Steamworks Documentation
Community Graphical Assets
These are the assets needed for your game's presence within the Steam Community and the Steam client.

Community Asset Templates

TemplatesDownload templates for sizing and text placements on library images.
  • Client Icon
  • Community Icon

Client Icon Required


Usage: This icon is used when creating desktop shortcuts to launch your application. This icon can be used to supply the community icon and client image if desired.

Size: 32px x 32px ICO. You can also submit an ICO file with multiple sizes to accommodate scaling on different resolutions.
Note: To properly display your application icon on macOS desktop shortcuts, you must also submit an icon file in ICNS format in the "Mac Icon" asset field. If one is not provided, then the shortcut will be created with a default Steam logo icon.


Community Icon Required


Usage: This image is used to represent your application in compact layouts where there isn't enough room for a larger capsule. For example, it is used in the library list view, "favorites" in chat, and notifications across the Steam client, mobile client, and Deck.

The image is typically seen at a small size, but often on higher resolution screens.

This icon will not appear properly on your store page until your app is published as 'Coming Soon' or as fully released.

Size: 184px by 184px JPG