Another great job done by CONNECTIONS LEGAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED (CLM) on our job in Thetford. UKPS were contracted to provide the electrical connection for a new care home, including securing the Point of Connection and installing a 500kVA substation alongside completing any offsite works. UKPS work closely with CLM who are experts specialising in the consenting to electric, gas and water connections to developments of all sizes, which enables us to provide a seamless legal process. For more information on how our legal process works for your developments, contact us at or give us a call on 0845 2577105. #electricalconnections #landrights #utilityconnection
CASE STUDY Acting on behalf of UKPS, CLM facilitated the successful completion of the IDNO/DNO substation agreement. Our role involved coordinating with the network's solicitor, securing DNO plan approval, providing regular updates to the client and ICP, and ensuring consistent communication between the network and landowner’s solicitor on the lease agreement. Through these efforts, CLM ensured a smooth and timely execution of the project. UKPS Last Mile Asset Management Limited #DeliveryingTheDifference #SimplifyingLandRights