Provides functions for reading, writing, and accessing files which can be stored remotely in the Steam Cloud.
Steam Cloud for more information.
Member Functions
Member functions for
are called through the global accessor function
bool BeginFileWriteBatch( );
Use this along with
EndFileWriteBatch to wrap a set of local file writes/deletes that should be considered part of one single state change. For example, if saving game progress requires updating both
, wrap those operations with calls to
These functions provide a hint to Steam which will help it manage the app's Cloud files. Using these functions is optional, however it will provide better reliability.
Note that the functions may be used whether the writes are done using the
API, or done directly to local disk (where AutoCloud is used).
Returns: bool
true if the write batch was begun,
false if there was a batch already in progress.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageDeletePublishedFileResult_t call result.
bool EndFileWriteBatch( );
Use this along with
BeginFileWriteBatch - see that documentation for more details.
Returns: bool
true if the write batch was ended,
false if there was no batch already in progress.
bool FileDelete( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file that will be deleted. |
Deletes a file from the local disk, and propagates that delete to the cloud.
This is meant to be used when a user actively deletes a file. Use
FileForget if you want to remove a file from the Steam Cloud but retain it on the users local disk.
When a file has been deleted it can be re-written with
FileWrite to reupload it to the Steam Cloud.
Returns: bool
true if the file exists and has been successfully deleted; otherwise,
false if the file did not exist.
bool FileExists( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
Checks whether the specified file exists.
Returns: bool
true if the file exists; otherwise,
bool FileForget( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file that will be forgotten. |
Deletes the file from remote storage, but leaves it on the local disk and remains accessible from the API.
When you are out of Cloud space, this can be used to allow calls to
FileWrite to keep working without needing to make the user delete files.
How you decide which files to forget are up to you. It could be a simple Least Recently Used (LRU) queue or something more complicated.
Requiring the user to manage their Cloud-ized files for a game, while is possible to do, it is never recommended. For instance, "Which file would you like to delete so that you may store this new one?" removes a significant advantage of using the Cloud in the first place: its transparency.
Once a file has been deleted or forgotten, calling
FileWrite will resynchronize it in the Cloud. Rewriting a forgotten file is the only way to make it persisted again.
Returns: bool
true if the file exists and has been successfully forgotten; otherwise,
bool FilePersisted( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
Checks if a specific file is persisted in the steam cloud.
Returns: bool
true if the file exists and the file is persisted in the Steam Cloud.
false if
FileForget was called on it and is only available locally.
int32 FileRead( const char *pchFile, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file to read from. |
pvData | void * | The buffer that the file will be read into. This buffer must be at least the same size provided to cubDataToRead . |
cubDataToRead | int32 | The amount of bytes to read. Generally obtained from GetFileSize or GetFileTimestamp. |
Opens a binary file, reads the contents of the file into a byte array, and then closes the file.
NOTE: This is a synchronous call and as such is a will block your calling thread on the disk IO, and will also block the SteamAPI, which can cause other threads in your application to block. To avoid "hitching" due to a busy disk on the client machine using
FileReadAsync, the asynchronous version of this API is recommended.
Returns: int32The number of bytes read.
0 if the file doesn't exist or the read fails.
SteamAPICall_t FileReadAsync( const char *pchFile, uint32 nOffset, uint32 cubToRead );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file to read from. |
nOffset | uint32 | The offset in bytes into the file where the read will start from. 0 if you're reading the whole file in one chunk. |
cubToRead | uint32 | The amount of bytes to read starting from nOffset . |
Starts an asynchronous read from a file.
The offset and amount to read should be valid for the size of the file, as indicated by
GetFileSize or
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t call result.
k_uAPICallInvalid under the following conditions:
- You tried to read from invalid path or filename. Because Steam Cloud is cross platform the files need to have valid names on all supported OSes and file systems. See Microsoft's documentation on Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
- The file doesn't exist.
is <= 0 bytes. You need to be able to read something!
- The combination of
and cubDataToRead
would read past the end of the file.
- You have an async read in progress on this file already.
Upon completion of the read request you will receive the call result, if the value of
within the call result is
k_EResultOK you can then call
FileReadAsyncComplete to read the requested data into your buffer. The
parameter should match the return value of this function, and the amount to read should generally be equal to the amount requested as indicated by
bool FileReadAsyncComplete( SteamAPICall_t hReadCall, void *pvBuffer, uint32 cubToRead );
Copies the bytes from a file which was asynchronously read with
FileReadAsync into a byte array.
This should never be called outside of the context of a
RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t call result.
Returns: bool
true if the file was successfully read.
false under the following conditions:
- The handle passed to
is invalid.
- The read failed as indicated by
in RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t, you shouldn't have called this.
- The buffer provided to
isn't big enough.
SteamAPICall_t FileShare( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | |
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageFileShareResult_t call result.
bool FileWrite( const char *pchFile, const void *pvData, int32 cubData );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file to write to. |
pvData | const void * | The bytes to write to the file. |
cubData | int32 | The number of bytes to write to the file. Typically the total size of pvData . |
Creates a new file, writes the bytes to the file, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.
NOTE: This is a synchronous call and as such is a will block your calling thread on the disk IO, and will also block the SteamAPI, which can cause other threads in your application to block. To avoid "hitching" due to a busy disk on the client machine using
FileWriteAsync, the asynchronous version of this API is recommended.
Returns: bool
true if the write was successful.
false under the following conditions:
- The file you're trying to write is larger than 100MiB as defined by k_unMaxCloudFileChunkSize.
is less than 0.
is NULL.
- You tried to write to an invalid path or filename. Because Steam Cloud is cross platform the files need to have valid names on all supported OSes and file systems. See Microsoft's documentation on Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
- The current user's Steam Cloud storage quota has been exceeded. They may have run out of space, or have too many files.
- Steam could not write to the disk, the location might be read-only.
SteamAPICall_t FileWriteAsync( const char *pchFile, const void *pvData, uint32 cubData );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file to write to. |
pvData | const void * | The bytes to write to the file. |
cubData | uint32 | The number of bytes to write to the file. Typically the total size of pvData . |
Creates a new file and asynchronously writes the raw byte data to the Steam Cloud, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete_t call result.
k_uAPICallInvalid under the following conditions:
- The file you're trying to write is larger than 100MiB as defined by k_unMaxCloudFileChunkSize.
is less than 0.
is NULL.
- You tried to write to an invalid path or filename. Because Steam Cloud is cross platform the files need to have valid names on all supported OSes and file systems. See Microsoft's documentation on Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
- The current user's Steam Cloud storage quota has been exceeded. They may have run out of space, or have too many files.
bool FileWriteStreamCancel( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle );
Cancels a file write stream that was started by
This trashes all of the data written and closes the write stream, but if there was an existing file with this name, it remains untouched.
Returns: bool
bool FileWriteStreamClose( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle );
Closes a file write stream that was started by
This flushes the stream to the disk, overwriting the existing file if there was one.
Returns: bool
true if the file write stream was successfully closed, the file has been committed to the disk.
false if
is not a valid file write stream.
UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t FileWriteStreamOpen( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file to write to. |
Creates a new file output stream allowing you to stream out data to the Steam Cloud file in chunks. If the target file already exists, it is not overwritten until
FileWriteStreamClose has been called.
To write data out to this stream you can use
FileWriteStreamWriteChunk, and then to close or cancel you use
FileWriteStreamClose and
FileWriteStreamCancel respectively.
Returns: UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_tReturns
k_UGCFileStreamHandleInvalid under the following conditions:
- You tried to write to an invalid path or filename. Because Steam Cloud is cross platform the files need to have valid names on all supported OSes and file systems. See Microsoft's documentation on Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
- The current user's Steam Cloud storage quota has been exceeded. They may have run out of space, or have too many files.
bool FileWriteStreamWriteChunk( UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t writeHandle, const void *pvData, int32 cubData );
Name | Type | Description |
writeHandle | UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t | The file write stream to write to. |
pvData | const void * | The data to write to the stream. |
cubData | int32 | The size of pvData in bytes. |
Writes a blob of data to the file write stream.
Returns: bool
true if the data was successfully written to the file write stream.
false if
is not a valid file write stream,
is negative or larger than
k_unMaxCloudFileChunkSize, or the current user's Steam Cloud storage quota has been exceeded. They may have run out of space, or have too many files.
int32 GetCachedUGCCount();
Returns: int32GetCachedUGCHandle
UGCHandle_t GetCachedUGCHandle( int32 iCachedContent );
Name | Type | Description |
iCachedContent | int32 | |
Returns: UGCHandle_tGetFileCount
int32 GetFileCount();
Gets the total number of local files synchronized by Steam Cloud.
Used for enumeration with
Returns: int32The number of files present for the current user, including files in subfolders.
const char * GetFileNameAndSize( int iFile, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes );
Name | Type | Description |
iFile | int | The index of the file, this should be between 0 and GetFileCount. |
pnFileSizeInBytes | int32 * | Returns the file size in bytes. |
Gets the file name and size of a file from the index.
NOTE: You must call
GetFileCount first to get the number of files.
Returns: const char *
The name of the file at the specified index, if it exists. Returns an empty string ("") if the file doesn't exist.
Example:int32 fileCount = SteamRemoteStorage()->GetFileCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i ) {
int32 fileSize;
const char *fileName = SteamRemoteStorage()->GetFileNameAndSize( i, &fileSize );
// Do something with fileSize and fileName
int32 GetFileSize( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
Gets the specified files size in bytes.
Returns: int32The size of the file in bytes. Returns
0 if the file does not exist.
int64 GetFileTimestamp( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
Gets the specified file's last modified timestamp in Unix epoch format (seconds since Jan 1st 1970).
Returns: int64The last modified timestamp in Unix epoch format (seconds since Jan 1st 1970).
int32 GetLocalFileChangeCount( );
Note: only applies to applications flagged as supporting dynamic Steam Cloud sync.
When your application receives a
RemoteStorageLocalFileChange_t, use this method to get the number of changes (file updates and file deletes) that have been made. You can then iterate the changes using
Returns: int32The number of local file changes that have occurred.
const char *GetLocalFileChange( int iFile, ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange *pEChangeType, ERemoteStorageFilePathType *pEFilePathType );
Note: only applies to applications flagged as supporting dynamic Steam Cloud sync.
After calling
GetLocalFileChangeCount, use this method to iterate over the changes. The changes described have already been made to local files. Your application should take appropriate action to reload state from disk, and possibly notify the user.
For example: The local system had been suspended, during which time the user played elsewhere and uploaded changes to the Steam Cloud. On resume, Steam downloads those changes to the local system before resuming the application. The application receives an
RemoteStorageLocalFileChange_t, and uses
GetLocalFileChangeCount and
GetLocalFileChange to iterate those changes. Depending on the application structure and the nature of the changes, the application could:
- Re-load game progress to resume at exactly the point where the user was when they exited the game on the other device
- Notify the user of any synchronized changes that don't require reloading
- etc
Returns: const char *
The file name or full path of the file affected by this change. See comments on
above for more detail.
bool GetQuota( uint64 *pnTotalBytes, uint64 *puAvailableBytes );
Name | Type | Description |
pnTotalBytes | uint64 * | Returns the total amount of bytes the user has access to. |
puAvailableBytes | uint64 * | Returns the number of bytes available. |
Gets the number of bytes available, and used on the users Steam Cloud storage.
Returns: bool
This function always returns
ERemoteStoragePlatform GetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
Obtains the platforms that the specified file will syncronize to.
Returns: ERemoteStoragePlatformBitfield containing the platforms that the file was set to with
bool GetUGCDetails( UGCHandle_t hContent, AppId_t *pnAppID, char **ppchName, int32 *pnFileSizeInBytes, CSteamID *pSteamIDOwner );
Returns: bool
bool GetUGCDownloadProgress( UGCHandle_t hContent, int32 *pnBytesDownloaded, int32 *pnBytesExpected );
Returns: bool
bool IsCloudEnabledForAccount();
Checks if the account wide Steam Cloud setting is enabled for this user; or if they disabled it in the Settings->Cloud dialog.
Ensure that you are also checking
IsCloudEnabledForApp, as these two options are mutually exclusive.
Returns: bool
true if Steam Cloud is enabled for this account; otherwise,
bool IsCloudEnabledForApp();
Checks if the per game Steam Cloud setting is enabled for this user; or if they disabled it in the Game Properties->Update dialog.
Ensure that you are also checking
IsCloudEnabledForAccount, as these two options are mutually exclusive.
It's generally recommended that you allow the user to toggle this setting within your in-game options, you can toggle it with
Returns: bool
true if Steam Cloud is enabled for this app; otherwise,
void SetCloudEnabledForApp( bool bEnabled );
Name | Type | Description |
bEnabled | bool | Enable (true) or disable (false) the Steam Cloud for this application? |
Toggles whether the Steam Cloud is enabled for your application.
This setting can be queried with
NOTE: This must only ever be called as the direct result of the user explicitly requesting that it's enabled or not. This is typically accomplished with a checkbox within your in-game options.
bool SetSyncPlatforms( const char *pchFile, ERemoteStoragePlatform eRemoteStoragePlatform );
Name | Type | Description |
pchFile | const char * | The name of the file. |
eRemoteStoragePlatform | ERemoteStoragePlatform | The platforms that the file will be syncronized to. |
Allows you to specify which operating systems a file will be synchronized to.
Use this if you have a multiplatform game but have data which is incompatible between platforms.
Files default to
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformAll when they are first created. You can use the bitwise OR operator, "|" to specify multiple platforms.
Returns: bool
true if the file exists, otherwise false.
SteamAPICall_t UGCDownload( UGCHandle_t hContent, uint32 unPriority );
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t hContent, const char *pchLocation, uint32 unPriority );
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t call result.
int32 UGCRead( UGCHandle_t hContent, void *pvData, int32 cubDataToRead, uint32 cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction );
Returns: int32Callbacks
These are callbacks which can be fired by calling
SteamAPI_RunCallbacks. Many of these will be fired directly in response to the member functions of
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_hFile | UGCHandle_t | The handle to the file that was attempted to be downloaded. |
m_nAppID | AppId_t | ID of the app that created this file. |
m_nSizeInBytes | int32 | The size of the file that was downloaded, in bytes. |
m_pchFileName | char[k_cchFilenameMax] | The name of the file that was downloaded. |
m_ulSteamIDOwner | uint64 | Steam ID of the user who created this content. |
Associated Functions: UGCDownload,
Response when reading a file asyncrounously with
Name | Type | Description |
m_hFileReadAsync | SteamAPICall_t | Call handle of the async read which was made, must be passed to FileReadAsyncComplete to get the data. |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. If the local read was successful this will be k_EResultOK, you can then call FileReadAsyncComplete to get the data. |
m_nOffset | uint32 | Offset into the file this read was at. |
m_cubRead | uint32 | Amount of bytes read - will be the <= the amount requested. |
Associated Functions: FileReadAsyncRemoteStorageFileShareResult_t
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation |
m_hFile | UGCHandle_t | The handle that can be shared with users and features |
m_rgchFilename | char[k_cchFilenameMax] | The name of the file that was shared |
Associated Functions: FileShareRemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete_t
Response when writing a file asyncrounously with
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. If the local write was successful then this will be k_EResultOK - any other value likely indicates that the filename is invalid or the available quota would have been exceeded by the requested write. Any attempt to write files that exceed this size will return an EResult of k_EResultInvalidParam. Writing files to the cloud is limited to 100MiB. |
Associated Functions: FileWriteAsyncRemoteStorageLocalFileChange_t
If a Steam app is flagged for supporting dynamic Steam Cloud sync, and a sync occurs, this callback will be posted to the app if any local files changed.
Associated Functions: GetLocalFileChangeCount,
Name | Type | Description |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The published file id |
m_nAppID | AppId_t | ID of the app that will consume this file. |
Name | Type | Description |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The published file id |
m_nAppID | AppId_t | ID of the app that will consume this file. |
Called when the user has subscribed to a piece of UGC. Result from
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The workshop item that the user subscribed to. |
Associated Functions: SubscribePublishedFileRemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t
Called when the user has unsubscribed from a piece of UGC. Result from
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The workshop item that the user unsubscribed from. |
Associated Functions: UnsubscribePublishedFileStructs
These are structs which functions in ISteamRemoteStorage may return and/or interact with.
Name | Type | Description |
m_ppStrings | const char ** | Array of strings. |
m_nNumStrings | int32 | The number of strings that are in [param]m_ppStrings[/param]. |
These are enums which are defined for use with ISteamRemoteStorage.
Ways in which a local file may be changed by Steam during the application session. See
Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_Invalid | 0 | Unused. |
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileUpdated | 1 | The file contents changed. |
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileDeleted | 2 | The file was deleted. |
For APIs that may return file paths in different forms. See
Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Invalid | 0 | Unused. |
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Absolute | 1 | An absolute disk path is provided. This type of path is used for files managed via AutoCloud. |
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_APIFilename | 2 | An ISteamRemoteStorage API relative path is provided. This type of path is used for files managed via the ISteamRemoteStorage API methods (FileWrite, FileRead, etc). |
Sync Platforms flags. These can be used with
SetSyncPlatforms to restrict a file to a specific OS.
Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformNone | 0 | This file will not be downloaded on any platform. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformWindows | (1 << 0) | This file will download on Windows. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformOSX | (1 << 1) | This file will download on macOS. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformPS3 | (1 << 2) | This file will download on the Playstation 3. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformLinux | (1 << 3) | This file will download on SteamOS/Linux. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformReserved2 | (1 << 4) | Reserved. |
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformAll | 0xffffffff | This file will download on every platform. This is the default. |
Possible visibility states that a Workshop item can be in.
Name | Value | Description |
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic | 0 | Visible to everyone. |
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityFriendsOnly | 1 | Visible to friends only. |
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPrivate | 2 | Only visible to the creator. Setting an item to private is the closest that you can get to deleting a workshop item from the API. |
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityUnlisted | 3 | Visible to everyone, but will not be returned in any global queries. Will also not be returned in any user lists unless the caller is the creator or a subscriber. |
Possible UGC Read Actions used with
Name | Value | Description |
k_EUGCRead_ContinueReadingUntilFinished | 0 | Keeps the file handle open unless the last byte is read. You can use this when reading large files (over 100MB) in sequential chunks. If the last byte is read, this will behave the same as k_EUGCRead_Close. Otherwise, it behaves the same as k_EUGCRead_ContinueReading. This value maintains the same behavior as before the EUGCReadAction parameter was introduced. |
k_EUGCRead_ContinueReading | 1 | Keeps the file handle open. Use this when using UGCRead to seek to different parts of the file. When you are done seeking around the file, make a final call with k_EUGCRead_Close to close it. |
k_EUGCRead_Close | 2 | Frees the file handle. Use this when you're done reading the content. To read the file from Steam again you will need to call UGCDownload again. |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRankedByVote | 0 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRecent | 1 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeTrending | 2 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeFavoritesOfFriends | 3 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeVotedByFriends | 4 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeContentByFriends | 5 | |
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRecentFromFollowedUsers | 6 | |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EWorkshopFileActionPlayed | 0 | The user has played with or on this item. (e.g. Loaded a weapon or level.) |
k_EWorkshopFileActionCompleted | 1 | The user has completed this item. (e.g. Got to the end of a linear map.) |
The way that a shared file will be shared with the community.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeFirst | 0 | Only used for enumerating. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMicrotransaction | 1 | Workshop item that is meant to be voted on for the purpose of selling in-game. (See: Curated Workshop) |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeCollection | 2 | A collection of Workshop items. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeArt | 3 | Artwork. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeVideo | 4 | External video. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeScreenshot | 5 | Screenshot. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeGame | 6 | Unused, used to be for Greenlight game entries |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSoftware | 7 | Unused, used to be for Greenlight software entries. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeConcept | 8 | Unused, used to be for Greenlight concepts. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeWebGuide | 9 | Steam web guide. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeIntegratedGuide | 10 | Application integrated guide. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMerch | 11 | Workshop merchandise meant to be voted on for the purpose of being sold. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeControllerBinding | 12 | Steam Controller bindings. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSteamworksAccessInvite | 13 | Only used internally in Steam. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSteamVideo | 14 | Steam video. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeGameManagedItem | 15 | Managed completely by the game, not the user, and not shown on the web. |
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMax | 16 | Only used for enumerating. |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EWorkshopVideoProviderNone | 0 | The item has no video. |
k_EWorkshopVideoProviderYoutube | 1 | The item has a Youtube video. |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Value | Description |
k_EWorkshopVoteUnvoted | 0 | The user has not voted. |
k_EWorkshopVoteFor | 1 | The user has voted this item up. |
k_EWorkshopVoteAgainst | 2 | The user has voted this item down. |
k_EWorkshopVoteLater | 3 | The user has chosen to vote later. |
These are typedefs which are defined for use with ISteamRemoteStorage.
Name | Base type | Description |
PublishedFileId_t | uint64 | A unique handle to an individual workshop item. |
PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t | uint64 | Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API. |
UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t | uint64 | Handle used when asynchronously writing to Steam Cloud. |
UGCHandle_t | uint64 | A unique handle to a piece of user generated content. |
These are constants which are defined for use with ISteamRemoteStorage.
Name | Type | Value | Description |
k_cchFilenameMax | uint32 | 260 | The maximum length that a Steam Cloud file path can be. |
k_cchPublishedDocumentChangeDescriptionMax | uint32 | 8000 | Unused. |
k_cchPublishedDocumentDescriptionMax | uint32 | 8000 | The maximum size in bytes that a Workshop item description can be. |
k_cchPublishedDocumentTitleMax | uint32 | 128 + 1 | The maximum size in bytes that a Workshop item title can be. |
k_cchPublishedFileURLMax | uint32 | 256 | The maximum size in bytes that a Workshop item URL can be. |
k_cchTagListMax | uint32 | 1024 + 1 | The maximum size in bytes that a Workshop item comma separated tag list can be. |
k_PublishedFileIdInvalid | PublishedFileId_t | 0 | An invalid Workshop item handle. |
k_PublishedFileUpdateHandleInvalid | PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t | 0xffffffffffffffffull | Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API. |
k_UGCFileStreamHandleInvalid | UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t | 0xffffffffffffffffull | Returned when an error has occured when using FileWriteStreamOpen. |
k_UGCHandleInvalid | UGCHandle_t | 0xffffffffffffffffull | An invalid UGC Handle. This is often returned by functions signifying an error. |
k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults | uint32 | 50 | Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API. |
k_unMaxCloudFileChunkSize | uint32 | 100 * 1024 * 1024 | Defines the largest allowed file size for the Steam Cloud. Cloud files cannot be written in a single chunk over 100MiB and cannot be over 200MiB total. |
Deprecated Member Functions
Deprecated functions - these have often been replaced by functions from newer API interfaces.
SteamAPICall_t CommitPublishedFileUpdate( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult_t call result.
PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t CreatePublishedFileUpdateRequest( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: PublishedFileUpdateHandle_tDeletePublishedFile
SteamAPICall_t DeletePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
SteamAPICall_t EnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction( EWorkshopFileAction eAction, uint32 unStartIndex );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t EnumeratePublishedWorkshopFiles( EWorkshopEnumerationType eEnumerationType, uint32 unStartIndex, uint32 unCount, uint32 unDays, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags, SteamParamStringArray_t *pUserTags );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserPublishedFiles( uint32 unStartIndex );
Name | Type | Description |
unStartIndex | uint32 | |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserSharedWorkshopFiles( CSteamID steamId, uint32 unStartIndex, SteamParamStringArray_t *pRequiredTags, SteamParamStringArray_t *pExcludedTags );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t EnumerateUserSubscribedFiles( uint32 unStartIndex );
Name | Type | Description |
unStartIndex | uint32 | |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t GetPublishedFileDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, uint32 unMaxSecondsOld );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t GetPublishedItemVoteDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t GetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t PublishVideo( EWorkshopVideoProvider eVideoProvider, const char *pchVideoAccount, const char *pchVideoIdentifier, const char *pchPreviewFile, AppId_t nConsumerAppId, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t PublishWorkshopFile( const char *pchFile, const char *pchPreviewFile, AppId_t nConsumerAppId, const char *pchTitle, const char *pchDescription, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags, EWorkshopFileType eWorkshopFileType );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t SetUserPublishedFileAction( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, EWorkshopFileAction eAction );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageSetUserPublishedFileActionResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t SubscribePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t call result.
SteamAPICall_t UnsubscribePublishedFile( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t call result.
bool UpdatePublishedFileDescription( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchDescription );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFileFile( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchFile );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFilePreviewFile( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchPreviewFile );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFileSetChangeDescription( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchChangeDescription );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFileTags( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, SteamParamStringArray_t *pTags );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFileTitle( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, const char *pchTitle );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
bool UpdatePublishedFileVisibility( PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t updateHandle, ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: bool
SteamAPICall_t UpdateUserPublishedItemVote( PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileId, bool bVoteUp );
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Returns: SteamAPICall_t to be used with a
RemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult_t call result.
Deprecated Callbacks
Callbacks associated with deprecated member functions
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: DeletePublishedFileRemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: EnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionRemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: EnumerateUserPublishedFiles,
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: EnumerateUserSubscribedFilesRemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: EnumeratePublishedWorkshopFilesRemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: GetPublishedFileDetailsRemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: GetPublishedItemVoteDetails,
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The published file id |
m_nAppID | AppId_t | ID of the app that will consume this file. |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The published file id |
m_nAppID | AppId_t | ID of the app that will consume this file. |
m_ulUnused | uint64 | not used anymore |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_dPercentFile | double | |
m_bPreview | bool | |
Associated Functions: PublishWorkshopFile,
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | |
m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement | bool | |
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Associated Functions: SetUserPublishedFileActionRemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | |
m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement | bool | |
Associated Functions: CommitPublishedFileUpdateRemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.
Name | Type | Description |
m_eResult | EResult | The result of the operation. |
m_nPublishedFileId | PublishedFileId_t | The published file id |
Associated Functions: UpdateUserPublishedItemVoteRemoteStorageUserVoteDetails_t
Deprecated - Only used with the deprecated RemoteStorage based Workshop API.