Are you passionate about building with wood? Then join the Build-in-Wood Community today! The free and global platform is designed to connect you with like-minded individuals from all over the world. With the brand-new app, you can easily… ✅ Follow groups and discover events ✅ Join exclusive talks by professionals ✅ Share news, publications and stories ✅ Browse projects and opportunities ✅ Connect across the world ✅ Inspire and be inspired! 📱✨ Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn and grow - get the app now and become a part of the Build-in-Wood Community! 🙌 App store: Google Play store:
Tåstrup, Capital Region 18.729 følgere
European Horizon 2020 project striving to make wood a natural choice for the construction of multi-storey buildings.
Om os
Build-in-Wood is an European Horizon 2020 project. The project consortium consists of 21 partners from 11 countries (research institutes, universities, wood processing companies and agencies, architectural practices, planning bureaus etc.). The project’s aim is to reposition wood as first choice in construction of multi-storey (3+ floors) buildings, setting new standards and enhancing a sustainable, climate friendly building trend. Follow us on social media to stay up to date: ▶️ Facebook: ▶️ Twitter: ▶️ YouTube: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862820.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Build-in-Wood
- Branche
- Tænketanke
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Tåstrup, Capital Region
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Grundlagt
- 2019
- Specialer
- Timber Construction, timber architecture, Wooden Life-Cycle, Urban Planning, BIM Systems og Wood Sustainability Research
Gregersensvej 1
Tåstrup, Capital Region 2630, DK
Join us for the next Wood Academy Talk on 17 December where wood specialists Fabia Baumann and Joanna Schalnat from the Danish Technological Institute will share their expertise on best practice moisture management in wood construction. 🏗☔ The presentation contains practical examples from the latest research and examples from both the industry and the "Build-in-Wood Demonstrator" - a new full scale test house of wood. 🕑 17 December from 14:00-14:45 CET 👉 Read more and register: #WoodAcademyTalks #MoistureManagement #WoodConstruction #Timber
🌟Join us for the next Wood Academy Talk where David Gryth will share a brief theoretic introduction to Circular Economy 🕑 26 November from 14:00-14:45 CET 👉 Register here: Wood Academy Talks take place online and are free of charge. All you have to do is to become a member of the Build-in-Wood Community - a platform for networking and knowledge sharing for wood enthusiasts in the construction industry. 🙌
Take the chance to attend an exclusive hybrid networking event for the timber construction industry! 📅 Thursday, December 5, 2024 🕜 1:30 - 5:00 PM 📌 Congress Innsbruck or ONLINE 👉🏼 Register now for free: #b2b #woodconnect #networking #timberconstruction #wood #buildinwoodcommunity
New famous supporter of timber construction: Microsoft. “A lot of our suppliers are on the same journey as we are,” says Richard Hage, who leads global strategy for datacenter engineering at Microsoft. Everyone is “implementing key initiatives to lower the embodied carbon of their materials and their products.” #TimberConstruction #SustainableArchitecture #Innovation #woodisgood #buildinwoodh2020 #microsoft
Great outcomes👍 Great partners👏
Med stolthed og en smule vemod kan vi annoncere den vellykkede afslutning på Build-in-Wood projektet per august 2024. Projektet er formelt set afsluttet, men lever fra nu af videre igennem det levende laboratorium - Build-in-Wood Demonstrator - hos Teknologisk Institut i Høje-Taastrup. I videoen kan du høre Teknisk Direktør Jakob Kock fortælle om både det konkrete byggeri og de sidste fem års arbejde i projektet. I den tid har den samlede projektgruppe været dybt engageret i spændende forskning, workshops, events og diskussioner. Build-in-Wood har udgivet det 12. og sidste nyhedsbrev – gå ikke glip af det! Du kan også få direkte adgang til alle projektets resultater på projekthjemmesiden: Vi vil gerne sende et stort tak til alle vores konsortiemedlemmer for fem utroligt produktive år. Vi glæder os til at se, hvad fremtiden bringer! Danish Technological Institute Norsk Treteknisk Institutt (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology) C.F. Møller Architects National Technical University of Athens URBASOFIA Agenția Metropolitană Brașov | Brasov Metropolitan Agency Waugh Thistleton Architects Università di Siena proHolz Tirol Bimetica Parametric Design Services S.L. Rothoblaas rtd services OG Habitech - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino Stora Enso Knauf Gips KG Scandi Byg hsbcad
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🤔 👀 Curious for a quick look at our project objectives, challenges and impact? 🙌 Check out our new Factsheet- a glimpse of our goal to revolutionize the construction industry with #sustainable, bio-based solutions! 🌱🏗️ Our project is tackling some of the most pressing challenges in the building sector, aiming to deliver real, impactful results: 🔹 Improved #thermalcomfort for occupants and up to 20% reduction in #energy demand 🔹 Increased use of #formaldehydefree #binders and reduction of harmful #VOCs 🔹 Promoting the wider use of #biobased materials and #wood-based products in #buildings 🔹 Decreasing reliance on fossil-based products, paving the way for #greener #construction 🔹 Reducing the environmental #footprint and maximizing resource efficiency in every phase 📉♻️ Download directly here European Research Executive Agency (REA) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) ASRO - Romanian Standards Association MOGU SQIM Pervanovo Invest Zafer Ure UAntwerpen Università degli Studi di Padova Extrahuset RTDS Group Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya - COAC Universitat de Lleida GREiA Research Group Reconstruct EU project INGUMA_Biobased WOODCIRCLES
🌳🌳With a mix of pride and a touch of sadness, we announce the successful completion of the Build-in-Wood project as of August 2024. Over the past five years, we've engaged in exciting research, workshops, events, and discussions. Now, it's time to share what we've learned and say a big "THANK YOU" to our consortium members and our fantastic audience across all channels! It’s been an honor and a pleasure to discuss all things timber and share our vision of research and innovation with you.🌳🌳 🌳🌳We’ve just published our 12th and final newsletter—don’t miss it! 🌳🌳You can also directly access all project results on our website: 🌳🌳Finally, a huge thanks to all our consortium members for an incredibly productive five years. We can't wait to see what the future holds! Stay connected with the Build-in-Wood community: Danish Technological Institute Norsk Treteknisk Institutt (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology)C.F. Møller Architects National Technical University of Athens URBASOFIA Agenția Metropolitană Brașov | Brasov Metropolitan AgencyWaugh Thistleton ArchitectsUniversità di Siena proHolz Tirol Bimetica Parametric Design Services S.L. Rothoblaas rtd services OG Adserballe & Knudsen A/S Habitech - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino Stora Enso Knauf Gips KG Scandi Byg hsbcad
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🌲 Fem års intenst tværeuropæisk udviklingsarbejde med fokus på at fremme #træbyggeri er nu afsluttet. Teknologisk Institut har stået i spidsen for Build-in-Wood-projektet, og i går var projektets 21 partnere fra 12 forskellige lande samlet hos os for at dele resultaterne. 💪🎉 I projektet, der er støttet af EU, er der bl.a. udviklet et #byggesystem, der er optimeret til etagebyggerier af træ, og en særlig akustisk løsning til træbyggeri. Løsningerne demonstreres i praksis i en ny #testbygning af træ på Teknologisk Institut i Taastrup, som er under opførelse. 📊 Derudover har projektet inkluderet #beboerevalueringer af træbygninger, #LCA-analyser, #performancetest, #digitale #pilotprojekter, udvikling af en #designguide for træbyggeri, samarbejde med en række europæiske byer om træbyggeri - og meget mere. Ikke mindst har projektet formået at samle knap 2000 byggeprofessionelle med interesse for træbyggeri i det internationale onlinenetværk Build-in-Wood Community: ”Vi er enormt stolte af det, vi har opnået i Build-in-Wood-projektet. Det unikke ved et EU-støttet innovationsprojekt som dette er dets evne til at samle forskellige interesser fra hele værdikæden på tværs af mange lande og påvirke udviklingen både nationalt og på europæisk plan,” siger centerprojektleder Anders Kjellow. Projektets hovedresultater er samlet i en publikation: Det tværeuropæiske samarbejde med fokus på træbyggeri stopper dog langt fra her. Vores træspecialister står i spidsen for det EU-støttede projekt WOODCIRCLES, der har fokus på at øge genanvendelsen af træ. 📷 Waugh Thistleton Architects Niels Morsing | Henriikka Taipale | Stine Lønbro Bertelsen | Fabia Baumann | Sarah Strohbusch | Joanna Schalnat