International Methane Emissions Observatory

International Methane Emissions Observatory

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Paris, Île-de-France 5 427 abonnés

UNEP's IMEO collects and integrates methane emissions data to target ambitious emissions reductions and track progress.

À propos

Reducing methane emissions is the single fastest way to slow global warming as we decarbonize, but the world needs empirical data to enable climate action at scale. UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) is harnessing a methane data revolution by putting open, reliable, and actionable data directly into the hands of individuals with the power to reduce emissions. Methane data is critical for closing the emissions gap by focusing mitigation efforts and tracking progress over time. Situated at the centre of the world’s methane data ecosystem, IMEO collects, synthesizes, and publishes data from its Methane Science Studies; from satellites via the Methane Alert and Response System (MARS); through rigorous industry reporting via the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0); and from national emissions inventories. IMEO is a core implementing partner of the Global Methane Pledge – which is a global effort by over 150 countries, led by the EU and US, to reduce global methane emissions 30 per cent by 2030 from 2020 levels.

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Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Non lucratif
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  • 🚨🛰️ Data from the UN Environment Programme's Methane Alert and Response System is helping drive transparency and accountability to #CutMethane. 🔺 Bloomberg's Aaron Clark highlights persistent emissions in the Gulf of Thailand, observed by MARS via satellite and provided to the relevant government and industry stakeholders to enable action. 🔺 “Given the scale and persistence of these emissions, swift action is needed to address them,” said IMEO Head Manfredi Caltagirone. 🔺 Emissions at the site – an offshore platform in the Gulf of Thailand – have been observed at least 60 times since 2013, with an average emissions rate of 4,650 kilograms of methane an hour. ➡️ Reducing emissions is essential for driving rapid climate action, and credible data – like that provided by IMEO through MARS – is needed to ensure commitments and translated into concrete progress. Read the whole article:

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    Recently, Manfredi Caltagirone, Head of the UN Environment Programme's IMEO, addressed the Fourth China Methane Summit. Credible data is essential for helping #China meet its #methane goals by deploying solutions at speed and scale. The presentation highlighted IMEO's role providing open, reliable, and actionable data to empower stakeholders to take methane action. ➡️ He also highlighted the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 as the only comprehensive, measurement-based reporting framework for the sector. ➡️ Additionally, he spoke about the Methane Alert and Response System, the first global satellite detection and notification system providing actionable data on very large methane emissions around the world. ℹ️ The conference brought together policy, industry, and S&T experts. Special thanks to the organizers: the China Climate Investment and Financing Association, China Energy Conservation Consulting Co., Ltd., and the Environmental Defense Fund. Learn more about IMEO's work to #CutMethane:

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  • Interview alert 🚨 IMEO's Giulia Ferrini featured in the 2024 Bureau Veritas Group Global Energy Transition Report. As the manager of UNEP's Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), Giulia Ferrini highlights the critical role of accurate methane emissions data, which is needed to enable targeted mitigation efforts crucial for advancing global climate goals. ➡️ Shifting from generic estimate in methane emissions data to real-world measurement is crucial to #CutMethane. Read the whole interview here ⬇️

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    Why is addressing methane waste in the waste sector important? Because it accounts for 20% of all anthropogenic methane emissions. 🔴 However, this focus must not detract from essential mitigation efforts within the fossil fuel industry. 💡 The oil and gas sector holds the largest, fastest, and most cost-effective potential for methane reduction. For this, it needs real-world and empirical methane emissions data, which IMEO provides through initiatives like the: 🔺 Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) and 🔺 Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) IMEO is a core-implementing partner of the Global Methane Pledge, which aims to curb methane emissions by 30% by 2030. As we advance mitigation across various sectors including waste, ensuring the fossil fuel industry fulfills its commitments made at COP28 is crucial. Find out more:

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  • 🆕 Recently, IMEO's Monika Oczkowska joined Cedigaz for a panel on "Galvanizing the Industry to Take Meaningful Action Against Methane Emissions." Key topics included: ➡️ The rapid abatement of methane across natural gas and LNG operations, which is essential for demonstrating the sector's ability to manage its climate footprint and preserving it social license to operate. ➡️ How governments, civil society, and companies have prioritized reducing methane emissions from natural gas and LNG operations, allocating over US $1 billion to support initiatives to #CutMethane. 💡 UN Environment Programme's IMEO has an essential role providing credible data to unlock climate action in this growing ecosystem of stakeholders working on methane. Its mission of providing open, reliable, and actionable methane data is crucial for enabling transparency and accountability. 💡A core pillar of this work is the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP 2.0), which is the only comprehensive, measurement-based reporting framework for the oil and gas industry. The Partnership already encompasses 40% of global oil and gas production and over 70% of LNG flows, but we need the entire industry to commit to transparency and accountability in order to meet the methane moment. Learn more about UNEP's IMEO:

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  • 🤝 The Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 welcomes Ithaca Energy among its members working to #CutMethane with credible data. This is another step towards methane transparency in Europe! 🌍 OGMP 2.0 is the UN Environment Programme's flagship reporting and mitigation programme, and is the only comprehensive, measurement-based international reporting framework for the oil and gas sector. 🔍 It now covers an overwhelming majority of Oil and Gas operations in Europe across all segments of the value chain – for upstream it's over 70% of production. Learn more about this UNEP initiative and how to join OGMP 2.0:

    • New member alert: Ithaca Energy joins the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0
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    A new study quantifies one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded, which occurred last year at a remote well in Kazakhstan: 🔺 The emissions event began 9 June 2023 and lasted at least 205 days. Scientists estimate it released up to 165,000 tonnes of methane. In the near-term, that amount of methane has the same climate impact as 2.9 million cars driven for a year. 🚗 🔺 The leak was first detected by scientists at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, IMEO and Kayrros. IMEO observed the emissions as part of the Methane Alert and Response System, which uses satellite data to notify governments and companies of emissions. 🔺 The study illustrates how a diverse array of methane-sensitive satellites can be combined to reconstruct and quantify emissions from sustained leaks. 🌍 The new era of methane monitoring from space, boosted by international initiatives such as the Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) of the UNEP and new methane satellite missions such as MethaneSAT and Carbon Mapper, will be crucial for the detection and quantification of large methane leaks around the world. 🔎 UNEP’s IMEO exists to make this methane data actionable so governments and companies can #CutMethane at scale. Access the whole study here:

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  • 💬 Closing remarks of Manfredi Caltagirone, Head of the UN Environment Programme's IMEO, at the 2024 Japan Oil & Gas Methane Workshop. "Rapid methane reduction requires systemic approach and a common harmonised framework in reporting CH4 emissions, consistently across the globe, starting with global oil and gas infrastructure with the highest reduction potential. {...} We need to move from ambition to action, by making sure we don’t replicate effort but join forces; as well as collectively pushing for significant progress for common methane transparency standards." 🌏 This Methane Dialogue was facilitated by Environmental Defense Fund as part of the European Union Climate Dialogues. It gathered key stakeholders from the industry, policy, and science community to facilitate impactful discussions on policies, measures, and standards. Let's join forces to #CutMethane. Learn more about IMEO's work to cut methane:

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    Taking climate action to new heights! 🌍 💥 A new generation of methane-detecting satellites is helping drive a data revolution with the potential to unlock climate progress at speed and scale. 🧩 Each of these missions – including Carbon Mapper, MethaneSAT, JAXA’s GOSAT-GW and others – fills in a different piece of the emissions puzzle. 🛰️ Carbon Mapper: With its Tanager satellites — developed by Planet with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory technology — Carbon Mapper will pinpoint high-emission sources at specific facilities, enabling quick identification and mitigation of emission events. 🛰️ MethaneSAT: Developed by Environmental Defense Fund, this satellite will provide high-resolution measurements of methane emissions over wide areas, offering vital regional data on where emissions are occurring, how big they are, and how they're changing over time. 💪 The UN Environment Programme’s IMEO exists to put the pieces of the methane data puzzle together so that governments and companies can take #ClimateAction. Read more:

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  • 👏 UN Environment Programme Executive Director Inger Andersen announced yesterday that 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan will host World Environment Day 2026 focused on climate change. ➡️ Curbing methane emissions is the single fastest way to slow global warming as we decarbonize, and this represents a critical opportunity to highlight the urgent need for methane action to achieve climate goals. 🛰 Credible data is essential to #CutMethane, and UNEP's IMEO provides open, reliable, and actionable data to individuals with the power to take action on methane. 🔗 Read the whole statement here:

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