JR Oakes

JR Oakes


About JR Oakes

JR Oakes is the VP of Strategy at LOCOMOTIVE. He has been a member of the SEO industry since 2011. Prior to that, he was an architectural glass designer, specializing in leaded and carved glass. He attended the Design School at NC State University. JR has been active in the SEO community in Raleigh, helping to organize the Raleigh SEO Meetup and Beer and SEO Meetup. In addition, he is one of the founders and moderators of /r/TechSEO on Reddit. An avid technophile, he enjoys applying new technologies to existing problems and posts a lot of open-source code on his GitHub profile. He has worked with some of the largest brands in the world and is passionate about sharing his knowledge and work with others. He has written for Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, opensource.com, and several other industry tools and publications.

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