Just in case you didn’t see our previous claims to success!! We’re really pleased that Uist House has been awarded in the Wood Awards 2024 alongside Koto Design and Unnos Systems/Kenton Jones. The final award of the night lulled us into thinking it was a long trip for nothing but excitingly the Wood Awards created a special category to recognise the project giving it the Research and Innovation Award. Manufactured and substantially finished in Welshpool, Usit House was transported as 7 modules, via land and sea, to the remote and extraordinary Hebridean island of Uist. As Technical Architect for this scheme, the detail of the built fabric was our focus and expertise – ensuring that through carefully designed junctions, both the sustainable aspirations and aesthetic vision of Koto Design and the client was achieved. This was delivered, whilst also breaking the building up into robust, waterproof, liftable and transportable parts. In this case the building had to contend with being moved some 600 miles, and the modules were designed specifically to fit the transportation limitations of the island ferry. Uist House utilises the Ty Unnos system - developed by director Rob Thomas during his PhD, in collaboration with specialist timber frame manufacturer and contractor Kenton Jones and other academic and industrial partners. The building meets passive house standards in terms of building fabric performance, far exceeding building regs levels for airtightness and thermal performance and seeks to minimise embodied carbon with all primary structures being constructed from bespoke engineered timber box beams pumped with cellulose insulation. This structural approach is unique in the volumetric industry with many systems relying on steel for their stiffness. The resultant construction approach offers a low embodied carbon fabric manufactured within a carefully controlled factory environment, minimising waste and delivering exceptional quality, free of the challenges of construction in one of the harshest environments in the UK. We are delighted to have received this award and to be recognised within a truly exceptional collection of work. We really look forward to continuing our collaboration with Koto Design, Unnos Systems/Kenton Jones & Paramount Structures Ltd