Friday, October 30, 2009

James Cameron's Avatar second trailer is a big WOW !

The second Avatar trailer is now released and it's a big WOW! One of the main reason is that in most of the scenes of the movie - out of the human base - absolutely everything doesn't exist in real, eveything was digitally created: Pandora's lush jungle, the animals, the war planes, the Navi's - Pandora natives - everything! And if we think one minute about all this, we understand that the work it represents is awesome. Of course, the digitally created Navi's will mark a new step in special effects but the movie with its epic story - kind-of "Apocalypse Now meets Dance with the Wolves" - promise to be not only spectacular but also emotionally strong. James Cameron is known as a master director and for his stunning special effects, but we forget that he is also a brilliant director of emotions.

Below, the Avatar synopsis - there may be some spoilers in it, but not too much - and of course this incredible trailer. Avatar is released in a month and a half from now, on December 18, and i predict a huge world success to the movie, which will be also released in 3D!

"Avatar is set during the 22nd century on a small moon called Pandora, which orbits a gas giant. The storys protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is a former Marine who was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. Jake is selected to participate in the Avatar program, which will enable him to walk. Jake travels to Pandora, a lush jungle-covered extraterrestrial moon filled with incredible life forms, some beautiful, many terrifying.

Pandora is also home to the Navi, a sentient humanoid race that are more physically capable than humans, although considered primitive. Standing three meters tall, with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Navi live in harmony with their unspoiled world and peaceful unless attacked. As humans encroach deeper into Pandora's forests in search of valuable minerals, the Navi unleash their formidable warrior abilities to defend their threatened existence.

Jake has unwittingly been recruited to become part of this encroachment. Since humans are unable to breathe the air on Pandora, they have created genetically-bred human-Navi hybrids known as Avatars. The Avatars are living, breathing bodies that are controlled by a human "driver" through a technology that links the driver's mind to their Avatar body.

On Pandora, through his Avatar body, Jake can be whole once again. Sent deep into Pandora's jungles as a scout for the soldiers that will follow, Jake encounters many of Pandora's beauties and dangers. There he meets a young Navi female, Neytiri, whose beauty is only matched by her ferocity in battle. Over time, Jake integrates himself into Neytiri's clan, and begins to fall in love with her. As a result, Jake finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth, and the Navi, forcing him to choose sides in an epic battle that will decide the fate of an entire world."

No need to be a genius to understand that Avatar is a parable on our world, on how humans with the help of military-industrial estate are ready to create wars to put their hands on precious raw materials even if this will destroy some precious nature and human being.

And now, on with the show, here is the Avatar trailer, i highly recommand to watch it in full screen mode! Enjoy!

Pictures and video: copyright 20th Century Fox


sebastiaan said...

looks impressive. Wondering why they used the score from the rock for this trailer...

john321 said...


Huh? You're comparing it with this score:

Sounds nothing like it if you ask me...

Although the special effects look great and seeing this in Digital 3D will probably look awesome, I still have problems with the story. It looks just like another "the humans drop by and make a total mess out of it, only for their own gain" story all over again.

Alain Littaye said...

Yes, a lot of people are saying this about Avatar's story, but if we think, most of the stories in films today are not new... but what is important is the way they're told and the emotional qualities.
Think about Titanic that was basically the story of a love story of two young people caught in the old conflict between lower class and upper class...nothing really new isn't it? Even worst, everybody knew the end of this legendary story! And was it a problem? No! because all the genius of the movie was in the directing, the acting, and the incredible emotions.
So, believe me Avatar's story won't be the problem, the movie is going to be great, really!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a new game on Playstation 3...
Another geek movie but nothing more.

Jones said...

Not as bad as the first trailer (which was a shock for me, really - I could not believe how bad it looked) - still, if I want to see PS3 images, I turn to my PS3...

Anonymous said...

Well, we always think that some hideous unearthly aliens will be the ones out there conquering the worlds of the galaxy.

Who says it won't be we humans who will be the alien invaders one day?

Maybe there's a reason no one is trying to contact us.

Anonymous said...

The Story of Pocahontas set in Space.

Greg Delaney said...

if you're gonna a big blockbuster sci-fi action flick these days and come out on top, it had better be freakin awesome

Unknown said...

how about you guys go make some movies since you're so smart and creative. quit bitching. remember, kids still think things are cool so don't spoil it for them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rob, I have seen the film and it is spectacular. It is extremely well made and looks fantastic in 3D. By far the best film I have seen in ages.

Anonymous said...

i saw the film in 3d the effect was amazing, the graphics were amazing and although i admit the story was a bit flawed i loved the film. it will be a very hard filme to beat if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

This movie ..was the bast movie i have ever seen and this is coming from a sixteen year old girl.."i LOVED it..and no im not some science nerd eather was just an awsome movie..with action,drama,love, and at some points very funny...go avatar.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Saw it, loved it, wanna see it again! If i could be an avatar i would so want to ride those bird things!
