Google Ads pilots conversions account level diagnostic tab

The new feature offers weekly updated data, allowing you to review your current measurement setup for better campaign performance.

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Google Ads is testing a conversions account level diagnostic tab in alpha.

A spokesperson confirmed to Search Engine Land that the feature is set to launch next year with further details expected to be released soon.

Why we care. This new feature gives deeper insights into your current measurement setup, allowing you to assess what’s effective and what’s not, and make necessary changes to improve the performance of your ads.

How it works. The diagnostic tab delivers weekly updated data, offering enriched insights that enable you to:

  • Monitor the current setup of your Google Ads account.
  • Adopt privacy-preserving solutions (such as Sitewide tagging and  Consent Mode).
  • Fix issues with your measurement of campaigns.

First look. The feature was first spotted by SMX Next speaker and Google Ads expert Thomas Eccel, who shared his findings on X:

Account Level Conversion Diagnostic Tab.

Thomas wrote:

  • “More accounts rolled out for Account level Conversion Diagnostic Tab. Helps to get a robust conversion measurement for 2024.”
  • “Lets you analyze your current measurement setup, validate that your features are working, new measurement features & alerts.”

What are conversions? In Google Ads, a conversion happens when a user takes a specific action after clicking or viewing an ad on the Display Network. This action could be making a purchase, installing a mobile app, or signing up for an email list. Conversion tracking gives important insights into what users do after interacting with an ad.

What is account level? In Google Ads, the account level is the core layer of PPC management, dealing with billing, user permissions, and fundamental settings across all campaigns. Account-level changes, like tracking templates, ad extensions, and negative keywords, automatically apply globally to relevant campaigns.

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Deep dive. Read Search Engine Land’s Google Ads best practice guide for more information on how to achieve PPC excellence.

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About the author

Nicola Agius
Nicola Agius was Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land from 2023-2024. She covered paid media, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company's editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book Mastering In-House SEO.

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