Steamworks Documentation
ISteamUser Interface
Used to access information and interact with users.

See IPlayerService for additional methods.

For more info on how to use the Steamworks Web API please see the Web API Overview.


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appiduint32AppID to check for ownership

Checks if the specified user owns the app. For checking if a user has a valid license, you should only need to check if the ownsapp field is true. The other fields are for cases where only the purchaser of a game should be granted something, such as a grant of in-game currency.

The JSON response will contain the following fields:

ownsappboolIndicates if the user has an active license for this app.
permanentboolWhether the user permanently owns your app. Not true for ownership via Family Sharing, free weekends or PC Café program
timestampstringTime that the app was acquired.
timeexpiresstringTime that the app license will expire. Permanent licenses are marked as "never"
ownersteamiduint64Indicates the true owner if user is accessing this app via Family Sharing. Otherwise will be the same steamID passed in.
sitelicenseboolIndicates if user is accessing this app through the PC Cafe program.
usercanceledboolIndicates if user self-canceled their license for this app.

This method has previous versions which are no longer officially supported. They will continue to be usable but it's highly recommended that you use the latest version.
Change history:
  • Version 2 - Adds element sitelicense to the response.
  • Version 3 - Adds element usercanceled to the response.
  • Version 4 - Adds element timeexpires to the response.

NOTE: This call requires the publisher API key that owns the specified App ID to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appidsstringComma-delimited list of appids (max: 100)

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!

Example Response:
{ "price_info": { "220": { "packageid": 36, "currency": "USD", "initial_price": 999, "final_price": 999, "discount_percent": 0 } } }


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
rowversionuint64An unsigned 64-bit value used to page through deleted accounts. Pass 0 when calling this API for the first time, then pass the value returned from the previous call for each additional request. This value will need to be stored on your server for future calls.

You can use GetDeletedSteamIDs to retrieve a list of deleted accounts that owned your game(s) before deletion. This API was created to allow for the deletion of user related data for GDPR and other personal information related purposes.

The provided Steamworks Publisher Key is used for both authentication and to generate the list of appids to check against.


keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
relationshipstringrelationship type (ex: friend)


keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
steamidsstringComma-delimited list of SteamIDs


keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
steamidsstringComma-delimited list of SteamIDs (max: 100)

NOTE: This call should only be used if your website needs to display information about a user. If your game client needs any of this information, please use the client APIs instead.

This method has previous versions which are no longer officially supported. They will continue to be usable but it's highly recommended that you use the latest version.
Change history:
  • Version 2 - Removes element names from arrays

The response from the call will look something like this:

"response":{ "players":[ { "steamid":"77561198355051011", "communityvisibilitystate":1, "profilestate":1, "personaname":"Mister Manager", "lastlogoff":1556305001, "profileurl":"", "avatar":"", "avatarmedium":"", "avatarfull":"", }, { "steamid":"77561197978236369", "communityvisibilitystate":3, "profilestate":1, "personaname":"Olive The Dog", "lastlogoff":1556239336, "profileurl":"", "avatar":"", "avatarmedium":"", "avatarfull":"", } ] }


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user

This method has previous versions which are no longer officially supported. They will continue to be usable but it's highly recommended that you use the latest version.
Change history:
  • Version 3 - Adds element sitelicense to the response
  • Version 4 - Adds element usercanceled to the response.
  • Version 5 - Adds element timeexpires to the response.

The response from the call will look something like this:

"appownership":{ "apps":[ { "appid": 60, "ownsapp": true, "permanent": true, "timestamp": "2005-04-03T17:50:29Z", "timeexpires": "2005-05-03T17:50:29Z", "ownersteamid": "76561197978236369", "sitelicense": false, "usercanceled": false }, { "appid": 220, "ownsapp": false, "permanent": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-17T22:27:02Z", "timeexpires": "never", "ownersteamid": "0", "sitelicense": false, "usercanceled": true, "timedtrial": false } ] }

In the above example, the steamID 76561197978236369 has purchased appID 60. They also had purchased appID 220, but self-canceled it via the Steam Support site. The response will only contain either owned or usercanceled apps. If no apps are owned, then the response will contain an empty apps field.

The JSON response will contain the following fields:

appiduint32AppID associated with your WebAPI key
ownsappboolWhether the user currently owns your app. Will be true for ownership via purchases, CD-keys, Family Sharing, free weekends or PC Café program
permanentboolWhether the user permanently owns your app. Not true for ownership via Family Sharing, free weekends, or PC Café program
timestampstringGMT time for when the user first accquired the appID
timeexpiresstringTime that the app license will expire. Permanent licenses are marked as "never"
ownersteamiduint64Indicates the true owner if user is accessing this app via Family Sharing. Otherwise will be the same steamID passed in
sitelicenseboolIndicates if user is accessing this app through the PC Cafe program
usercanceledboolIndicates if user self-canceled their license for this app.

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user


keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
vanityurlstringThe vanity URL to get a SteamID for
url_typeint32The type of vanity URL. 1 (default): Individual profile, 2: Group, 3: Official game group
