Steamworks Documentation
Adding A New Currency
From time to time, Steam will add new currency support to the Steam wallet. This will affect both Pay for Purchase titles on the Steam store and In-Game sales made through the In-Game Purchasing/Microtransaction APIs.

Pay for Purchase Titles

The new currency prices need to be approved by you for everything sold on the Steam store in order for us to continue to sell your titles in the affected territories. You will need to approve the new currency prices that we have recommended, or adjust those new currency prices and submit those to us for approval. You can use the Bulk Pricing Tool on the Steamworks site to manage your prices. We have provided our recommended pricing for all currencies in the tool, which is based on exchange rates, CPI, and local market conditions. The pricing tool is only available for users in your partner group that have the "Manage Pricing and discounts" permission.

Free to Play and In-Game Sales

You have two choices for sales made within game and we believe strongly that option #1 will be better for your game and customers.
  • You can add the new currencies to your in-game pricing table and using the ISteamMicroTxn/GetUserInfo Web API, know which currency a user should be charged in. We highly recommend using this method, because our data shows that customers enjoy and find it easier to shop in their own local currency.
    The pricing conversions we have suggested also adjust for local purchasing power, which we believe will provide a better experience for customers and ultimately lead to more sales.
  • If you are unable to add the new currencies to your in-game pricing table, then you may safely continue to sell to users in your existing currency and Steam will automatically convert the sale to the appropriate user currency at the current market rate. The currency you specify for the sale must be one of the currencies supported by Steam and should match the price that you display to the user within your in-game store. Steam will present the converted price to the user, in their local currency for approval.
    For example, if a customer in Mexico is trying to purchase an item in-game they would see something like "this item costs $10 USD and you will be charged 130.14 Pesos for this transaction". For purposes of monthly payout from Steam, this example would be considered a USD transaction of $10 value.