Neil Patel

Neil Patel


About Neil Patel

Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue.

Neil Patel's latest articles


How To Make Every Single Page On Your Website Evergreen

Web pages may not be meant to last forever, but I think that most web pages can do a lot better. Many pages and articles published today lack evergreen qualities, which means that in a few months or years, they will be old and useless. They will join the billions of other pages littering the Internet […]


How To Write A Meta Description That Gets Click-Throughs

I feel sorry for meta descriptions. Google has long held that meta descriptions do not impact search engine rankings. From a 2007 post on the Google Webmaster Central Blog: [blockquote][I]t’s worth noting that while accurate meta descriptions can improve clickthrough, they won’t affect your ranking within search results.[/blockquote] Google reiterated this point yet again in […]


How To Shout On Digg Without Getting Shot Down

Tons of people have been using the Digg shout it feature lately. A shout is a message that can be sent between two or more users on Digg, making it a very powerful tool for getting many people to take notice of content, and potentially garnering lots of Diggs. Some Digg users consider the shout […]


The New Digg & What It Means For SEO

Last week Chris Winfield did a great job reviewing the new Digg. Today, I want to discuss how the changes affect SEOs. We all want to get on the homepage of Digg because it can bring in thousands of links, but the recent changes made it both easier and harder to get stories promoted. Here’s […]

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Which Social Media Sites Should You Target?

There are hundreds, if not thousands of social media sites. Because there are so many it can be difficult to figure out which ones to target. In an ideal world you would target them all but with limited time it’s important to prioritize. If you are wondering which social sites to target, wonder no more […]

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How To Create A Viral Facebook App

Back in May, Facebook launched a platform that allowed developers to tap into the Facebook hub itself. The Facebook Platform is a set of resources and tools that enables rapid development of applications for Facebook users. It’s proven wildly popular, and companies are leveraging it to gain thousands if not millions of new visitors to […]

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Twitter Useless For Driving Traffic? Think Again

In the past few weeks I have been hearing more and more people saying that Twitter is useless. For those of you who are not too familiar with Twitter I recommend reading my write-up on the service or better yet creating an account on and start diving in. For those of you feel that […]

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Is Your Content Worthy For Social Media Users?

Although many of you Search Engine Land readers are sophisticated when it comes to social media, the majority of the people out there are not. Most people aren’t too familiar with social sites like StumbleUpon, or even Digg and they don’t know if their content is “worthy” of these websites or not. Here are […]

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How To Convince Giant Corporations To Embrace Social Media

During the “Better Ways” panel last week at SMX someone in the audience asked for advice on convincing big corporations to embrace social media marketing. At the time my answer was that there would be a lot of education involved and you should also let them know that you’ll be actively monitoring their reputation to […]

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How About Landing Pages For The Social Media Visitor?

Marketers generally create landing pages for pay-per-click campaigns or other advertising campaigns. So, why not create them for social media sites? Granted, it may seem impossible because it is hard to change the layout of your blog or website just for visitors from like Digg, Netscape, and StumbleUpon. However, you can make it so that […]

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Bigger Levers For Your Social Media Campaign

We all know that getting on the homepage of social media sites such as Digg, and Netscape can drive tons of links and traffic, which is why we try and leverage these social sites on a regular basis. But are you leveraging them fully? Below, some tips not to overlook, such as the importance […]


Twitter: More Than Messaging, It Can Generate Traffic

Twitter is a new and hot social site that everyone seems to be talking about but very few people are leveraging. Twitter is still in its infancy, but it can still drive hundreds, if not thousands of visitors. Below, an introduction to Twitter and how you can tap into it as a marketing tool. Twitter […]


How Not To Be Buried On Digg

Six or so months ago, it used be easier to get on the homepage of Digg. Lately, sites have been having problems. Most of these troubled sites are usually about online marketing or other business-related topics. It seems that users are burying these stories for no apparent reason. A buried story dies with no chance […]


Three Proven Steps For Getting On Digg’s Homepage

There are tons of tricks that people use to get stories on the homepage of Digg. Unfortunately, in their eagerness to get the visibility offered by Digg, most people are ignoring basic submission guidelines. Rather than concentrating on gaming Digg, if you submit stories using some common sense, your chances of hitting the homepage drastically […]


Digg Friending 101 & The Top Diggers List

Last week Digg removed the “Top Diggers” list in order to help stop the manipulation and gaming of Digg, which resulted in a lot of commotion. Today, I wanted to take a fresh look to explain how the move may impact Digg’s “Friending” system and possibly allow more non-top Diggers to place stories with the […]


Forget ABCs – The Social Media Alphabet Is DNRS

Many search marketers know their search engine alphabet, A for; G for Google; M for Microsoft and Y for Yahoo. But how many know the important letters of the social media alphabet, D for Digg; N for Netscape; R for Reddit and S for StumbleUpon? Comfortable with AGMY but DNRS seems like another […]


The New Digg Features Plus, A Submitter’s Perspective

Today, Kevin Rose announced the release of new Digg features. What most people covered in the release were all the cool additions, but no one really talked about the small changes that have drastically affected submitters. Before I dig into these small changes that affected submitters, here is a quick recap of the new features […]

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