Steamworks Documentation
Steam Deck Developer Kits
We are allocating a portion of our Steam Deck LCD units for partners to test their titles. These are the same Steam Decks that are shipping to customers, there is no additional development software or hardware changes.

Steam Deck dev kits are ready to ship, and we've opened up the Steam Deck Dev Kit request form. As a Steam developer, you can go to the hardware request form to request a Steam Deck Dev Kit. Fill out the form and be sure to read through the agreement and dev kit guidelines.

Dev kit supplies are limited, so we'll be reviewing requests via the online form on a case by case basis and will be shipping them out as quickly as possible.

Notes for developers receiving dev-kits
  • Your kit may arrive with little / no power – if that’s the case you’ll need to plug it in so it can get some charge and boot up.
  • Speaking of power, all of our dev-kits come with a US plug type 45W power supply. This means that if you’re outside of the USA, you’ll most likely need a travel adapter to charge and use your dev-kit. (We can’t guarantee it’ll charge with anything other than the included power supply at this stage)
  • To connect your development PC to your Steam Deck, you’ll need the SteamOS Devkit Client software from Steam. You can download this directly from this link: steam://install/943760 – just make sure Steam is running when you click that. Learn how to use this software here:

Media sharing policy
  • You are welcome to share photos, videos, and posts about Steam Deck Dev-Kit hardware so long as you keep it to your own title's gameplay.
  • In addition, please don't share media of other games on Deck as a courtesy to other game developers - unless you have express permission.