Interface for rendering and interacting with HTML pages.
You can use this interface to render and display HTML pages directly inside your game or application. You must call
Init prior to using this interface, and
Shutdown when you're done using it.
It is built upon the Chromium Embedded Framework and supports HTML5 markup.
Steam HTML Surface for more information.
Member Functions
Member functions for
are called through the global accessor function
void AddHeader( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchKey, const char *pchValue );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to add the header to. |
pchKey | const char * | The header name to add. |
pchValue | const char * | The header value to associate with the key. |
Add a header to any HTTP requests from this browser.
A full list of standard request fields are available here on
void AllowStartRequest( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bAllowed );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that is navigating. |
bAllowed | bool | Allow or deny the navigation to the current start request. |
Sets whether a pending load is allowed or if it should be canceled.
You can use this feature to limit the valid pages allowed in your HTML surface.
void CopyToClipboard( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to copy the text from. |
Copy the currently selected text from the current page in an HTML surface into the local clipboard.
SteamAPICall_t CreateBrowser( const char *pchUserAgent, const char *pchUserCSS );
Name | Type | Description |
pchUserAgent | const char * | Appends the string to the general user agent string of the browser, allowing you to detect your client on webservers. Use NULL if you do not require this functionality. |
pchUserCSS | const char * | This allows you to set a CSS style to every page displayed by this browser. Use NULL if you do not require this functionality. |
Create a browser object for displaying of an HTML page.
You will want to call
SetSize and
LoadURL to start using your display surface.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
HTML_BrowserReady_t call result.
void ExecuteJavascript( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchScript );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that is navigating. |
pchScript | const char * | The javascript script to run. |
Run a javascript script in the currently loaded page.
void FileLoadDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char **pchSelectedFiles );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that wants to spawn a file open dialog. |
pchSelectedFiles | const char ** | This should be an array of absolute file paths to the files that the user has selected. NULL if the user did not select any files. |
Allows you to react to a page wanting to open a file load dialog.
void Find( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchSearchStr, bool bCurrentlyInFind, bool bReverse );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to find the string in. |
pchSearchStr | const char * | The string to search for. |
bCurrentlyInFind | bool | Set this to true on subsequent calls to cycle through to the next matching string. |
bReverse | bool | Search from the bottom up? |
Find a string in the current page of an HTML surface.
This is the equivalent of "ctrl+f" in your browser of choice. It will highlight all of the matching strings.
You should call
StopFind when the input string has changed or you want to stop searching.
Returns: void
Triggers a
HTML_SearchResults_t callback.
void GetLinkAtPosition( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int x, int y );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to get a link from. |
x | int | The X (width) position in pixels within the surface. (0, 0) is the top left corner. |
y | int | The Y (height) position in pixels within the surface. (0, 0) is the top left corner. |
Retrieves details about a link at a specific position on the current page in an HTML surface.
Returns: void
Triggers a
HTML_LinkAtPosition_t callback.
void GoBack( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to navigate back on. |
Navigate back in the page history.
void GoForward( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to navigate forward on. |
Navigate forward in the page history
bool Init();
Initializes the HTML Surface API.
This must be called prior to using any other functions in this interface.
You MUST call
Shutdown when you are done using the interface to free up the resources associated with it. Failing to do so will result in a memory leak!
Returns: bool
true if the API was successfully initialized; otherwise,
void JSDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bResult );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that is spawning a dialog. |
bResult | bool | Set this to true to simulate pressing the "OK" button, otherwise false for "Cancel". |
Allows you to react to a page wanting to open a javascript modal dialog notification.
void KeyChar( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 cUnicodeChar, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
cUnicodeChar | uint32 | The unicode character point for this keypress; and potentially multiple characters per press. |
eHTMLKeyModifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers | This should be set to a bitmask of the modifier keys that the user is currently pressing. |
cUnicodeChar is the unicode character point for this keypress (and potentially multiple chars per press)
void KeyDown( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nNativeKeyCode, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
nNativeKeyCode | uint32 | This is the virtual keycode value from the OS. |
eHTMLKeyModifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers | This should be set to a bitmask of the modifier keys that the user is currently pressing. |
keyboard interactions, native keycode is the virtual key code value from your OS
void KeyUp( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nNativeKeyCode, EHTMLKeyModifiers eHTMLKeyModifiers );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
nNativeKeyCode | uint32 | This is the virtual keycode value from the OS. |
eHTMLKeyModifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers | This should be set to a bitmask of the modifier keys that the user is currently pressing. |
void LoadURL( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, const char *pchURL, const char *pchPostData );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to load this URL in. |
pchURL | const char * | The URL to load. |
pchPostData | const char * | Optionally send a POST request with this data, set this to NULL to not send any data. |
Navigate to a specified URL.
If you send POST data with
then the data should be formatted as:
You can load any URI scheme supported by Chromium Embedded Framework including but not limited to:
, and
. If no scheme is specified then
is used.
Returns: void
Triggers a
HTML_StartRequest_t callback.
void MouseDoubleClick( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
eMouseButton | EHTMLMouseButton | The mouse button which was double clicked. |
Tells an HTML surface that a mouse button has been double clicked.
The click will occur where the surface thinks the mouse is based on the last call to
void MouseDown( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
eMouseButton | EHTMLMouseButton | The mouse button which was pressed. |
Tells an HTML surface that a mouse button has been pressed.
The click will occur where the surface thinks the mouse is based on the last call to
void MouseMove( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int x, int y );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
x | int | X (width) coordinate in pixels relative to the position of the HTML surface. (0, 0) is the top left. |
y | int | Y (height) coordinate in pixels relative to the position of the HTML surface. (0, 0) is the top left. |
Tells an HTML surface where the mouse is.
void MouseUp( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
eMouseButton | EHTMLMouseButton | The mouse button which was released. |
Tells an HTML surface that a mouse button has been released.
The click will occur where the surface thinks the mouse is based on the last call to
void MouseWheel( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, int32 nDelta );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to send the interaction to. |
nDelta | int32 | The number of pixels to scroll. |
Tells an HTML surface that the mouse wheel has moved.
void PasteFromClipboard( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to paste into. |
Paste from the local clipboard to the current page in an HTML surface.
void Reload( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to reload. |
Refreshes the current page.
The reload will most likely hit the local cache instead of going over the network. This is equivalent to F5 or Ctrl+R in your browser of choice.
void RemoveBrowser( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The browser handle to release. |
You MUST call this when you are done with an HTML surface, freeing the resources associated with it.
Failing to call this will result in a memory leak!
void SetBackgroundMode( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bBackgroundMode );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface set background mode on. |
bBackgroundMode | bool | Toggle background mode on or off. |
Enable/disable low-resource background mode, where javascript and repaint timers are throttled, resources are more aggressively purged from memory, and audio/video elements are paused.
When background mode is enabled, all HTML5 video and audio objects will execute ".pause()" and gain the property "._steam_background_paused = 1".
When background mode is disabled, any video or audio objects with that property will resume with ".play()".
void SetCookie( const char *pchHostname, const char *pchKey, const char *pchValue, const char *pchPath = "/", RTime32 nExpires = 0, bool bSecure = false, bool bHTTPOnly = false );
Name | Type | Description |
pchHostname | const char * | The hostname of the server to set the cookie for. ('Host' attribute) |
pchKey | const char * | The cookie name to set. |
pchValue | const char * | The cookie value to set. |
pchPath | const char * | Sets the 'Path' attribute on the cookie. You can use this to restrict the cookie to a specific path on the domain. e.g. "/accounts" |
nExpires | RTime32 | Sets the 'Expires' attribute on the cookie to the specified timestamp in Unix epoch format (seconds since Jan 1st 1970). |
bSecure | bool | Sets the 'Secure' attribute. |
bHTTPOnly | bool | Sets the 'HttpOnly' attribute. |
Set a webcookie for a specific hostname.
You can read more about the specifics of setting cookies here on
void SetHorizontalScroll( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nAbsolutePixelScroll );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to set the horizontal scroll position. |
nAbsolutePixelScroll | uint32 | The absolute pixel position to scroll to. 0 is the left and HTML_HorizontalScroll_t.unScrollMax is the right side. |
Scroll the current page horizontally.
Returns: void
Triggers a
HTML_HorizontalScroll_t callback.
See Also: HTML_HorizontalScroll_t,
void SetKeyFocus( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, bool bHasKeyFocus );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to set key focus on. |
bHasKeyFocus | bool | Turn key focus on or off? |
Tell a HTML surface if it has key focus currently, controls showing the I-beam cursor in text controls amongst other things.
void SetPageScaleFactor( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, float flZoom, int nPointX, int nPointY );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to scale. |
flZoom | float | The amount to zoom, this can range from 1 (100% and the default) to 2 (200%). |
nPointX | int | The X point in pixels to zoom around. Use 0 if you don't care. |
nPointY | int | The Y point in pixels to zoom around. Use 0 if you don't care. |
Zoom the current page in an HTML surface.
The current scale factor is available from
, and
void SetSize( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 unWidth, uint32 unHeight );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to set the size of. |
unWidth | uint32 | The width of the surface in pixels. |
unHeight | uint32 | The height of the surface in pixels. |
Sets the display size of a surface in pixels.
void SetVerticalScroll( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, uint32 nAbsolutePixelScroll );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to set the vertical scroll position. |
nAbsolutePixelScroll | uint32 | The absolute pixel position to scroll to. 0 is the top and HTML_VerticalScroll_t.unScrollMax is the bottom. |
Scroll the current page vertically.
Returns: void
Triggers a
HTML_VerticalScroll_t callback.
See Also: HTML_VerticalScroll_t,
bool Shutdown();
Shutdown the ISteamHTMLSurface interface, releasing the memory and handles.
You MUST call this when you are done using this interface to prevent memory and handle leaks. After calling this then all of the functions provided in this interface will fail until you call
Init to reinitialize again.
Returns: bool
This function currently always returns
void StopFind( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to stop the find results. |
Cancel a currently running find.
See Also: FindStopLoad
void StopLoad( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to stop loading. |
Stop the load of the current HTML page.
void ViewSource( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle );
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface to view its current pages source. |
Open the current pages HTML source code in default local text editor, used for debugging.
These are callbacks which can be fired by calling
SteamAPI_RunCallbacks. Many of these will be fired directly in response to the member functions of
A new browser was created and is ready for use.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | This is the handle to the browser that was just created, which you can use with future calls to ISteamHTMLSurface. |
Associated Functions: CreateBrowserHTML_CanGoBackAndForward_t
Called when page history status has changed the ability to go backwards and forward.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
bCanGoBack | bool | Returns whether you can navigate backwards. |
bCanGoForward | bool | Returns whether you can navigate forward. |
Called when the current page in a browser gets a new title.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchTitle | const char * | The new title of the page. |
Called when the browser has been requested to close due to user interaction; usually because of a javascript
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
Called when a browser surface has received a file open dialog from a
<input type="file">
click or similar, you must call
FileLoadDialogResponse with the file(s) the user selected.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that is navigating. |
pchTitle | const char * | The name of the dialog. (eg. "Upload Images") |
pchInitialFile | const char * | The filename that the page wants you to set by default. It may be expecting a file with that name or that was the file the user previously uploaded. |
Called when a browser has finished loading a page.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this call was for. |
pchURL | const char * | The URL that was loaded. |
pchPageTitle | const char * | The title of the page that got loaded. |
Called when a a browser wants to hide a tooltip.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
Provides details on the visibility and size of the horizontal scrollbar.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
unScrollMax | uint32 | The maximum amount you can scroll horizontally. |
unScrollCurrent | uint32 | The current horizontal scroll position. |
flPageScale | float | The current page scale. |
bVisible | bool | Whether the horizontal scrollbar is visible. |
unPageSize | uint32 | The total width of the page in pixels. |
Associated Functions: SetHorizontalScrollHTML_JSAlert_t
Called when the browser wants to display a Javascript alert dialog, call
JSDialogResponse when the user dismisses this dialog; or right away to ignore it.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this call was for. |
pchMessage | const char * | The message associated with the dialog. |
Called when the browser wants to display a Javascript confirmation dialog, call
JSDialogResponse when the user dismisses this dialog; or right away to ignore it.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this call was for. |
pchMessage | const char * | The message associated with the dialog. |
Result of a call to
GetLinkAtPosition Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this call was for. |
x | uint32 | Unused. |
y | uint32 | Unused. |
pchURL | const char * | The URL found at this position. NULL if no link was found. |
bInput | bool | Was the position an input field? |
bLiveLink | bool | |
Associated Functions: GetLinkAtPositionHTML_NeedsPaint_t
Called when a browser surface has a pending paint. This is where you get the actual image data to render to the screen.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pBGRA | const char * | A pointer to the B8G8R8A8 image data for this surface, valid until SteamAPI_RunCallbacks is next called. |
unWide | uint32 | The total width of the pBGRA texture. |
unTall | uint32 | The total height of the pBGRA texture. |
unUpdateX | uint32 | The offset in X for the damage rect for this update. |
unUpdateY | uint32 | The offset in Y for the damage rect for this update. |
unUpdateWide | uint32 | The width of the damage rect for this update. |
unUpdateTall | uint32 | The height of the damage rect for this update. |
unScrollX | uint32 | The horizontal scroll position the browser was at when this texture was rendered. |
unScrollY | uint32 | The veritcal scroll position the browser was at when this texture was rendered. |
flPageScale | float | The scale factor the browser was at when this texture was rendered. |
unPageSerial | uint32 | Incremented on each new page load, you can use this to reject draws while navigating to new pages. |
A browser has created a new HTML window.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchURL | const char * | The URL to load in the new window. |
unX | uint32 | The x pos into the page to display the popup. |
unY | uint32 | The y pos into the page to display the popup. |
unWide | uint32 | The total width of the pBGRA texture. |
unTall | uint32 | The total height of the pBGRA texture. |
unNewWindow_BrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the new window surface. |
The browser has requested to load a url in a new tab.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchURL | const char * | The URL that the browser wants to load. |
Results from a search.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
unResults | uint32 | The number of matching results found. |
unCurrentMatch | uint32 | The ordinal of the current match relative to unResults . |
Associated Functions: FindHTML_SetCursor_t
Called when a browser wants to change the mouse cursor.
Called when a browser wants to display a tooltip.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchMsg | const char * | The text of the tooltip that wants to be displayed. |
Called when a browser wants to navigate to a new page.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that is navigating. |
pchURL | const char * | The url it wants to navigate to. |
pchTarget | const char * | The html link target type (i.e _blank, _self, _parent, _top ). |
pchPostData | const char * | Any posted data for the request. |
bIsRedirect | bool | True if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request. |
Associated Functions: LoadURLHTML_StatusText_t
Called when a browser wants you to display an informational message. This is most commonly used when you hover over links.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchMsg | const char * | The text of the status message to display. |
Called when the text of an existing tooltip has been updated.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchMsg | const char * | The new text of the tooltip. |
Called when the browser is navigating to a new url
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
pchURL | const char * | The url that the browser is navigating to. |
pchPostData | const char * | Any posted data for the request, NULL if there was none. |
bIsRedirect | bool | true if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request, otherwise false. |
pchPageTitle | const char * | The title of the page. |
bNewNavigation | bool | This is true if the page has changed rather than just a call to the browser history API. |
Provides details on the visibility and size of the vertical scrollbar.
Name | Type | Description |
unBrowserHandle | HHTMLBrowser | The handle of the surface that this callback is for. |
unScrollMax | uint32 | The maximum amount you can scroll vertically. |
unScrollCurrent | uint32 | The current vertical scroll position. |
flPageScale | float | The current page scale. |
bVisible | bool | Whether the vertical scrollbar is visible. |
unPageSize | uint32 | The total height of the page in pixels. |
Associated Functions: SetVerticalScrollEnums
These are enums which are defined for use with ISteamHTMLSurface.
Used to let the browser know what keys are pressed with:
KeyUp and
KeyDown. These flags can be added together using bitwise OR.
Name | Value | Description |
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_None | 0 | No modifiers are pressed. |
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_AltDown | 1 << 0 | One of the alt keys are pressed. |
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_CtrlDown | 1 << 1 | One of the ctrl keys are pressed. |
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_ShiftDown | 1 << 2 | One of the shift keys are pressed. |
Used to let the browser know when a mouse button is pressed with:
MouseDown and
Name | Value | Description |
eHTMLMouseButton_Left | 0 | The left button is pressed. |
eHTMLMouseButton_Right | 1 | The right button is pressed. |
eHTMLMouseButton_Middle | 2 | The middle button is pressed. |
This lists the mouse cursors that the HTML surface will tell you to render.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNESW | 0 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_None | 1 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Arrow | 2 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_IBeam | 3 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Hourglass | 4 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_WaitArrow | 5 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Crosshair | 6 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Up | 7 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNW | 8 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeSE | 9 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNE | 10 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeSW | 11 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeW | 12 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeE | 13 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeN | 14 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeS | 15 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeWE | 16 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNS | 17 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeAll | 18 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_No | 19 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Hand | 20 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Blank | 21 | Don't show any custom cursor, just use your default. |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_MiddlePan | 22 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_NorthPan | 23 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_NorthEastPan | 24 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_EastPan | 25 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SouthEastPan | 26 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SouthPan | 27 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SouthWestPan | 28 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_WestPan | 29 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_NorthWestPan | 30 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Alias | 31 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Cell | 32 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_ColResize | 33 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_CopyCur | 34 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_VerticalText | 35 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_RowResize | 36 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_ZoomIn | 37 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_ZoomOut | 38 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Help | 39 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_Custom | 40 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNWSE | 41 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_SizeNESW | 42 | |
k_EHTMLMouseCursor_last | 43 | Only used to iterate over all cursors. Custom cursors start from this value and up. |
These are typedefs which are defined for use with ISteamHTMLSurface.
Name | Base type | Description |
HHTMLBrowser | uint32 | Represents a unique handle to an HTML surface. |
These are constants which are defined for use with ISteamHTMLSurface.
Name | Type | Value | Description |
INVALID_HTMLBROWSER | uint32 | 0 | Indicates that a browser handle is invalid. You should initialize your own HHTMLBrowser handles to this value and then set it back to this when the page closes. |