Steamworks Documentation
Steam Branding Guidelines


To ensure that Steam branding and trademarks are used consistently across all marketing and communication materials, we have some guidelines that should be followed by all partners when using Steam branding.

General Guidelines

  • The Steam logo may not be used in any manner that might imply that any non-Valve materials are sponsored, endorsed, licensed by, or affiliated with Valve.
  • The Steam trademarks may not be displayed as primary or prominent features on any non-Valve materials.
  • Use only approved Valve artwork for the logo.
  • The Logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any object, including but not limited to other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features, or symbols.
  • Valve reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify guidelines regarding the Steam trademark, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the Logo that, in Valve's sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines or might otherwise impair Valve's rights in the Steam trademark. Valve further reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuse of its trademarks or other violations of applicable laws. Valve also reserves the right to approve any communication using the Steam brand before its distribution.

Legal Attribution

Use the Steam logo with the "®" servicemark. This legal attribution must be provided, unless some alternative attribution is provided by Valve:

    ©2025 Valve Corporation. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Click here to view the Legal Attribution in more languages

Steam Subscriber Agreement (SSA)

You must include the following language on the packaging of any product requiring user to activate the product on Steam. This language must be prominently displayed on a background color that is different from the primary color of the packaging. For example if the packaging is primarily black the language must be displayed on a background color significantly different than black.

REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION AND FREE STEAM ACCOUNT TO ACTIVATE. Notice: Product offered subject to your acceptance of the Steam Subscriber Agreement ("SSA"). You must activate this product via the Internet by registering for a Steam account and accepting the SSA. Please see to view the SSA prior to purchase. If you do not agree with the provisions of the SSA, you should return this game unopened to your retailer in accordance with their return policy.

Click here to view the SSA in more languages

Territory Restrictions

You must include this language on any product that uses Steam Keys that are territory restricted:

    This product may only be activated and used in the following territories: [territory list]

Steam® Brand Guidelines and Logos

Last Updated: December 2024


Click here to view the Brand Guidelines for Steam and its family of sub-brands to support software, hardware & games.
Click here to download logo files referenced in the Brand Guidelines.

Steam Deck™ Branding Requirements and Logos

Last Updated: May 2,2022


Click here to view the Steam Deck Brand Guidelines
Click here to download Steam Deck logo files

Steam Early Access Branding Requirements

We work hard to make sure that customers understand what they are buying when they get an Early Access title on Steam. We feel it is equally important that customers buying Steam Early Access titles in other places also understand what they are getting. For that reason, we require that you include the following information anywhere you sell Steam keys for your Early Access title:

  1. Display one of these Steam Early Access logos:
    Steam Early Access
    Steam Early Access
    (download for all languages)
  2. Include this text, clearly legible on the page:
    This Steam Early Access game is currently not a finished game and may or may not change significantly over the course of development. To learn more about Steam Early Access, please visit
  3. Clearly describe the current state of your game.

For more information on Steam Early Access and for all rules governing your use of Steam Early Access, please see: Steam Early Access Documentation.

Steam Workshop Branding Guidelines

You are welcome to use Steam Workshop branding when promoting your Workshop. Click here to download Workshop branding assets.

Steamworks printed materials examples

The following is available for you to use as an example when printing instructions for printed Steamworks materials. For instance, a card insert for a retail box copy, or a printed Steam key for promotional distribution at a live event.

See the Steam Subscriber Agreement (SSA) section above for localized versions of the required text.


Steamworks boxed game quick start guide