Alliance for Sustainable Building Products

Alliance for Sustainable Building Products


About us

The ASBP is a cross sector, not for profit organisation, comprising, building product manufacturers and distributors, specifiers, designers, contractors, public interest and sustainability organisations, academics and other building practitioners. We are committed to accelerating the transition to a high performance, healthy and low carbon built environment by championing the increased understanding and use of building products that meet demonstrably high standards of sustainability.

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2-10 employees


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    Book your place at our #HealthyBuildings2025 Conference & Expo on 26th February, 9:30-17:00 in London. . Our afternoon talks begin with a focus on healthy indoor environments. We are delighted to have Professor Michael Davies of UCL to kick off this session. His presentation is titled Health Co-benefits of Climate Action for Housing. Mike Davies is Professor of Building Physics and the Environment, at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. His multidisciplinary research interests relate to the complex relationship between the built environment and human well-being. Professor Davies has been appointed by the Climate Change Committee as an expert adviser to support the publication of the progress report. Mike Davies is followed by Chryssa Thoua who will talk about her deep dive into measuring and monitoring VOCs in schools. Chryssa is an architect at Architype and a PhD student at UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering. Her research into this topic resulted from a collaboration between Architype, Historic England, and UCL, and explored aspects of the indoor environment in school buildings and, in particular, Passivhaus primary schools in the UK. The final topic of this session is 'Quality of Life and Decarbonisation'. Kat Scott and Finbar Charleson will give a presentation on dRMM research funded by the Built by Nature Accelerator Fund. This research study looked at the whole life carbon and quality of life impacts of mass timber buildings. Thanks to Built by Nature's commitment, dRMM investigated how to define what good looks like for timber buildings, providing a scalable method for understanding the carbon and wellbeing benefits of mass timber, as well as how they can be maximised across national and international development. Book now for #HealthyBuildings2025 - a conference and Expo with One Click LCA, Ecological Building Systems, Bereco , Buckland Timber, Double Helix Tracking Technologies, PEFC UK Limited, PYC Group, and Interior Design Declares - UK. 26th February 2025 | 9:30-17:00 | The Human Rights Action Centre (at Amnesty International UK), London EC2A 3EA.

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    Reusing foundations – are you making the most of the opportunities? Below ground construction is typically composed of high-volume, resource-intensive materials like concrete, steel, and polymers. While their durability and integrity is paramount, their potential for reuse can be overlooked, missing a huge opportunity to reduce material waste, decrease embodied carbon, and drive more circular construction practices. Andy Tyler, Head of Geotechnical at Heyne Tillett Steel, will be discussing the ‘why’, the ‘how’, and what to consider when it comes to reusing foundations at tomorrow’s Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below Ground Products webinar, hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products. Joining Andy will be Roy Fishwick, Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd; Iain Bell, John Lawrie Tubulars UK & Europe; and PIOTR BABST, Winkelmann Foundation Screw. Date: Thursday 30th January Time: 12:30-14:00 Location: Online Register here, free for ASBP members: #heynetillettsteel #hts #structuralengineering #geotechnicalengineering #engineer #engineering #foundationreuse #concreteconstruction #circulareconomy #londonproperty

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    Promoter of Sustainable Building through connecting people

    Managing moisture in buildings “is something that even Part L for dwellings does not understand or address adequately.” says Hrabrina Nikolova (Principal Sustainability Officer, Westminster City Council). She goes on to suggest that “architects out there could challenge building regulations when submitting at planning by stating that u-values might differ when retrofitting traditional buildings, allowing for better moisture control.” To add some weight behind their efforts, the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products has prepared a briefing paper to argue for a way forward to enable energy savings + moisture management.

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    Principal Sustainability Officer @ Westminster City Council | Circular Economy and Regenerative design / Whole life carbon

    This month's social media carbon budget is spent to celebrate the work of Westminster City Council Retrofit Taskforce (led by Lauren Shevills ) and their training sessions. Officers across housing, planning, building control, and climate, discussed the particularities of retrofitting Westminster's built environment, and in particular - historic or traditional buildings. Being the most historic part of London, retrofitting mews, listed, or mansion blocks in Westminster's conservation areas is, as pointed out today, perhaps the most complex type of works that architects and engineers need to do. The legislative context needs to improve as well to address those complexities. An important takeaway today was the need for moisture control when introducing higher air-tightness and better thermal performance. I was aware of the ventilation/air-quality requirements, but the moisture control is something that even Part L for dwellings does not understand or address adequately. Lesson learned: Achieving 0.30 W/m2K would require insulation that is most likely impermeable. In historic buildings, it will also mean that the insulation is probably from the inside. Architects out there could challenge building regulations when submitting at planning by stating that u-values might differ when retrofitting traditional buildings, allowing for better moisture control.

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  • Alliance for Sustainable Building Products reposted this

    Our IMPACTT research partners will be presenting at the 2025 Healthy Buildings Conference & Expo. Join us on 26 February in London as they reveal the findings of the ‘Innovative Mapping and Processes to Advance Construction Timber Transparency’ project. The session on mass timber will be opened by Anna Lisa McSweeney of Built by Nature, the funders of IMPACTT. This project forms part of the Built by Nature ‘From Forest to Frame Challenge’, launched in 2022 to increase the transparency around the climate impacts of decisions made along the bio-based construction value chain. The IMPACTT project has investigated how to add biodiversity data and forest data to the PEFC Certification system. Could the mass timber in buildings be traced back to the forests it came from, and reveal data on the forest’s biodiversity measurement, monitoring, and management? How could this information be made available to building users? At the conference, ASBP’s Research Associate, Asselia Katenbayeva, PhD, is delighted to be joined by project partners John Kirkby (Executive Director, PEFC UK Ltd), Darren Thomas (Co-Founder & CEO, Double Helix Tracking Technologies), and Dr Mila Duncheva MCIOB, (Business Development Manager UK & Ireland, Stora Enso) Quotes: PEFC: “PEFC UK is delighted to be part of the team for this project, the results of which could have a positive influence on the direction of future revisions of PEFC’s global standards. With forthcoming legislation in some regions requiring complete supply chain mapping, the timing and scope of the project should provide invaluable information on the solutions to achieve fully traceable, sustainable timber supply chains.” John Kirkby, Executive Director Double Helix Tracking Technologies: “Double Helix is excited to lead the digital supply chain mapping efforts for the IMPACTT project, paving the way for true transparency in timber sourcing. We believe that bridging the gap between the forest of origin and the end user will revolutionize how the public understand and value sustainable forest management.” Darren Thomas, CEO Stora Enso Wood Products GmbH: “As built environment professionals are getting to grips with carbon emissions to help mitigate the climate emergency, innovation’s focus shifts to the nature emergency and how the structures we are creating today impact biodiversity via their supply chains. Part of the global bioeconomy, Stora Enso are honoured to be collaborating with this project team to demystify the mass timber journey from seedling to building.” Dr Dr Mila Duncheva MCIOB, Business Development Manager of UK & Ireland Others contributing to the IMPACTT research are: Agrodome B.V. in the Netherlands, Woodknowledge Wales, and EURBAN Limited, with support from CEI-Bois and Timber Development UK. Join us on 26 February for the in-person #HealthyBuildings2025 at The Human Rights Action Centre, London EC2A 3EA.

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  • 🇪🇺 New EU Construction Products Regulation (CPR): Clarity for Ecolabels Required! On 7 January 2025, the revised EU #Bauproduktenverordnung (#CPR ) entered into force – an important step towards consumer protection, sustainability and the circular economy in the construction sector. It is part of the European Green Deal and aims to promote transparency and facilitate the use of sustainable building materials. Important innovations: ✅ Introduction of a digital product passport that provides consumers with information on the origin, performance and environmental impact of construction products. ✅ Strengthening environmental and climate protection criteria for construction products. ✅ Type 1 ecolabels, such as the natureplus label, remain recognised and can distinguish products that go beyond legal standards. The challenges: 📌 More bureaucracy for small manufacturers: The new requirements, such as the obligation to provide life cycle assessment data (EPR), pose major challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Without targeted support, implementation could become an obstacle for many. 📌 Recognition of ecolabels: The new regulation requires Type 1 ecolabels to meet the requirements of ISO 14024 and be officially recognized. But the exact criteria for this "official recognition" remain unclear: Is recognition at EU level enough? Do manufacturers have to go through a separate procedure for each member state? A clear and efficient regulation of the recognition of sustainable labels would facilitate access to resource-saving building materials and reduce bureaucracy for manufacturers. At the same time, the construction industry could make a decisive contribution to climate goals by prioritizing sustainable materials. Our appeal: "As a European environmental association, we recommend a simple solution. In order to keep the bureaucratic effort - and thus ultimately the costs for the manufacturers of particularly sustainable building products - as low as possible, a one-time recognition procedure should be sufficient," says Tilmann Kramolisch, Managing Director of natureplus e.V.. 💬 What do you think of the innovations? How can the industry work together on a successful implementation?

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    🇪🇺 Neue EU-Bauproduktenverordnung (CPR): Klarheit für Umweltzeichen gefordert! Am 7. Januar 2025 ist die überarbeitete EU-#Bauproduktenverordnung (#CPR) in Kraft getreten – ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Verbraucherschutz, Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen. Sie ist Teil des europäischen Green Deals und zielt darauf ab, Transparenz zu fördern und den Einsatz nachhaltiger Baustoffe zu erleichtern. Wichtige Neuerungen: ✅ Einführung eines digitalen Produktpasses, der Verbraucher*innen Informationen zu Herkunft, Leistung und Umweltauswirkungen von Bauprodukten bietet. ✅ Verstärkung von Umwelt- und Klimaschutzkriterien für Bauprodukte. ✅ Typ-1-Umweltzeichen, wie das natureplus-Label, bleiben weiterhin anerkannt und können Produkte auszeichnen, die über gesetzliche Standards hinausgehen. Die Herausforderungen: 📌 Mehr Bürokratie für kleine Hersteller: Die neuen Anforderungen, wie z. B. die Pflicht zur Bereitstellung von Ökobilanzdaten (EPD), stellen insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Ohne gezielte Unterstützung könnte die Umsetzung für viele zum Hindernis werden. 📌 Anerkennung von Umweltzeichen: Die neue Verordnung fordert, dass Typ-1-Umweltzeichen den Anforderungen der ISO 14024 entsprechen und offiziell anerkannt werden. Doch die genauen Kriterien für diese „offizielle Anerkennung“ bleiben unklar: Reicht eine Anerkennung auf EU-Ebene aus? Müssen Hersteller für jeden Mitgliedsstaat ein separates Verfahren durchlaufen? Eine klare und effiziente Regelung der Anerkennung nachhaltiger Labels würde den Zugang zu ressourcenschonenden Baustoffen erleichtern und die Bürokratie für Hersteller reduzieren. Gleichzeitig könnte die Bauwirtschaft einen entscheidenden Beitrag zu den Klimazielen leisten, indem sie nachhaltige Materialien priorisiert. Unser Appell: "Als europäischer Umweltverband empfehlen wir eine einfache Lösung. Um den bürokratischen Aufwand - und damit letztlich die Kosten für die Hersteller besonders nachhaltiger Bauprodukte - möglichst niedrig zu halten, sollte ein einmaliges Anerkennungsverfahren ausreichen", so Tilmann Kramolisch, Geschäftsführer von natureplus e.V.. 💬 Was halten Sie von den Neuerungen? Wie kann die Branche gemeinsam an einer erfolgreichen Umsetzung arbeiten? Lesen Sie den vollständigen Artikel: . . . #natureplus #EUCPR #Nachhaltigkeit #Bauwende #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Umweltzeichen #GreenBuilding European Commission, European Parliament, Building Green Deutschland, DNR Deutscher Naturschutzring, Natural Building Lab, DGNB German Sustainable Building Council, Concular, Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie, Blauer Engel

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  • #ReUseNow! Hear how organisations already implementing below-ground #reuse are taking advantage of this #circulareconomy business opportunity, and reducing carbon emissions. ASBP Patron members, Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd, and John Lawrie Tubulars UK & Europe, will be joined by Heyne Tillett Steel, and Winkelmann Design & Construction to present the lessons learned from case studies and experience. 30 January 2025 at 12:30-14:00. Free for ASBP members, from £10+VAT for others.

    Join us on 30th January for the first of our 2025 #ReUseNow webinars - Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below ground products and materials. Products and materials, such as foundations, piling systems, and utility infrastructure (e.g., pipes and tubes) are essential to most structural projects. These elements are typically composed of high-volume, resource-intensive materials like concrete, steel, and polymers. While their durability and integrity is paramount, their potential for reuse can be overlooked. There is a huge opportunity to reduce material waste, decrease embodied carbon, and drive more circular construction practices. We will hear from experts already implementing below-ground reuse. These include ASBP Patron members, John Lawrie Tubulars UK & Europe, and Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd, who will explore the lessons learned from their case studies and experience. 30 January at 12:30-14:00. Free for ASBP members, £10+VAT for members of partner organisations, £20+VAT general admission. Thank you as always to our ReUseNow Campaign sponsors, Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd, Optima Systems, Circuland, EME, Reusefully Ltd and Woodknowledge Wales - promoting reuse in construction to reduce material waste, decrease embodied carbon, and drive more circular construction practices.

    Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below ground products and materials - The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products

    Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below ground products and materials - The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products

  • Book your place at our #HealthyBuildings2025 Conference & Expo on 26th February, 9:30-17:00 in London. . Our afternoon talks begin with a focus on healthy indoor environments. We are delighted to have Professor Michael Davies of UCL to kick off this session. His presentation is titled Health Co-benefits of Climate Action for Housing. Mike Davies is Professor of Building Physics and the Environment, at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. His multidisciplinary research interests relate to the complex relationship between the built environment and human well-being. Professor Davies has been appointed by the Climate Change Committee as an expert adviser to support the publication of the progress report. Mike Davies is followed by Chryssa Thoua who will talk about her deep dive into measuring and monitoring VOCs in schools. Chryssa is an architect at Architype and a PhD student at UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering. Her research into this topic resulted from a collaboration between Architype, Historic England, and UCL, and explored aspects of the indoor environment in school buildings and, in particular, Passivhaus primary schools in the UK. The final topic of this session is 'Quality of Life and Decarbonisation'. Kat Scott and Finbar Charleson will give a presentation on dRMM research funded by the Built by Nature Accelerator Fund. This research study looked at the whole life carbon and quality of life impacts of mass timber buildings. Thanks to Built by Nature's commitment, dRMM investigated how to define what good looks like for timber buildings, providing a scalable method for understanding the carbon and wellbeing benefits of mass timber, as well as how they can be maximised across national and international development. Book now for #HealthyBuildings2025 - a conference and Expo with One Click LCA, Ecological Building Systems, Bereco , Buckland Timber, Double Helix Tracking Technologies, PEFC UK Limited, PYC Group, and Interior Design Declares - UK. 26th February 2025 | 9:30-17:00 | The Human Rights Action Centre (at Amnesty International UK), London EC2A 3EA.

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  • Alliance for Sustainable Building Products reposted this

    Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below ground products and materials. Join us for an insightful and collaborative webinar dedicated to advancing the reuse of steel below ground in the construction industry. There is a huge opportunity to reduce material waste, decrease embodied carbon, and drive more circular construction practices. Iain Bell will be sharing real life lessons learned from our case studies and experience as part of the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products Reuse now campaign, we’ll also be joined by Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd, Heyne Tillett Steel and Winkelmann Foundation Screw who are also championing steel reuse in construction. Register your interest here: Details: 30 JAN 25 | 12:30-14:00 | Online Free for ASBP members, £10+VAT for members of partner organisations, £20+VAT general admission. #reusenow #repurposedsteel #piling #sustainable #construction #sustainablebuildingproducts #belowground #foundations

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    Promoter of Sustainable Building through connecting people

    Dates for your 2025 diaries: 29 January 13:30-17:30 London. The 2025 Conference from Good Homes Alliance - for those from across the built environment sector who seek to go beyond business as usual, break through housebuilding norms, and deliver higher quality homes, fit for the 21st century. 26 February 9:30-17:00 London. The popular annual Alliance for Sustainable Building Products Conference & Expo Highlights include: ~ Keynote from John Palmer, Deputy Director at MHCLG. ~ Findings from the IMPACTT project which has aimed to increase traceability and transparency in mass timber supply chains, with a focus on biodiversity impacts. ~ Case study: A new seven storey, cross laminated timber building in Cardiff which will provide 39 affordable apartments for social rent. ~ The latest research on healthy indoor environments and VOCs with talks from UCL, Architype and dRMM. ~ Panel discussions on biogenic carbon and regenerative design.

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