Steamworks Documentation
ISiteLicenseService Interface
Provides access to services related to operating sites which are part of the Steam PC Cafe program.


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key
siteiduint64Site ID to see; zero for all sites

See current activity at one or more sites.

The response has the following structure:

sitessee belowA list of site details
game_namessee belowMapped list of game names.

game_names has the following structure:

iduint32ID number of entry; referenced in site info below
namestringGame name

sites has the following structure:

siteiduint6464-bit SiteID of the site
site_namestringSite name you have assigned to the site
clientssee belowlist of active clients at the site

clients has the following structure:

ip_addressstringIP address of client computer
hostnamestringmachine name of client computer
gamessee belowlist of active game sessions on the client computer

games has the following structure:

iduint32ID of game in the game_names section of the response
start_timestringtime this game session started (RFC 3339 UTC format)
license_typestringsee below

license_type may have one of the following values:

userThe user owns a license for the game
commercialThe user is playing via a paid commercial license applied to the site
freeThe user is playing via a free commercial license applied to the site


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key
start_timestringReport activity starting on or after this time. RFC 3339 UTC format.
end_timestringReport activity starting before this time. RFC 3339 UTC format.
siteiduint64Site ID to see; zero for all sites

Get total playtime amounts for all games over a period of time; for one or all sites.

The response has the following structure:

sitessee belowA list of site details
game_namessee belowMapped list of game names.

game_names has the following structure:

iduint32ID number of entry; referenced in site info below
namestringGame name

sites has the following structure:

siteiduint6464-bit SiteID of the site
site_namestringSite name you have assigned to the site
gamessee belowlist of all game titles played

games has the following structure:

iduint32ID of game in the game_names section of the response
license_typestringPlaytime is divided up for each game by the type of license used. See the GetCurrentClientConnections section above for the list.
playtime_secondsuint32total playtime for this game and license type, in seconds, for the requested period.
