New Partnership is the New Leadership! I am thrilled to share another great example of how new horizontal collaborations can support us in deploying intermodal rail solutions that contribute to building sustainable transport systems. This success in collaborative approaches among transport buyers started with INDITEX, as previously shared. This confirms that we have opportunities to further explore and leverage such transformative business approaches. Now, we have deployed a new rail solution on the Poland-Austria corridor. This has been achieved together with another shipper and WENZEL Logistics. We have started with two train departures and are already looking to add a third one! This effort enables us to shift an additional 4,000 loads from road to rail, saving 2,300 tons of CO2 yearly. I also want to highlight the crucial role of the human factor in making this happen. This success is about PEOPLE and their willingness to do things differently with high engagement. Special thanks to Joanna Waliszewska, Stephan Platzer, MBA and WENZEL Logistics team. Let's keep moving forward in co-creating the future of transportation. We will all WIN from such new partnerships. #NewPartnership #LogisticsInnovation #Collaboration #Intermodal #Decarbonization
12 NOVEMBER 2024: LAUNCH OF A BRAND-NEW INTERMODAL-RAIL CONNECTION POLAND-AUSTRIA-POLAND, -2300 TONS CO2 On 12 November evening, we started a brand-new intermodal-rail connection between Poland (Poznan) and Austria (Wendorf). It supports our efforts to ensure sustainability in transportation in all its 3 dimensions: ecological, economical and social. This new connection has been built by WENZEL Logistics GmbH for IKEA and another important fellow shipper based on a very close horizontal collaboration (combining the volume flows, agreeing common operational requirements, time plan, etc.) of all parties involved. Currently, two block trains per week will enable IKEA to move additional 4.000 load from road and save 2300 tons of CO2 yearly. As a next step, we are focusing on bringing further volumes to this solution to possibly enable the launch of the third weekly train, and we will explore possibilities to deploy zero emission vehicles for first and last mile to build another green corridor. Big thanks for this great example of horizontal collaboration go to: Damian Walaszek, Klaus Kurzmann, Bernhard Serdelic, Ferry Thomann, Helmut Nussbaumer and IKEA Land team: Joanna Waliszewska, Adrien GARCIA, Tudor Viorel Ciobanu
Great example of visionary approach and collaboration through industries and the supply chain to make it happen Adrien - success!!
Congrats for this great achievement!! 🎉🌱
Passionate for logistics of the future as researcher at PTV
2moWow. This is a striking statement on collaborative intermodal service development and decarbonisation in transport