🚨 AI must stay within planetary limits 🚨 Ahead of the AI Action Summit in France, SUPERRR Lab, together with 100+ civil society organisations worldwide, is calling on policymakers and industry leaders to urgently limit AI’s environmental impact. We outline 5 key demands: ⚡Phase Out Fossil Fuels: The AI industry must urgently phase out fossil fuels across its entire supply chain. 💻 Computing Within Limits: AI computing infrastructure must urgently be brought within planetary limits. 🔗 Responsible Supply Chains: AI companies with substantial marketshare and economic and political influence bear the primary responsibility to ensure a responsible supply chain. 🌎 Equitable Participation: It is crucial to have public participation in decisions about what computation is used for and under what conditions. Climate and environmental activism must not be criminalised. 🔍Transparency must be meaningful, and publicly accessible information about the social and environmental implications of proposed AI infrastructure and should be provided to the public before it is built or scaled. Read our statement ➡️https://lnkd.in/eMnQtTqE Green Web Foundation critical infrastructure lab Beyond Fossil Fuels European Digital Rights Association for Progressive Communications AccessNow AI Now Institute Open Future Foundation Whose Knowledge? La Quadrature du Net Open Knowledge Foundation Coding Rights Right to Repair Europe #AIActionSummit #WithinBounds
Technologie, Information und Internet
Ein Labor für feministische digitale Zukünfte.
Wir sind ein Labor, das gerechtere, gestaltbare digitale Zukünfte erprobt. Unser Fokus liegt auf Teilhabe, Chancengleichheit und Diversität. Unser Blick auf die Welt ist intersektional feministisch.
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- Technologie, Information und Internet
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- Berlin
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- 2019
Oranienstraße 58 a
Berlin, 10969, DE
Beschäftigte von SUPERRR Lab
SUPERRR Lab hat dies direkt geteilt
🚨 AI must operate within planetary boundaries 🚨 Days before the AI Action Summit, we join 100+ civil society organisations from around the world with an urgent message for governments and industry leaders: The environmental and human costs of AI are too high – we need action now. Signatories include Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth, European Digital Rights, Association for Progressive Communications, and Beyond Fossil Fuels. We outline 5 key demands: ⚡ Phase Out Fossil Fuels: The AI industry must urgently phase out fossil fuels across its entire supply chain. 💻 Computing Within Limits: AI computing infrastructure must urgently be brought within planetary limits. 🔗 Responsible Supply Chains: AI companies with substantial marketshare and economic and political influence bear the primary responsibility to ensure a responsible supply chain. 🌎 Equitable Participation: It is crucial to have public participation in decisions about what computation is used for and under what conditions. Climate and environmental activism must not be criminalised. 🔍 Transparency must be meaningful, and publicly accessible information about the social and environmental implications of proposed AI infrastructure and should be provided to the public before it is built or scaled. Read the statement ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eMnQtTqE #AIActionSummit #WithinBounds Thanks to our co-writers: Beyond Fossil Fuels, Green Screen Coalition, critical infrastructure lab, and Aspiration!
SUPERRR Lab hat dies direkt geteilt
It’s 2025 – and SUPERRR gets ready for things to come. Here’s how we do it: We kick of each year* by coming together as a team over the time of two weeks, to revisit our mission, vision and strategy, map out our goals and reaffirm our roles in the team. We call it: Strategy week.🌟 (* We came up with strategy week last year, so two makes it a tradition, right?) After we got back from winter break, it felt even harder to not get sucked into overflowing email inboxes and an ever-accelerating news cycle. But in these times, dedicating time for team building, planning, scheming and dreaming felt really necessary. So what did we do, and what are we cooking up? ----- Vision and mission: In 2024, Zara analyzed how the vision and mission of SUPERRR has become more tangible over the last years, and how it has shifted in quite a few places since we set out on our path. Discussing these findings together provided us with a shared purpose to carry us through a year that won’t be easy. ----- Strategy and theory of power: How do our projects, most notably our work in futuring, advocacy and community building, contribute to our mission? We mapped project milestones, external events (Bundestagswahl anyone?) to take stock of what’s already in the making and to spot gaps and opportunities early on. ----- New things: Our list of things we’d like to do filled pages – we clearly don’t lack ideas. Our mission, strategy and our plan of existing tasks made it easier to identify which ones to pursue first and foremost. ----- Old things: Our portfolio has grown over the years, to the point where we ourselves sometimes lose track. Letting go of topics we worked on is never easy, but it is necessary if we want to test new things. We found it helpful to identify those that we want to continue to push actively, and put the other topics on the “passive” side: We will still support other organisations who work on them, but we won’t take the lead. ----- Communication, community and engagement: A lot of our energy last year went into inner work: laying the foundation for a resilient organisation and team. This year, we want to engage much more actively with our partners and the public through events, communication formats and – last but definitely not least – new merch. ----- Being purposeful in our work is essential, and strategy week contributes to it. How do your teams start a new year and prepare for what’s next? We'd love to know!
It’s 2025 – and SUPERRR gets ready for things to come. Here’s how we do it: We kick of each year* by coming together as a team over the time of two weeks, to revisit our mission, vision and strategy, map out our goals and reaffirm our roles in the team. We call it: Strategy week.🌟 (* We came up with strategy week last year, so two makes it a tradition, right?) After we got back from winter break, it felt even harder to not get sucked into overflowing email inboxes and an ever-accelerating news cycle. But in these times, dedicating time for team building, planning, scheming and dreaming felt really necessary. So what did we do, and what are we cooking up? ----- Vision and mission: In 2024, Zara analyzed how the vision and mission of SUPERRR has become more tangible over the last years, and how it has shifted in quite a few places since we set out on our path. Discussing these findings together provided us with a shared purpose to carry us through a year that won’t be easy. ----- Strategy and theory of power: How do our projects, most notably our work in futuring, advocacy and community building, contribute to our mission? We mapped project milestones, external events (Bundestagswahl anyone?) to take stock of what’s already in the making and to spot gaps and opportunities early on. ----- New things: Our list of things we’d like to do filled pages – we clearly don’t lack ideas. Our mission, strategy and our plan of existing tasks made it easier to identify which ones to pursue first and foremost. ----- Old things: Our portfolio has grown over the years, to the point where we ourselves sometimes lose track. Letting go of topics we worked on is never easy, but it is necessary if we want to test new things. We found it helpful to identify those that we want to continue to push actively, and put the other topics on the “passive” side: We will still support other organisations who work on them, but we won’t take the lead. ----- Communication, community and engagement: A lot of our energy last year went into inner work: laying the foundation for a resilient organisation and team. This year, we want to engage much more actively with our partners and the public through events, communication formats and – last but definitely not least – new merch. ----- Being purposeful in our work is essential, and strategy week contributes to it. How do your teams start a new year and prepare for what’s next? We'd love to know!
BUILDING ANTI-FASCIST FUTURES: A political imagination workshop by Israeli designer and peace activist Mushon Zer-Aviv Join us for a 4 hour workshop designed to cultivate your political imagination to action. ✨ We recommend that you apply in pairs: come with someone that you collaborate with, organise with, or work with. We hope this workshop will lead to concrete projects and plans of action that you can take forward together. Friday, February 7th 1pm-5pm at Publix Apply here until January 17th: https://lnkd.in/dHK3kRZi Read more about Mushon Zer-Aviv in our blog post: https://lnkd.in/dRv3rT9d
Security – what's not to love? Quite a lot, it turns out: German and EU politics have seen a shift in narratives and increasingly tap into imagery of protectionism and deterrence. SUPERRR's Ouassima Laabich and Elisa Lindinger shed light on what this means for our digital rights work: 🗯️ Societal issues are framed as security risks to justify authoritarian measures – this is the so-called securitization paradigm. 🤖 Securitization also manifests in digital policy: public surveillance, facial recognition, data retention—all of these measures deeply infringe on our lives and fundamental rights, supposedly to protect public safety. Yet what is truly being performed is a play about control, not care. In 2025, it's time for a new script: what if we rewrote this play, the security narrative, from the ground up? Feminist, anti-racist, and abolitionist movements have long shown that security can and must be reimagined beyond surveillance and repression. 🔮 These alternatives do not ask, “How do we protect ourselves from Others?” Instead, they ask, “How can we be safe together? How can we create spaces where everyone is heard and where security is not a pretext for surveillance but a promise of justice?” Are you ready to join us in rewriting our collective futures? Read our criticism of the security paradigm here: https://lnkd.in/ddXiTR-M #digitalrights #securitization
SUPERRR Lab hat dies direkt geteilt
Design is biased. 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰. Calling all creatives, thinkers and anyone who wants to be part of a visual journey to a more just futures. Let's come together for a cosy session exploring the power of design and the responsibility of designers to create meaningful change. Together we'll dive into intersectional design theory, reimagine outdated visuals and co-design new, inclusive visuals. This isn't just for designers - it's for EVERYONE who wants to be part of a collaborative process and explore how creativity can make a difference. 12.12.2024, 18:00 📍SUPERRR Lab Oranienstraße 58A Sign up by emailing me here: larodoesthings@proton.me #CoCreation #InclusiveDesign #IntersectionalDesign #PowerOfDesign #CollaborativeDesign #IconsForEveryone
Wie gestalten wir das Digitale gerecht? Unter diesem Zeichen stand der 5. Feminist Tech Abend bei SUPERRR. Digitale Fairness ist die Maxime: Als Wunsch, aber auch als konkreter Gesetzentwurf auf EU-Ebene, wo derzeit der Digital Fairness Act geplant wird. Wir haben deshalb den Verbraucher:innenschutz unter die Lupe genommen. Denn wir wollten wissen: Wo gibt es aus intersektionaler Perspektive Handlungsbedarf? Beim Feminist Tech Abend haben wir die Ergebnisse in Form von 6 Thesen vorgestellt und sie mit Sabrina Wagner vom Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) diskutiert: ➡️Die Digitalisierung verstärkt Machtungleichheiten für Verbraucher:innen – gegenüber Unternehmen, aber auch innerhalb einer diversen Gesellschaft. ➡️Personalisierungspraktiken müssen transparent, nutzerzentriert und diskriminierungsfrei sein sowie auf bewusster Einwilligung basieren. ➡️Digitale Fairness als Standard („by design and default“) ist eine Grundvoraussetzung, um digitalen Asymmetrien zu begegnen. ➡️Durch Berücksichtigung von Intersektionalität wird der Verbraucher:innenschutz den Anforderungen einer diversen Gesellschaft gerecht. ➡️Ein differenzierendes Verbraucher:innenleitbild macht die intersektionale Analyse im Verbraucher:innenschutz anwendbar. ➡️Ein zukunftsfähiger und vorausschauender Verbraucher:innenschutz wirkt explizit gesamtgesellschaftlich, nicht nur individuell. Diese Thesen sind erst der Anfang: Noch bis 2026 gehen wir im Projekt „Forum Digitale Fairness und Verbraucher:innenschutz“ der Frage nach, wie wir ganz konkret durch machtkritische Perspektiven Verbraucher:innenschutz gerecht und zukunftssicher gestalten können. #DigitalFairness #Feminismus #Intersektionalität #Verbraucherinnenschutz #Verbraucherschutz
SUPERRR Lab ist Gastgeber:in bei Feminist Tech Abend: Digitale Fairness. Seid am 4. Dezember dabei und diskutiert mit Sabrina Wagner vom Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) und Lisa Ama Schrade von SUPERRR Lab, wie wir uns eine faire digitale Welt für Verbraucher*innen vorstellen:
Diskutiert mit uns: Wie machen wir das Digitale fair? Braucht der Verbraucher*innenschutz ein Update, um einer pluralistischen und diversen Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden? Und kann eine machtkritische Perspektive auf die digitale Welt Antworten liefern? Das und mehr beim nächsten Feminist Tech Abend, live in Berlin! Meldet euch hier an - oder etwas privatsphärefreundlicher hier: https://lnkd.in/di2j83JU
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Diskutiert mit uns: Wie machen wir das Digitale fair? Braucht der Verbraucher*innenschutz ein Update, um einer pluralistischen und diversen Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden? Und kann eine machtkritische Perspektive auf die digitale Welt Antworten liefern? Das und mehr beim nächsten Feminist Tech Abend, live in Berlin! Meldet euch hier an - oder etwas privatsphärefreundlicher hier: https://lnkd.in/di2j83JU
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