Wonderful to see planning permission secured for 1 Knightsbridge Green in London. Reaching this milestone is no small feat and comes down to the collaboration of many talented people. #NDY is delivering the mechanical, electrical and public health design, as well as leading the performance energy modelling to help create a sustainable, high-performing building. We’re thrilled to be involved in the redevelopment of the last remaining large office building in the area and to play a role in its transformation. Congratulations to all our project partners. #MakingSpacesWork Tetra Tech High Performance Buildings Group | Cosentini Associates | Glumac | Hoare Lea | Berkeley Estate Asset Management | B&CO | CBRE UK | Allford Hall Monaghan Morris | Heyne Tillett Steel | Atelier Ten | exigere | Point 2 | Caneparo Associates | Kanda Consulting | Tavernor Consultancy | QUANTUM ACOUSTICS
We're pleased to have secured planning permission for 1 Knightsbridge Green, a very significant 385,000 sq ft office and retail development. This project marks an important milestone for the site and the area. #sustainability #development #planning #london #commercialrealestate CBRE UK Berkeley Estate Asset Management Blackburn & Co. Ltd Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Atelier Ten Point 2 Kanda Consulting Heyne Tillett Steel Tavernor Consultancy NDY