decline, At Least Temporarily

One of the closest-watched metrics by marketers and investors — the cost-per-click across Google’s advertising business — increased approximately 2% in the fourth quarter, as compared to the third quarter, after several consecutive quarters of decline. The company released the figure as it announced revenues of $14.4 billion in the usually-busy fourth quarter. The fourth […]


Adobe: Paid Search Opportunities Lie In Tablet Targeting And PLAs

Where are the bargains in paid search these days? According to an analysis of the fourth quarter in paid search, Adobe determined that both tablet targeting and product listing ads represent great opportunities for marketers, where there’s a substantial gap between cost-per-click (CPC) and conversion rate. Adobe came to its conclusions after looking at paid […]

Google Ads

AdSense Text Ads Get Biggest Makeover In Recent Memory

In a nod to consistency across platforms and the growth in mobile usage, Google has overhauled its AdSense text ads to be more mobile-friendly, adding a large arrow button to each ad that should make it easier for “fat fingers” to click effectively on tablets and mobile phones. The buttons will also appear on desktop […]

Google Ads

Update: Is Google Cracking Down On Tool Makers Using Its AdWords API? No More Than Usual, Says The Company

In the last couple of weeks, two well-known search tool providers — Raven and SEOmoz — have had their access to the AdWords API revoked, with little public explanation, as was reported by Kahena Digital Marketing. But Google denies that this is a “crackdown” or widespread enforcement activity, saying it’s all in a day’s work […]

Google Ads

AdWords Adds Reporting On Trigger Keywords, Amid Other Interface Changes

Ever wondered exactly what keywords in a searcher’s query resulted in your ad being triggered? Google has added a feature in AdWords to give advertisers that information, allowing them to adjust their keywords and bids accordingly. Meanwhile, the company has made other interface changes — including account diagnostics and new impression share reporting. The new […]

Google Ads

Bulk Editing Comes To AdWords Web Interface

Anyone who works in interactive advertising can testify to the tedium that often accompanies even the seemingly-simplest of campaign changes. That’s the problem Google is trying to address in its latest AdWords feature — bulk editing. The feature is being rolled out in a few accounts for final testing, before Google eventually rolls it out […]

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