Saturday, October 27, 2012

Editor's Note: Those of you who have participated to the Disney and more contest will find the right answers to the five questions and the winners name HERE. Also, i've sent an email to everyone who sent me their answers - wrong or right - for the contest, and if you haven't yet received my email which also bring you the surprise gift, please look in your spam box or send me an email and i will send it back to you.

Animal Kingdom Avatar Land Update

Lot of news about the mysterious Avatar Land project since the last two days. First, Screamscape did an update last friday and confirmed that the Avatar Land E-Ticket ride might be "a 3D simulator style ride using a large circular multi-story screen" which should take the guests for a flight around Pandora. Always according to Lance, a "C" ticket ride might be planned and would be "a family friendly boat ride experience (Small World of Pandora?) though I’d also got a hunch that it could be a land based dark ride system as well as it seems the early proposal may feature 6 to 9 passenger vehicles, using 3 rows of seat"s". There is much more to read in Lance's update that you can read on Screamscape HERE.

Meanwhile, John Frost on the Disney Blog had the scoop of the week with these Avatar rides plans which by the way confirms Screamscape update as you can see on them the four theaters for the simulator ride as well as on the top right of the one below, what might be the boat ride. According to John, WDI might build a huge volcano and some of the boat ride track could go inside this volcano (if there is one). Jump to the Disney Blog to see more blueprints and infos about this awaited land!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Is this a WDI CGI rendering for Animal Kingdom awaited Avatar Land?

Is this a WDI CGI rendering for Animal Kingdom awaited Avatar Land ? Or James Cameron new set for the first Avatar sequel? To have the answer jump to my new article on my Innoventions Blog HERE !

DLP Phantom Manor Update

A short DLP update today. As you know, Disneyland Paris is still celebrating Halloween and what place could be better than Frontierland Phantom Manor to enjoy the Halloween spirit?  Max Fan from DLRP Welcome and D&M contributor shot these pictures of Phantom Manor a few days ago and if you're a DLP fan you'll notice that this year no additional skeletons were put outside, in front of the manor. I suppose that all the budget went in the new Halloween ghosts on Main Street U.S.A but this must not stop you to enjoy the ghosts of DLP beloved attraction!

And one more pic for the road with this one showing the Disneyland Railroad Georges Washington locomotive!

Many thanks to Max who bring us regularly great pictures of Disneyland Paris!

See you soon for a new DLP update, and in the meantime those of you who are interested by the great DLP book might have a look at the presentation article on the book web site HERE
Order your copy of the acclaimed Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book while there is still copies available! You'll find all infos to order an ENGLISH edition HERE and for the FRENCH edition it's HERE. Watch below the video showing the whole book!

Choose quantity and enjoy an additional discount !

Pictures: Max Fan - DLRP Welcome

Friday, October 26, 2012

Disney and more Contest : Here are the Answers and Winners !



Hello Everyone, Here are the answers to the contest and i want to thank all of you who have participated to this contest. 205 people from all around the world sent their answers, 106 found the five right answers, and 99 unfortunately did one or more mistakes. Apparently the question 4 was the most difficult one as it is the question which had the most wrong answers. A lot of you thought that the answer was "Candy Mountain" and it was not the right answer - see below what was the right answer. However almost one on two people found the good answers to the five questions, and i hope you had fun doing this contest!
Here below are the names of the winners!

Bonjour à tous, Voici les bonnes réponses au concours et je veux remercier tous ceux d'entre vous qui ont participé au concours. 205 personnes de tous les pays ont envoyées leurs réponses, 106 ont trouvées les cinq bonnes réponses, et 99 ont fait une erreur ou plus. Apparemment la question 4 est celle qui était la plus difficile car c'est celle qui a eu le plus de mauvaises réponses, la plupart pensant que la bonne réponse était "Candy Mountain" alors que ce n'était pas le cas! Néanmoins presque une personne sur deux a trouvé les cinq bonnes réponses aux cinq questions et j'espère que ce concours a été amusant à faire!
Et maintenant voici les noms des gagnants!


Matt Hunter Ross who win one english edition of the Disneyland Paris book From Sketch to Reality

Laetitia Lapaix who win one french copy of the Disneyland Paris book From Sketch to Reality

Long-Quan Nguyen who win a copy of Disneyland Paris, 20 Years of Dreams


Et maintenant voici les bonnes réponses!

Question 1: A different Main Street U.S.A concept, set in the 1920-30's era was formerly envisioned by imagineer Eddie Sotto. Among the great ideas unfortunately cancelled there was one idea which was...

The good answer was number 1 : An elevated tramway, idea which finally appeared at Tokyo Disney Sea American Waterfront (see rendering at the top ).

Question 1: Un concept de Main Street USA basé sur une autre époque avait été envisagé par l'Imagineer Eddie Sotto mais finalement écarté. Parmi les idées annulées l'une des plus intéressants était...

La bonne réponse était la réponse 1 : Un tramway surélevé, idée reprise finalement à Tokyo Disney Sea American Waterfront ( voir le concept-art en haut de cet article )

Question 2: At DLP Frontierland, a show concept never realized, without audio-animatronics, was supposed to be created where the Pocahontas stage stands now, in the back of Frontierland. What was it?

The good answer was number 1 :  A Western stunt show, kind of Wild Wild West stunt show

You can read my previous article about it HERE and see a rendering of the envisioned show building below.

Question 2: A Frontierland, un concept de show sans audio-animatroniques, avait été envisagé à la place ou se dresse actuellement le Pocahontas Stage. Quel était le concept de ce show?

La bonne réponse était la réponse 1 : Un show de cascades western
Vous pouvez lire à ce sujet mon précédent article ICI et ci-dessous un concept-art du show building envisagé.

Question 3: At DLP Adventureland, WDI Imagineers had envisioned to transform the Swiss Robinson Tree in another attraction. Which one was it?

The good answer was number 2 : A Tarzan roller coaster
This question was not that easy but most of you found the right answer. The Tarzan "coaster" was envisioned to be build near Captain Hook's pirate ship and using in big part the Swiss Robinson Tree structure, and if i'm right it would have been an inverted coaster. Rendering below.

Question 3: A Adventureland, les imagineers avaient éventualisés de transformer l'Arbre des Robinsons Suisses en une autre attraction. Quelle était-elle?

La bonne réponse était la réponse 2) : Un roller coaster Tarzan  Cette question n'était pas forcément facile mais la plupart d'entre vous ont trouvé la bonne réponse. Il était envisagé de construire ce Tarzan "coaster" prés du bateau du Captain Hook et en utilisant en grande partie la structure de l'arbre des Robinsons. Rendering ci-dessous.

Question 4: According to Jim Hill, in DLP Fantasyland, instead of the Casey Jr ride, WDI Imagineers had envisioned to build another kind of ride, at the same location. What was it?

The good answer was number 1 : Seven Dwarfs mine train, like the one currently being built at WDW.
Yes, according to Jim in one of his recent article the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train was envisioned by the imagineers in the 90's instead of the Casey Jr ride.

Question 4: D'aprés Jim Hill, à Fantasyland, les Imagineers avaient envisagés de construire à la place de l'attraction Casey Jr une autre attraction. Quelle était son nom:

La bonne réponse était la réponse 1 : Une attraction Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, comme celle qui est en train d'être construite à WDW.

Question 5: At DLP Discoveryland, WDI Imagineers had previously envisioned another name for the Space Mountain ride. What was it?

The good answer was of course number 2 : Discovery Mountain as you can see on the picture below showing Imagineers working on the project at WDI.
This one was the easiest question and also the only question which had 100% good answers!

Question 5: A Discoveryland, les Imagineers avaient au départ envisagés un autre nom pour l'attraction de Space Mountain. Quelle était ce nom?

La bonne réponse était bien sur la réponse 2 : Discovery Mountain comme vous pouvez le voir sur le panneau dans le fond de la photo ci-dessous montrant des Imagineers lors de la création de Space Mountain.
Cette question était la plus simple et aussi celle qui a reçue 100% de bonnes réponses!

Thanks again to all of you! An email will be sent soon to all of those who have participated with the "special gift" as well as the promised discount coupon to order the From Sketch to Reality book at a "special Christmas" price.
EDITING NOTE: All emails have been sent now. If you are among those who have participated to the contest and have not received my email by tomorrow,  please let me know, i will send it again to you.

Merci encore à tous! Tous les participants au concours recevront très bientôt un email avec le "spécial gift" ainsi que le coupon de réduction promis permettant d'acquérir le livre "De l'Esquisse à la Création" à un prix "spécial Noel".
NOTE: Si vous avez participé au concours et que vous n'avez pas reçu un email de moi d'ici demain, dites-le moi, je vous le renverrais.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Hours to Participate to the Disney and more Contest !

Hello Everyone! It's the last day to participate to the Disney and more contest, to send your answers to the five questions and to eventually be one of the lucky winners! The contest ends tonight at midnight, California time - 9 AM tomorrow friday Paris time - and all answers must be sent by email at:

 You'll find all infos and the five questions you need to answer on the article about the contest right HERE.

 Good luck to everyone!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Editor's Note: Howdy, Folks! I remind you that the Disney and more contest is ending TOMORROW Thursday 25th at midnight, California time! ( friday 26th at 9 a.m Paris time ) and there is TWO copies of my Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book as well as ONE copy of the "DLP, 20 Years of Dreams" to win! There is just five questions to answer,  it's fun to play,  and you'll find all about this contest HERE

Will WDI use these new LG IPS Monitors for in ride special effects ?

LG has released a video to introduce their new LG IPS Monitors supposedly having great clarity and color, at least enough to scare people in this elevator sequence. It's not Tower of Terror but almost for each of them entering the elevator. If it's not a fake, there is no doubt that it's a good visual trick that WDI could use during a ride if they hadn't done yet an attraction involving an "elevator"! But they might find another way to use these in the future...have a look!

Video: copyright LG

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Iron Man 3 Trailer !

Disney released the very first Iron Man 3 trailer as well as the poster above. The trailer looks not bad at all, i have the feeling this Irom Man 3 might be better than the no 2... Have a look, and the trailer is in english with french subtitles!

Picture and Video: copyright Disney - Marvel

Mermaids Appear in WDW Pirates of Caribbean

The rumor was right: "On Strangers Tides" mermaids have appeared in WDW Magic Kingdom Pirates of Caribbean. Don't expect though to face half-naked sea creatures and make sure you look on the right side of the ride as these mermaids are introduced in the beloved attraction mostly thanks to lighting and water effects and a mermaid skeleton, the one you see on the picture above.

If you want to see ( if i can say, as it's pretty dark ) some moving images Orlando Attractions has posted a video that you can see HERE.

Screen Capture: copyright Orlando Attractions

Don't miss Disney and more contest ending October 25th, and be the lucky winner of Disneyland Paris book! It's RIGHT HERE.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Shanghaî Disneyland Construction Pictures !

Shanghaî Disneyland construction began and as we know SDL news are rare. But Shanghaî Disneyland under construction pictures are even more rare! Thanks to a chinese photo agency we have the very first pictures showing the construction of Disney's most awaited theme park project.

As you'll see below this is just the start and obviously they're building now the park and resort's foundations. As to know what will be what by looking at these pictures, i'm sorry to say that i can't tell, at least not until there is more to see which hopefully will happen in a few months!

I remind you that i'm partly on a break all this week ( although as you can see it doesn't stop me to post new articles ) and also to don't miss the great Disney and more Contest in which there is two copies of the Disneyland Paris book "From Sketch to Reality" to win as well as one copy of the new DLP, 20 years of Dreams!

There is five questions to answer, it's fun to play, and with a bit of luck you might be among the lucky winners! The contest ends next thursday October 25 and  all you have to do is to jump HERE and answer to the five questions! Good luck to you!
