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5 Keys For Creating Viral YouTube Titles

As with text web pages, from an SEO standpoint the title of your YouTube video is the most important piece of content on the page. Well, to be fair, the most important piece of content is actually the video itself, but for the purpose of this discussion, let’s assume that the video is at least […]


The YouTube Music Discovery Project

YouTube has launched the YouTube Music Discovery Project. It is a new tool they are testing, which helps you search for music and create YouTube playlists based on that query. You basically enter an artist’s name into the search box, hit “Disco” and it then returns results which you can add to your playlist. Here […]


Google Testing Comment Search On YouTube

Though the level of discourse in YouTube comments will never win awards, Google appears to be quietly testing a comment search feature. You won’t find it anywhere obvious in the YouTube interface — not on a video page, not even in Advanced Search. It’s available at this URL (you can change the query at the […]


Buy YouTube Promoted Videos Through Google AdWords

The Google Blog announced you ca now buy YouTube Promoted Video ads directly in the Google AdWords console. Google said that any advertiser with video content in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., France, Italy, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands can do this today. Previously, all YouTube Promoted Video ads were managed on YouTube at […]


YouTube Promoted Videos Land On AdSense Ads

The Google AdSense Blog announced they are now bringing YouTube Promoted Videos to AdSense ad spots throughout the web. Initially, Promoted Videos were shown on YouTube search results and then on related videos. Now, if an AdSense site has ad slots for 300×250 Medium Rectangle, 336×280 Large Rectangle, 728×90 Leaderboard, 250×250 Square, and 200×200 Small […]


Search, Video & Your Brand: Hello YouTube!

I often write about what you can do to protect your brands when it comes to the major search engines: Google, Yahoo and Bing. But did you know that the second most popular search engine today is YouTube? (according to Hitwise, ranking ahead of Yahoo search). You can buy self-service advertising on YouTube through its […]


Get YouTube Videos In Your Google Product Search Feeds

The Google Base Blog announced they have added a new attribute for Google Product Search merchants to submit product videos for specific products. Google Product Search can now show videos from YouTube. Here is a picture of the Nikon D90 with YouTube videos: How do merchants get their videos to show up for Google Product […]


YouTube Emphasizes Search In New Design

YouTube appears to finally be embracing its status as the second most-used search engine on the planet. Its new masthead design, just announced tonight, puts a much bigger emphasis on the site’s search capabilities. The new masthead looks very much like the masthead on a search results page: logo, large search box, and a […]


Google Launches Content Powered YouTube Promoted Video Ads

Google has expanded the YouTube Promoted Video ads product to enable advertisers to place their videos in the “related videos” section of other videos. Prior, Promoted Videos only displayed on the YouTube search results page. Now, advertisers can opt their promoted videos into the ‘content network’ and have them displayed in the related videos of […]


Bing Wants Your Jingle On Google’s YouTube

Bing is hosting one of those viral video contests, asking people to submit a jingle about Bing via YouTube. The contest is named the “Bing Jingle Contest” and the winner can earn a $500 American Express gift card. Here is a video by the Bing interns explaining how to participate: If you don’t want to […]


YouTube To Launch “Call-To-Action Overlay” Ads

TechCrunch reports that YouTube is adding a new ad type to its ad mix named “Call-To-Action Overlay” ads. These ads are very simple, they basically allow you to add a link to a third-party site, off of YouTube. The ad is a transparent background with an ad description and link to any site you want. […]


YouTube Leads Surge Of Online Video Watching In April

Online video watching jumped by 16% in April according to comScore, with YouTube getting “a significant increase in video viewing” during the month. Overall, comScore says U.S. Internet users watched almost 17 billion online videos in April, up 16% from March. YouTube’s share of that increase was about 900 million additional video views. Despite the […]


New Google Blog Targets YouTube’s Big Brands & Advertisers

Google has launched a new blog, the YouTube Biz Blog, that continues its effort to “help partners and advertisers find a home on YouTube.” It’s a theme we’ve written about recently when YouTube signed deals with major TV studios and announced plans to create the “Hulu” of music videos. YouTube is trying to transform from […]


YouTube Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It

As has anyone in the online industry, I have closely followed the YouTube saga since its acquisition by Google.  Undoubtedly YouTube is one of the greatest success stories of the Internet era, adding users and usage faster than any site ever launched on the web, including MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.  What is also often […]


YouTube To Become More Kid Friendly?

Ars Technica reports Google has informed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that they have been working on a new filtering system for videos, comments and communication on YouTube. It is believed that Google is working on these changes in order to make YouTube more kid or family friendly, by complying more with the FCC regulations […]


YouTube Moves: Google TV Ads And More Premium Content

YouTube is clearly evolving before our eyes — from a site that was largely about viral, user-generated content (UGC) to a premium content destination that may one day be a viable replacement for cable TV. First the news. Google/YouTube has signed deals with more studios to expand the range of full-length TV and movies content […]


Google Skirts Around South Korea Law With YouTube

PC World reports Google has disabled the ability for users to upload videos or comment on videos at YouTube Korea. Google made this move after South Korea passed a new law that requires sites with 100,000 unique visitors per day to require users to provide their real name and national ID card number before posting […]


Google To Create “Hulu” For Music Video, Moves Toward Inclusion Of More Professional Content On YouTube

YouTube spawned Hulu and Hulu is having a big influence on the future of YouTube. Hulu has had great success with brand advertisers, while YouTube has struggled to sell itself to brands despite being the dominant video site online (see chart below). Accordingly, last month ClickZ reported that YouTube was getting a Hulu-like makeover that […]


Google Slowly Turning YouTube Into A Moneymaker

There are signs this week that Google is slowly turning YouTube into a legitimate source of revenue, but there are also questions whether that’s happening quickly enough and if the revenue will ever become a profit. Let’s start with an AdAge article that reports YouTube is selling ads on about 9% of its video views […]


Hitwise: Visits To Gmail Surpass YouTube

Hitwise reported that “for the past two weeks, the market share of US Internet visits to Gmail has been higher than visits to YouTube.” Accordingly, the measurement firm says that Gmail is now second only to in terms of visits among Google’s properties. Gmail has recently had a number of problems, with several outages […]


Should YouTube Sponsored Video Ads Be In Your Marketing Mix?

According to comScore, YouTube surpassed Yahoo! as the #2 search engine in terms of search query volume in August of last year.  Recently, Google used the functionality of AdWords to launch the new YouTube sponsored video product, which allows advertisers to bid on keywords that trigger their video ad to appear in the YouTube search […]


Google Webmaster Central Launches YouTube Channel

The Google Webmaster Central team has officially announced the launch of a new YouTube channel at This channel will contain, you guessed it, videos from Googlers on how to help your web site success in Google. The first video is the presentation Matt Cutts gave at PubCon last year named “State of the Index […]


YouTube Searchers: It’s All About The Music

You can learn a lot about a web site by peeking below the hood of its internal site search. And, based on Hitwise data out today, YouTube is a surrogate music video search engine. Hitwise research suggests that 72% of the site’s Top 50 search terms from December 2008 are music-related — from L’il Wayne […]


Want To Rank Tops In Google? Do YouTube Videos, Stupid!

The Forrester Blog published a small but interesting study on how you can improve your chances, by 50 times, of showing up at the top of the Google search results. Their tip? Utilize Google’s Universal Search by creating videos. Not only does Forrester share statistics and analysis on how to improve your odds with videos, […]


YouTube Continues To Dominate Growing Video Landscape

Google continues to dominate the online video market in much the same way it dominates search. Google properties set a record in October with more than 100 million video viewers — 99.5 million of whom watched videos on YouTube. Those are some of the numbers issued this afternoon by comScore from its Video Metrix service. […]


Google Adds Search Box To YouTube Videos & Adds HD Embed

A week ago, YouTube changed the format of their videos to wide screen and HD format. My main issue back then was that the embed options did not give people a way to embed the wide screen format, easily. That has changed. YouTube now allows you to embed a wide screen format and they also […]


YouTube Formally Introduces ‘Sponsored Videos’

YouTube is formally announcing “sponsored videos.” This is an evolution and expansion of what was has been informally running under the heading “promoted videos.” The effort seeks to marry Google AdWords-like bidding and targeting with YouTube video content. Accordingly, it’s an auction marketplace but somewhat simplified vs. AdWords. And while there apparently will be a […]


Google’s New Metric For YouTube Ads: Brain Waves

The news came across the wire recently that Google has ventured into new territory to sell the value of their ad space and ad targeting on YouTube. Rather than the standard metrics of clicks and conversions Google is selling a new kind of metric—brain waves. YouTube has recently been pushing overlay ads which appear in […]


IM Broadcast: “YouTube For Internet Marketers”

Our friends, Loren Baker, David Snyder & Jordan Kasteler have launched a new video site named IM Broadcast. IM Broadcast, as Loren describes it, is “YouTube for Internet Marketers.” In short, it is a video sharing site focused around the Internet Marketing industry. The focus is not just to upload videos on Internet marketing topics, […]


SearchBiz: Corn Farmers Oppose GoogleHoo; Online Ad Spending In Trouble?; McCain Campaign Upset With YouTube Takedowns

Roll Call this week lays out the current state of the Google-Yahoo advertising deal, and says Microsoft is exercising “its considerable political clout” in Washington, DC, against Google. The article portrays Microsoft as aggressively using its in-house and outside lobbyists to rally public and private support against the deal. And, get this, one of the […]


YouTube Now Featuring “Promoted Videos”

Perhaps the “third leg” of the new YouTube monetization stool, the site has introduced “promoted videos.” These ads are to YouTube video search results as Google paid search is to organic listings. AdAdge wrote about the new ads yesterday. This new ad unit joins “click to buy” and ads on full-length shows, which were also […]


YouTube Gets Full-Length TV Shows, Click-To-Buy Options

YouTube has experimented with long-form content in the past. However, the site is now rolling out full-length episodes of vintage TV shows like Star Trek, MacGyver, and the not-so-vintage Beverly Hills 90210. Users can also watch these in the recently introduced “theater view,” featuring an expanded player that looks similar to the Hulu player.

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