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New goodies for online retailers at SMX East

If you’re an online retailer, you’re already ramping up for the busy holiday season ahead. The good news is that Google has rolled out several new features to AdWords to help with your shopping campaigns. As reported by Ginny Marvin on Search Engine Land, the new AdWords features include a new metric, called absolute top […]


The perfect structure for managing profitable shopping ads

When you start advertising on a new platform, deciding how to structure things can be scary because there’s the risk that a bad decision now could hamper your future efforts. So if you’re new to managing shopping ads, or you’re looking for some fresh ideas to revive underperforming campaigns, I’ll show you my ideal shopping […]


Watch this retail space: 2017 retail prediction

Google has dominated consumer search for nearly 20 years. While this dominance continues today, there is one area of search where it is losing share rapidly: retail product search. Historically, it’s been one of Google’s biggest moneymakers, with retail search accounting for at least 25 percent of total search revenues. A recent study by BloomReach indicates […]

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