Steamworks Documentation
Players can choose to follow your game by selecting the option from your store page. This action allows your news and events to appear in the player's Friends Activity Feed and also within their Steam News Hub.

How to follow a game

Just below the screenshots on the game's store page, there is a button to follow the game.


Following can also be done from the top of the game's community hub.

What following does

There are two specific things that happen for a player that follows your game:

How to see the number of followers

When a player hits the button to follow your game, they are also technically joining a mostly hidden game group. The only place we display this follower count is as 'members' of your game group. You can see the follower count on the Manage Members page of your game:<appid>/membersManage for any given AppID.

You'll need to be logged in to the Steam community with your developer account to access that page.