Announcing the launch of Co-designing Space Towards Spatial Justice! A guide for achieving meaningful participation in co-design processes, the online platform is now live, hosting theoretical and practical resources to help you integrate participatory methodologies within your practice. It's a one-stop shop for tools, documentation and analysis of case study projects. Led by Jane Wong and Tom Greenall, as the recipients of a RIBA Research Fund, and with contributions from over 20 collaborators across the globe. The study also received funding from The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, and Julita Skodra and Yip Siu provided critical bridges to further public commissioners and authorities, including the Greater London Authority and the Rathaus Bremen. Thanks to Neal Shasore for his support and guidance, and for acting as supervisor for the initial body of funded research. The website was designed by Studio Hyte, with a typeface strategy reflecting the multiplicity and plurality of voices that co-design seeks to reveal, enable and amplify, and Yanping He supported production of the site. The Association of Collaborative Design Mei-Yee Man Oram Soundings Yes Make Dan Daley Deborah Saunt Diana Phiri-Witty Isidora Larraín de Andraca Julia King Lydia Toohey Intervention Architecture Arup Urban Symbiotics
A new era for housing? Why co-design is a critical tool for inclusive development... With ambitious housing targets and ongoing planning reform, there is an urgent need to rethink how communities are involved in shaping the built environment. Tom Greenall and Jane Wong of DSDHA introduce a new online co-design resource intended to support more inclusive and meaningful community participation in the development process #architecture