Steamworks Documentation
Broadcast Moderation and Adding Moderators

Moderating Chat on your Steam Broadcast

There are several ways that you can moderate the chat on your broadcast on Steam using the built-in moderation tools, and we'll cover the various ways to do that on this documentation page.

Before You Start

Make sure you are signed into the account that will be broadcasting on Steam or an account that has been promoted to moderator status.

Defining Moderators for Broadcast Chat

There are a couple ways you can add or update moderators that are allowed to help in your broadcast chat room.

In Chat

From within the broadcast chat itself, you can right click on an account and select the option to make them a moderator. Note: users who have been promoted to moderator status cannot promote other users to moderator.

Friends List

You can select from your list of friends to elevate someone to be a moderator whenever your account is broadcasting. Note that this will follow you around, allowing the account to moderate any broadcast of yours.


Moderating Chat

There are several places you can moderate the chat on your Steam broadcast: on your store page, on your steam broadcast page, and in the chatonly view. Once you see the chat, you can click on any line of chat to bring up the moderation tools:

  • Remove this user's messages
  • Mute user for 12 hours
  • Mute user for a week
  • Mute user permanently
  • Unmute
  • Make this user a Moderator
  • Remove Moderator status for user

Store page

From your Steam store page, click on Show Chat underneath your broadcast to view the chat.

Broadcast page

From your Steam broadcast page--which you can access from your store page broadcast by clicking on "View broadcast page".

Chat only view

To help with dedicated moderation tasks, you can open any broadcast chat in it's own window. There are two ways to get to this view:

To open moderation menu on the chat only page, click the arrow on the right-hand side of any line of chat.

Viewing Moderators and Moderation History

Navigate to and then click on Moderation Dashboard to view a list of your current broadcast moderators as well as view the moderation history.

You can also see a concise list of moderators and users that have had moderation action taken against them by visiting this url:<steamid of the broadcaster>