Steamworks Documentation
Library Assets
As part of the release process on Steam, you will be required to deliver various graphical assets for your product. These assets are displayed in customer's libraries and in the community.

Store Capsule Rules

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see Graphical Asset Rules for important rules on what can and cannot be included in your graphical asset capsules.

Library Asset Templates

TemplatesDownload templates for sizing and text placements on library images.
  • Library Capsule
  • Library Header
  • Hero Graphic
  • Logo


Note that once uploaded, Library Assets are only visible for applications that have a published store page on Steam. If your store page is not published, Library Assets will not be visible in the Steam client.

Library Capsule Required

The library capsule is the primary way of presenting your game within the Steam Library, including on the library overview and within collections.


Usage: This image is primarily used in the library overview and collection views.

Design: This should be graphically-centric and give the user some sense of the experience. Please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes or other strings of text beyond the title of your game. The art should immediately tell the customer something important about your product. The logo should be easily legible against the background.

Size: 600px x 900px (an additional half-size 300px x 450px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file)

Library Header Required

The library header is used in different places within the Steam Client Library.


Usage: Appears in various places in the Steam Client Library, including Recent Games. If not set, then the Store Asset Header Capsule is used.

Design: This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use similar artwork to the Library Capsule or Store Asset Header Capsule and make sure the logo is clearly legible. Do not include quotes or other strings of text beyond the title of your game. The logo should be easily legible against the background.

Size: 920px x 430px

Library Details Page

The hero graphic and the logo are layered and move independently when the page is scrolled, creating a subtle parallax effect. Consider how the product logo will be placed on top of the hero image (left bottom corner or centered). You’ll want to ensure the logo is both visible and legible against the background.

Library Hero Required


Usage: Appears at the top of a user’s library details page for this product.

Design: This should be a visually rich image that is easily recognizable. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. This image cannot include any text.

At the center of the template is a “safe area” of 860px x 380px. This area will remain uncropped across scaling and resizing of the Steam client window. Artwork should extend across the entire template, but critical content should be within the safe area. For ex: a main character’s face should be entirely in the safe area or risk being cropped.

Size: 3840px x 1240px (an additional half-size 1920px x 620px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file)

Library Logo Required


Usage: Appears at the top of a user’s library details page for this product, placed on top of the hero graphic.

Design: This image should contain only your game's logotype (your game's title, rendered in the special font or lettering that you have established) and optionally a logomark (an icon that stands alongside your game's title) together on a transparent background. Aside from your game's logotype, there should be no other words in this asset.

For best results, use the logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. You’ll want to ensure the logo is both visible and legible against the hero graphic background. The PNG image should have a transparent background.

Size: 1280px x 720px (an additional 640px x 360px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file)

After upload, you'll use the preview tool to select the logo's position. Options include: left bottom corner, centered top, centered middle, and centered bottom.

Note: If a hero graphic and logo are not uploaded, the hero area will display a screenshot from the store, with the application name text overlaid in the bottom left corner.
