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Google Adds Audio To Knols, YouTube Comments; What’s Next?

Google has added audio playback to some of its Google Knol articles; this page on Echocardiography is an example. Clicking on the “Listen” link in the upper right displays an audio player with surprisingly clear sound. Google Operating System recently pointed to more information on an Audio Knol help page:


YouTube Now Showing Post-Roll Video Ads

NeeTeeVee reports that YouTube is now defaulting videos that contain ads to show post-roll ads.  In the past, YouTube would only show the ads if those inline ads were clicked on.  But now, when the videos end, they should show a post-roll ad.


YouTube Sued By Italian Broadcaster Mediaset

In a factually similar claim to the current Viacom litigation, Google/YouTube was sued by Italian media company and broadcaster Mediaset, which is owned by Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The company is seeking a minimum of EUR 500 million for copyright violations and hypothetical, lost ad revenue.


Italian Prosecutors To Sue Google Execs Over YouTube Video

Italy Is to File Charges Against Google Executives from the Wall Street Journal reports that Italian prosecutors have completed their two-year investigation and are ready to file charges against four Google executives. The suit is over YouTube hosting a video of a disabled teen being taunted by others. The prosecutors are suing for defamation and […]


Having Trouble Getting Your Video Content Indexed? YouTube Can Help

When it comes to embedded video content in search result pages on the major engines, it still seems like the engines have the easiest time indexing and ranking YouTube content, with some other video content occasionally sprinkled in. The engines will likely start including more video results as publishers get better at optimizing their content […]


Search Biz: Google And The “M-Word,” GooHoo Paid Search Deal Confronts Anti-Trust Scrutiny, Viacom Wants YouTube Employee Records, & Digg Wants To Sell Itself

Rob Norman is CEO of Group M Interaction Worldwide. Perhaps then it’s appropriate that he uses the “M-word” — monopoly — in an AdAge piece about Google. Norman has been a critic of the Google-Yahoo paid search deal and has said several times that he thinks it will result in higher keyword prices.


YouTube Adding Geographic Search

Tired of searching for “Paris” (France) on YouTube and mostly seeing video of Paris Hilton? A new geographic search feature (reported first by NewTeeVee) should take care of that. Video uploading users have been able to geotag videos on YouTube but not easily search for video by location. By contrast, Google Earth allows searching for […]


Google: Expects Viacom Will Take YouTube Data Without User Info

Since writing my WTF! US Court Declares You Have No Privacy On YouTube article, more information has come out suggesting that Google will be able to turn over information to Viacom about what’s watched on YouTube without having to say who exactly who was watching it. Nor, does it seem, that Viacom itself wants that […]


WTF! US Court Declares You Have No Privacy On YouTube

You have no privacy on YouTube. So effectively declared a US judge yesterday. And now somebody in the US government better stop grandstanding about search and privacy protection and actually get some laws enacted. Yesterday’s move might be the ultimate incentive, as US politicians realize that what they’ve watched on YouTube may now be open […]


YouTube’s Former Revenue Chief: “Google Got A Little Big For Me”

Google is experiencing some bumps in transitioning from a smaller innovator to a larger, more mature player in the market. Over the past year or so there have been numerous employee departures, often to start new companies themselves or to join what used to be called “pre-IPO” startups (e.g., Facebook). The most recent case involves […]


US Senator Lieberman Asks For Al-Qaeda Content To Be Removed From YouTube

US Senator Joe Lieberman asked Google’s Eric Schmidt to remove terrorist videos, including those of Al-Qaeda, from YouTube. In response, Google has removed some of these videos. Lieberman, in his role as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, explained “Islamist terrorist organizations rely extensively on the Internet to attract […]


YouTube Adds Search Suggestions To International Sites

Google Operating System spotted that YouTube is now offering search suggestions on their international sites. For example, if you go to YouTube UK and starting typing in a search phrase into the search box, YouTube will begin to offer you suggested results, much like Google does at Google Suggest.


Flickr Launches Video; It’s Not A YouTube Clone

Flickr is arguably the jewel in Yahoo’s crown — a great site that in many ways has no peer. Now, after a long wait, video has been added. One might imagine that this is intended to compete with Google’s YouTube, but as the Flickr blog explains the new capabilities have been set up to complement […]


HP Promoting T-Shirts Promoting YouTube Videos, Yahoo Nixes “The 9,” Craigslist Reaching For $100 Million, Google Grants, & More

Given that we were unwittingly ensnared by Mike Blumenthal’s authentic sounding April Fools post earlier this week, we’re being a bit more careful and reading items more closely these days. However, one article from Bloomberg that almost reads like an April Fools item discusses a novel program on Google’s YouTube in which computer and printer […]


YouTube Insight: View Your YouTube Video Statistics

The YouTube Blog and Google Blog announced YouTube Insight, YouTube’s new video statistics area. In short, additional statistics are now available to users who upload videos to YouTube. You can get stats on the number of views per day your video received, where those viewers are in the world, and how popular your video is […]


Judge Denies Punitive Damages In Viacom Vs. YouTube Case

Viacom Denied Punitive Damages In YouTube Suit from the Silicon Valley Insider reports a US District Court has denied Viacom’s request for punitive damages against Google over the YouTube copyright claims. Judge Louis Stanton said “common-law punitive damages cannot be recovered under the Copyright Act,” and denied Viacom’s action against Google and YouTube. This does […]


YouTube To Add Live Video This Year

Steve Chen: YouTube to Add Live Video from NewTeeVee reports that YouTube’s founder said they will be adding live video support this year. Videoblogger Sarah Meyers asked Chen about video blogging, in which he said: 2008. We’ll do it this year. Live video is just something that we’ve always wanted to do, we’ve never had […]


Pakistan YouTube Ban Propagates Worldwide, Causing Major YouTube Outage

Yesterday, I kept noticing Twitters of YouTube problems. Soon after, the BBC reported YouTube outage blamed on Pakistan. It appears that the recent Pakistan ban of YouTube not only caused Pakistan ISPs to block YouTube, but also spread worldwide and stopped users from even the United States from accessing YouTube. How so? The two-hour YouTube […]


YouTube Improves YouTube Mobile Version

A New And Improved YouTube For Mobile from the YouTube Blog announces that they have improved their mobile version at The new features include: Tens of millions of added videos Community features now available on the mobile version Mobile phone uploads available within moments YouTube for Mobile is available and localized for the UK, […]


Google & YouTube TVs Powered By Panasonic

Matsushita’s Panasonic, Google To Work On Internet-Ready TVs from SmartMoney reports Panasonic is working with Google to make TVs that display internet content. Matsushita Electric Industrial, the company behind Panasonic, said the TVs will enable users to browse and watch YouTube videos from their TVs. The announcement was made at the Consumer Electronic Show yesterday […]


In Parallel Universe, Porn Producer Sues YouTube Clone

The world of pornography often mirrors the world of “respectable” publishing and content. For years the adult film awards in LA both mocked and aspired to be like the Oscars. Porn producers are also often tech pioneers, the most famous example of which is the adoption of the VCR early on for distribution. And many […]


YouTube Video Overlay Ads Becoming More Visible

Beet.TV and Silicon Alley Insider discuss the new Adobe campaign (and others) featuring graphical ads and video overlay ads on YouTube. Below is a screenshot I captured after watching numerous streams because the ads don’t always appear. But the appearance of these ads indicates that YouTube is ramping up its monetization and experimenting with presenting […]


HD Video Coming To YouTube & More Changes At YouTube

High-quality YouTube videos coming soon from reports Steve Chen, YouTube’s co-founder, said YouTube will be offering high-quality streams of YouTube videos within three months. YouTube will detect the Internet connection of the user and offer the HD quality option if the speed is fast enough. In other YouTube news, YouTube announced they have added […]


YouTube Releases Desktop Multi-Video Upload PC Client

YouTube announced the release of a desktop PC client that allows you to upload multiple videos at one time. The client is available over here and is currently only supported in Windows, but YouTube says a Mac client is coming soon. You can upload 10 minutes in length videos and up to 1GB in size […]


YouTube Enhances Video Flagging System

YouTube has announced they have improved their video flagging system. If you ever watch a video that might raise a concern, you can click on a “Flag” link below the video (when on a video page) that will enable you to report the video to a human editor at YouTube. Based on user feedback, YouTube […]


Preview YouTube’s New Video Browsing Page

The YouTube Blog announced that new features are going to be launched in the upcoming months. One new feature is a new user interface for the video browsing page. You can preview the new page at this location. You will notice that if you mouse-over the video tab, it pops up categories for you to […]


Viacom Will Still Sue Google, Despite YouTube Piracy Filter

Viacom Says The Google Suit Is Still On from MediaPost reports that Viacom will continue its $1 billion suit over alleged copyright infringement on YouTube, even after Google launched its new YouTube piracy filter this week. Viacom spokesman Jeremy Zweig said the video identification tool “doesn’t have any impact” on the lawsuit. Zweig added that […]


Google to Launch YouTube Piracy Filter Today

Google Begins Offering New YouTube Piracy Fighter from CNNMoney reports Google will be announcing their YouTube video ID tool to help prevent content piracy, as soon as today. The source of this information has not been disclosed, nor have any additional details. The source did say that Google would provide additional details this Monday. Postscript: […]


Your Guide To Countries That Have Banned YouTube

With Thailand and Turkey both yet again seeking to block YouTube, we thought it would be useful to recap the growing list of countries that have objected to content on the service. We’re focusing on national governments that have taken action to block content on YouTube from being accessible countrywide.

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