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SearchCap: Google Right To Be Forgotten, YouTube Searches & Google Doodle

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Give Yourself A Grade In AdWords Columnist Frederick Vallaeys shares his favorite tools and methods for evaluating your AdWords performance. Right-To-Be-Forgotten One Year Later: 70 Percent Of Requests Refused The most […]


Facebook & YouTube Are Top Sites With Content Removed From Google Under “Right To Be Forgotten”

Google is now sharing details about Right To Be Forgotten removals in a new section of its pre-existing Google Transparency Report area. The latest numbers show that Facebook, and Google’s own YouTube are the top three sites to have content taken down through the new European system. In the new section, Google breaks out the requests […]


Udi Manber Moves To YouTube As Head Of Search

Udi Manber, a longtime Google search executive, has been shifted over to YouTube where he’ll lead search efforts on Google’s super-popular video sharing/viewing website. The news was first reported by the Wall Street Journal in an article about executive changes at YouTube. A Google spokesperson confirmed Manber’s move with us, saying via email: I can […]


AdWords Click Fraud Service Found Using Google’s Trademark, Promoting Itself On YouTube

How’s this for brazen? For at least two years, a Russian hacker has been running a cheekily-named click fraud service called GoodGoogle, promoting it in videos on Google’s YouTube and using Gmail accounts to correspond with customers. Online security expert, Brian Krebs, recently brought the scam to light. The service enables advertisers to quickly run […]


Why The YouTube Keyword Tool Is So Amazing For Link Building

Debra Mastaler mentioned the YouTube keyword tool again recently, and I don’t think I’ve been this excited about keywords in, well… ever. I confess to only now realizing how much of a help it can be. Never mind the awesome fact that you can get keywords and easily import them into Google AdWords for your […]


Essential YouTube Optimization Tactics

During the YouTube: Optimization Tips For The Second Most-Popular Search Engine session at SMX East we were treated to smorgasbord of tips, tricks and sound advice for marketers wanting their video marketing to leap-frog the competition. Manny Rivas, Online Advertising Director at aimClear got us all excited by saying “B2B can be sexy” and started his […]


10 Tips For Using YouTube To Kill At Local SEO

Here’s a local search optimization tactic that is a staple in the repertoire of many professional SEOs: YouTube Optimization. It’s particularly effective in local search since relatively few businesses have created and published video promotions for themselves. Before launching into the technical tips for optimizing your YouTube videos for local search, it’s worthwhile to mention […]


Google Trends Now Shows YouTube Searches

Google announced on Google+ that they have expanded Google Trends to add YouTube search support. Now you can use Google Trends to see what searches are trending and spiking across the world from within YouTube search. The trend data for YouTube goes back to 2008. To use this, go to Google Trends and search for […]


3 Out Of 4 Top 100 Global Brands On Google+, YouTube Use At 85%

Google+ is poised for major growth with 3 out of 4 top 100 brands on the network. With 85% adoption, YouTube is a hit among marketers. Together, Google+ and YouTube make Google a search and social media powerhouse. Since Google + was launched in June 2011, there have been a number of articles, opinions, surveys […]


YouTube Search Adds Time Watched As Ranking Factor

The YouTube Blog announced they have adjusted their ranking algorithm to include the time a video was watched. YouTube said they experimented with this ranking factor with suggested videos and it lead to “less clicking” and “more watching” and thus feels it is a good idea to add to the overall YouTube Search ranking algorithm. […]


Google: Many Popular Sites Will Escape Pirate Penalty, Not Just YouTube

Google says that YouTube isn’t going to somehow solely escape its new “pirate penalty.” Any popular site may be OK, as the penalty works off of more than pure copyright infringement reports. Nuances in calculating the penalty should save popular user-generated content sites, the company said. The Pirate Penalty Initially, it sounded as if sites […]


How YouTube Will Escape Google’s New Pirate Penalty

Google has announced that it will soon penalize sites that are repeatedly accused of copyright infringement. But one site in particular doesn’t need to worry: Google’s own YouTube. It has a unique immunity against the forthcoming penalty. POSTSCRIPT: Please also be sure to read our follow-up article, Google: Many Popular Sites Will Escape Pirate Penalty, Not […]


To Understand Google Favoritism, Think “If Google+ Were YouTube”

Google’s favoritism of Google+ in its new Search Plus results is just the latest in the line of favoritism it has done with vertical search? It’s not, because Google hasn’t really favored itself with vertical search. It is favoring itself with Google+, and that’s why things are so disturbing. Vertical Search Is What Search Engines […]


How To Get Started With YouTube Promoted Video

Earlier in the year, YouTube surpassed Yahoo as the world’s second largest search engine. In June 2011, ComScore reported that in the U.S., YouTube attracted 5.6 billion viewing sessions per month and the average U.S. visitor frequents the site 23 times a month with each visit lasting on average 26 minutes. And, just today, ComScore […]

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