Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Disneyland's Pirates Lair theming and stunt show Videos

Hello! Disney and more is back, and the new topic today is about the Pirates Lair at Disneyland.
As by now, you have probably seen a lot of pictures on other sites - there is a lot of good one on the micechat at - here is two good youtube videos by Disneylandtourdotcom and Indy265. The first one will show you the whole new theming, and the second one the Pirates stunt show itself.
Here , too, two renderings , one of the stunt show - that Disney and more was the first to put on line some weeks ago - and one of the Pirates Lair map.
If the video below don't appear, you can find both of them here:

Artwork: copyright Disney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bonjour je sui francai et je ne c est pas parlai ni ecrir en anglai mai j ador votre blog et je le sui tou les jour merci pour vau information sur tou les parck disney
